Self-Efficacy Career and the Career Maturity of Teenagers at the Exploration Stage (original) (raw)

The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Career Maturity of High School Students in Pacitan Regency


The study aims to determine the influence of selfefficacy towards career maturity of high school students in Pacitan district. This research is an ex-post facto study with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all public high school students in Pacitan District with a total of 3952 students. The sample size in this study was 371 students who were determined by a multi stage proportional random sampling technique. Data collection used a self-efficacy questionnaire adapted from scale to Eggen & Kauchak selfefficacy, and career maturity questionnaire adapted from Dybwad's Career Maturity Scale. Validity is tested by content validity through expert judgment. Data were analyzed by simple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 20.0 for Windows. The results showed that self-efficacy had a positive effect on the career maturity of students. Keywords— self-efficacy, career maturity

Career Self-Efficacy among Undergraduate Student in a Public University (Efikasi Kendiri Kerjaya dalam Kalangan Pelajar Ijazah Pertama di Universiti Awam)

Akademika, 2020

Career readiness among university students including careerplanning, choosing and making career decisions. This study aims to identify the career self-efficacy among first-degree students and to measure the differences between education field clusters and gender. This study uses survey design to identify the student’s career self-efficacy pattern. 1391 first-degree students involved as sample in this study. Instrument used in this study is Career Decision Self-Efficacy (CDSE-SF). Data was analysed descriptively, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results found that career self-efficacy level was low (1.5%), moderate (37.1%) and high (61.4%). One-way ANOVA analysis shows that there are no significant differences between science and technology, health and medical science, and social science [F (2.1388) = 2.81, p > .05]. While t-test found that there are no significant differences between gender [t = -1.539, p > .05]. This study implies that first-degree students that have low and moderat...

Self-efficacy and career decision making difficulties in senior high school students

Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi

This research aims to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and career decision-making difficulties in senior high school students, also to determine the differences in career decision-making difficulties between public school students and private school students. The dependent variable was career decision-making difficulties, and the independent variable was self-efficacy. This research used a quantitative method. The samples analyzed were 193 students of senior high school N and S in Semarang. The data collection of this study used methods of career decision-making difficulties questionnaire and scale of self-efficacy. Career decision-making difficulties questionnaire amounted 38 items with item-total correlation 0.380-0.768 and internal consistency equaled to 0.960. The scale of self-efficacy amounted 29 items with item-total correlation of 0.399-0,614 and internal consistency equal to 0.911. In this research, the data analysis used a bivariate correlation from Pearson and Independent-Samples t-Test. Based on the results of Product Moment analysis, it obtained r =-0.528 with significance level p=0.000 (p<0.05). The result showed that there was a significant negative relationship between career decision-making difficulties and self-efficacy in senior high school students. The result of statistics of independent-samples t-test was F=1.496 with significance of 0,319 (p>0.01) and mean value for senior high school students N of 66.14 was higher than the mean value of senior high school students S of 62.44. The result showed that there was no significance in career decision-making difficulties between public and private senior high school.

Influence of Career Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Career Exploration Behaviours among TVET College Students in Wollega Zones Town

Getu Tadele, 2018

Article Information The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which influence of career self-efficacy beliefs on career exploration behaviour of TVET college students. A total 238 TVET college students from the three Wollega Zone were selected using multistage sampling methods. The instrument of data collection was self-report questionnaire were career self-efficacy adapted (Nasta, 2007), and Career Exploration behaviour (Stumpf et al., 1983). Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation for career self-efficacy beliefs and career exploration behaviour, and regression analysis used to predicate influence of career self-efficacy on career exploration behaviour. Result of research indicated that career self-efficacy sources were positive influenced and statistical significantly correlated with career exploration behaviour(r= .408, P<.01). The career self-efficacy has positive and strong statistically significant association with past performances accomplishment of the students (r= .752, P< .01). However, it was statistically significant and has weak relationship with career exploration behaviour (r= .214, P<.05).Verbal persuasion is more significant association (r = .555, P<.01) to career exploration behaviours than other sources. Multiple liner Regressions analysis shows that, approximately 17% of variance in the career exploration behaviour was significant prediction by career self-efficacy beliefs. In conclusion, career self-efficacy a belief is positively influenced career exploration behaviour among TVET college students.

Influence Of Career Self-Efficacy On Career Exploration Among Senior High School Students

Brew, M, 2018

Abstract: The study sought to find out the influence of career self-efficacy on senior high school students’ career exploration practices. The study employed survey research design to collect data for the study from 273 senior high school students (145 males and 128 females) from three selected mixed schools. Two questionnaires were developed and used to collect data on respondents’ career exploration practices, career exploration level, and career self-efficacy level. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Respondents’ scores on the questionnaires were organized into frequency counts and converted into percentages and presented as bar graphs and tables. The results showed that the main career exploration practice the students engaged in was field trip. It was recommended that school counsellors should consider other practices that involve little or no finances when designing career exploration programmes to assist students explore existing careers. Keywords: career choices, self-efficacy, carer exploration, senior high school, students


The present study explored the career decision-making self-efficacy and decision-making style among senior secondary school students. The sample comprised 250 students (132 boys and 118 girls) from Government schools of Chandigarh. Keeping in view the nature of the study, the descriptive method was chosen and the data were collected through survey method by using Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) scale a

Students’ Career Understanding and Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy in Junior High School

Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 2021

This study aimed to determine students’ career understanding on the career decision making self-efficacy of Junior High School students in Central Java Province. The study used qualitative method, comparative test for data analysis, and self-efficacy scale to collect the career decision making data of students who have and have not gained career understanding. In this way, Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy was used as a framework theory, while cluster random sampling was employed to collect the study sample (N = 311). The data collection was done through a direct survey using 25 questions regarding career decision making self-efficacy (CDSE-SF) and career understanding questionnaire. Based on the data analysis, the researchers found significant differences in CDSE-SF results of students who have gained career understanding and not, including (1) Understanding of various alternative jobs (t(311) = 4.911, p < .000), (2) Information on the world of work requirements (t(311) = 4.602,...

Analysis of Career Maturity on High School Students


This article aims to determine the career maturity profile of high school students based on the results of a review of the theories of John Milton Dillard, Donald Edwin Super, John Lewis Holland and the results of previous relevant research on career maturity. Career maturity is needed by teenagers to be able to choose and prepare themselves to enter the career world well. Career maturity should be owned by high school students by making the right career choices to continue further study or enter the workforce. This research employed survey method. The research instrument trials were conducted on 305 students of class XI at SMA N 6 Bandung. Instrument trials include testing the validity and reliability testing. The data needed in this study is the career maturity profile of class XI high school students. To obtain student career maturity profile data used an instrument of student career maturity that is made based on three aspects, namely cognitive aspects, affective aspects, and ps...

Influence of Career Self-Efficacy on Career Exploration among Senior High School Students in Relation to Gender

International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 2018

The study sought to identify the various ways through which senior high school students in the Effutu Municipality explore existing careers. Also, the study sought to find out gender differences in career exploration level and career selfefficacy levels among students. Survey research design was used for the study. Data for the study were collected from 273 (145 male and 128 female) senior high school students, selected from three mixed schools. Two questionnaires were developed for the study to seek information on career exploration practices, students’ career exploration level, and career self-efficacy level. Descriptive and correlational statistics were used to analyse the data. Respondents’ scores on questionnaire were organized descriptively into frequency counts and percentages. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the main career exploration practice the students engaged in was field trip. Results of correlational statistics indicated that female and male stude...


The present study explored the career decision-making self-efficacy and decision-making style among senior secondary school students. The sample comprised 250 students (132 boys and 118 girls) from Government schools of Chandigarh. Keeping in view the nature of the study, the descriptive method was chosen and the data were collected through survey method by using Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) scale and Adolescent Decision-making Style (ADMS) questionnaire. The results of the study revealed positive and significant relationship between adjusted decision-making style i.e. self-confidence with career decision-making self-efficacy and negative significant relationship between unadjusted decision-making style i.e. panic, avoidance and impulsive. It signifies that the students who were self-confident, less panicky, not tend to avoid making decisions and less impulsive are more confident in making career decisions. Medical students were more confident in making career related decisions as compared to their counterparts from other academic streams.