Editorial 2021 (original) (raw)
When writing our last year's editorial during the early days of January 2020, little did we know that our lives were about to drastically change. COVID-19 has affected the way we use technology as well as the way we lead our personal, social and working lives. As to the production process of the journal, COVID 19 clearly was a game changer. During the first lockdown in spring 2020, considerably less submissions reached us. During summer and autumn, submissions increased, reaching 87 articles by the end of the year, more concretely 81 regular articles, five research in brief articles and one debate article (compared to 85 submissions in 2019, and 65 in 2018). In 2020, authors had to write while teaching online and coping with a changed work-life balance, faced with field research that had to be rearranged or suspended, conferences that were canceled or transferred to a virtual edition, home schooling and child care and worries concerning relatives and friends. Especially for young researchers this was often combined with the structural problem of short-term contracts. In 2020, we faced disruption and often we lacked the serenity to reflect, analyse and write. Under these difficult circumstances, we are grateful to our authors for their high-level contributions and for remaining committed to our journal. This gives us the optimism that 2021 will be a better and again a fruitful year. Our journal seeks to improve its position as a forum for high quality research,
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2020 is coming to an end, a year that will be marked in global history by the COVID-19 pandemic and its destructive effects on all dimensions of life in society, with thousands of victims who did not resist the disease. But this year's conclusion is also one of hope, with the first global vaccination campaign already taking place in many countries all over the world. Scientific and technological research is certainly to be congratulated on the rapid and efficient response it has produced, dem..
Editorial Volume 4 (1) 2019 - Development and evolution of the journal
Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 2019
This editorial describes our journal’s evolution since 2016 as well as the actions taken by the editorial committee to achieve objectives that have allowed us to be among the leading journals in the world. It also presents our goal for 2020: To keep on funding authors by covering the processing, editing, and layout charges and to allocate more financial resources to fund authors’ research devoted to make visible problems and solutions related to suffering caused by social inequalities.
AISHE J 12(2) Summer 2020 Editorial
All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 2020
We are delighted to welcome you to this varied and thought-provoking second issue of Volume 12. When we published issue 1, at the end of February this year, concern about the COVID-19 virus was mounting, however few could have foreseen what a significant impact it would have on our lives and societies. The physical closure of all Irish educational establishments in March 2020 forced a shift to ‘emergency remote teaching’ that has been very challenging. Colleagues across higher education have responded to this with innovation, flexibility and care. In April 2020, AISHE-J issued a call for papers for a Special Issue on COVID-19 and Irish Higher Education. This will be published in October 2020, however the current issue includes 7 ‘Rapid Responses’ that share practices, experiences or discuss issues in relation to impact of the COVID-19 emergency over the past 3 months.
Erciyes Medical Journal , 2021
Objective: Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease characterized by severe respiratory infection by SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 was first appeared in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and then rapidly became a global pandemic from a local outbreak. The present study aims to present the rapid increase of scientific productivity on COVID-19 by comparing publications of the first quarter with the first half of 2020. Materials and Methods: Web of Science (WoS) software was used for the search and the analysis. To compare scientific productivity of two periods as the first quarter and the first half of the pandemic era, all scientific papers published about COVID-19 included in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) from January 1st to April 5th and from January 1st to July 9th of 2020 were searched using the following terms: “COVID-19”,“2019-n-CoV”,“SARS-CoV-2”,“Coronavirus disease 19” and “2019 novel coronavirus” as nomenclatures of COVID-19. Results: Overall, 337 and 11.704 scientific papers related to COVID-19, indexed by SCI-E, were found in the first quarter and the first half of 2020, respectively. While the biggest contribution for publications was from People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the first quarter and was from the USA in the first half of 2020 for COVID-19. Conclusion: We found a close correlation between the rapid acceleration of scientific papers and turning the disease from a local outbreak to a global pandemic. Since sharing experiences is as important as struggling with these kinds of novel diseases, we believe that encouraging researchers to make scientific publications for others is more important than ever in the circumstances like this.
Editorial: A Brief Retrospective (2013-2019)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2019
In this editorial, we wish to offer: (1) some reflections on my experience as EIC-initially and as I got involved in the role, as well as after I retired from the role; (2) an overview of what JAIS published in the six years of my term-the credit for preparing this part of the article goes to my co-authors; and (3) heartfelt thanks to members of the community for supporting the journal and its EIC.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2018
As our first issue for 2018 it is timely to provide some bibliometrics on the recent performance of the journal. The bibliometric data in this editorial provide readers with information about the journal’s publication, review and article access statistics, the articles attracting the most interest over the past year and the citation performance of the journal. Overall, the journal continues to strengthen its position with high quality submissions and an increasing trend in citation impact factors.
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