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Editorial Volume 4 (1) 2019 - Development and evolution of the journal
Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 2019
This editorial describes our journal’s evolution since 2016 as well as the actions taken by the editorial committee to achieve objectives that have allowed us to be among the leading journals in the world. It also presents our goal for 2020: To keep on funding authors by covering the processing, editing, and layout charges and to allocate more financial resources to fund authors’ research devoted to make visible problems and solutions related to suffering caused by social inequalities.
The 2015 “State of the Journal” report
Software & Systems Modeling, 2016
With the inception of SoSyM in 2001, we will this year celebrate its 15th year anniversary! Over the past 14 volumes, SoSyM has published a total of 512 different articles and editorials (145 regular papers, 159 special section papers, 76 theme section papers, 45 editorials, 46 guest editorials, 34 expert voices, 1 industry voice, 4 discussion/overview papers, 2 errata). The journal is doing very well and recently received an Impact Factor of 1.408. In 2015, SoSyM published 79 articles and editorials (26 regular papers, 42 special section papers, 5 editorials, 6 guest editorials), which included 1580 pages (issues 1 and 2 were doubled in size to reduce the backlog of papers in the online pipeline). For the issues of 2016 Springer has increased again the number of pages per issue from 256 pages in 2015 to 294 pages so that we will publish at least 1176 pages this year. The number of paper downloads from the Springer SoSyM site continues to be higher than the first decade of publication.
Information Systems Journal, 2023
Every July, journal impact factors (JIFs) for the preceding year are released. JIFs are eagerly anticipated as proxies for journal quality and influence (Lowry et al., 2013), although we acknowledge a longstanding countermovement that rejects such journal-level metrics and argues that only article-level quality and impact should be assessed or that suggests other impact measures (e.g., Bollen et al., 2005; Leydesdorff, 2012). We also acknowledge the inherent risks associated with scientometric analysis of journal impact (cf. Clarke, 2016), especially in drawing inferences about what anyone (publisher, editor, author, or reader) might do as a result of that analysis. The most-reported JIF covers two years, with a simple formula as follows: JIF (2022) = (citations to citable articles published in 2019 & 2020) / (# articles published in 2021). In 2020, the calculation was slightly modified to include within the denominator the count of articles appearing in Early View (i.e., articles already accepted but not yet assigned to an issue) and within the numerator citations to citable articles from Early View. Editors, publishers and scientometric researchers anticipated that this might lead to a temporary spike in JIFs. A two-year JIF favors journals that publish quickly-cited articles while a five-year JIF captures the longer-term citation impact. Thus, it would not be unreasonable to count JIFs for 10 or more years, because, in some disciplines (notably the humanities) articles take many years to build sufficient reputation to be cited. Google Scholar’s h5 index is relevant here, as it offers a broader view of how many well-cited papers a journal has published over a five-year period. In 2020, we noticed significant spikes in the JIFs of several leading information systems (IS) journals, both inside and outside the Association for Information Systems (AIS) basket of eight (AIS-8) premier journals. A moderate degree of JIF fluctuation is normal, and few journals increase steadily year after year, but the changes in 2020 were remarkable. As example, the JIF for the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) rose from 3.949 in 2019 to 7.838 in 2020; likewise, Information & Organization (I&O), rose to from 3.300 to 6.300. Every other major IS journal saw significant increases. In analyzing the patterns, the scope of our editorial is to discuss the implications for the top 13 IS journals, beginning with the AIS-8: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), and Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ). We also included five well-regarded and highly cited IS journals outside the AIS-8: Decision Support Systems (DSS), Information & Management (I&M), Information & Organization (I&O), International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), and IT & People (IT&P).
Editorial: Vol. 9, No. 4, 2017
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2017
With the publication Volume 9, number 4, the journal enters 10 years of scholarly Open Access publishing. The year 2018 will celebrated in various ways; there will be Special Issues, awards for authors and more. At the same time, we feel, it is time to introspect the context of the making of the journal and its future. In the year 2008 when the founding editors thought of promoting researches in Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Open Access utilizing the new web technology, we entered a vast area of emerging technology. So primarily it was our tryst with technology that led us to explore and organize the necessary tools for creating a journal. Now when we look back at what went to the making of the journal, we understand that we were truly inspired by the promise of the web facilitating communications in wholly new way. Of course, we were amateurs in the field of scholarly publishing, but at the same time we were seeking to implement certain international standards and norms at a time when research publication rarely followed those criteria in India.
First Time List, Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics, 20 June 2019 تغريد النور
First Time List, Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics, 20 June 2019 about the journal citation reports حول التقارير مجلة الاستشهادات Each year, millions of holarly works are published containing tens of millions of citations. Eachcitationisa the meaningful connection created by the research community in the process of describing their research. Thejournalstheyusearethe journals they value. Journal Citation Reports aggregates citations to the our selected core o f journals, allowing this vast networkofscholarshiptotell its story. .توفر تقارير الاستشهاد بالمجلة ذكاء مجلة يسلط الضوء على قيمة ومشاركة مجلة من خلال مجموعة غنية من البيانات والمقاييس والتحليلات الشفافة jcr.clarivate.com
A Multi-disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Annual Publication By
A research publication alone is not sufficient, it is the adequate and appropriate dissemination of knowledge through the research work published that will make a difference. Since the impact of research and knowledge is best seen, when it is shared in diverse languages, both national & international. Both through conferences and research publications, research findings need encouragement for being debated before being disseminated. It is only when through discussions a constructive feedback is provided, that the research quality can improve. Today, there are various research journals published in every sphere of education, teacher education, technology, science, sociology, psychology, philosophy, health sector, arts, etc. But how to know the quality of these research journals there requires the journal citation factors. With this objective our college has added one more feature in our multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal. Initially, it was only with ISSN status, gradually various features were added to the quality of journal. In 2014, the journal received an impact th factor score from Global Impact Factor, Australia and now with the journal's 14 consecutive publication, we have been listed in the database of EBSCO, USA. We have eminent international personalities on the Advisory Board and a prestigious team of subject experts. We, the Editorial Board members take this opportunity to provide platform to researchers to continue contributing in our esteemed publication.
The 2011 “State of the Journal” Report
Software & Systems Modeling, 2012
Below we list the reviewers who reviewed one or more papers for the journal in the last year. A complete list of reviewers can be found on our website http://www.sosym. org/.