Development in Bulukumba District (original) (raw)
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industries in the economy of Indonesia. Since the recognition of batik as one of the cultural wealth and national identity of Indonesia by UNESCO, batik production keeps increasing as a result of increasing demand for batik, whether from domestic or abroad consumers. One of the rapid development batik industries locations in Indonesia is in Lawean Village, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. Batik industry in Lawean generally uses putting-out system where batik workers work in their own houses. With the implementation of this system, therefore employers do not have to prepare Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA), social security for workers, overtime pay, work space, and production devices. The data used to explain this reality is primary data from qualitative research with in-depth interview data collection technique. Information determination used in this syudy is purposive technique. The theory used in this study is phenomenology theory by Alfred Schutz. Qualitative method and phenomen...
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This study attempts to analyze the impact of Indonesian government policies on poverty alleviation through the tourism industry, particularly in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone. This research uses a case study method with a saturation technique in finding Participants. In addition, the authors carried out several stages in the analysis including data reduction, data display, triangulation, and conclusion. Nvivo software is used to analyze this research data. The findings suggest that government-supported tourism has reduced poverty to some extent while also increasing the opportunities, employability skills, and willingness of the poor to participate. However, the centralized development structure creates a gap in what is needed by the surrounding community.
Encouraging Economic Development Through Local Community Participation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Environmental Issues (ICOSSEI 2019), 2020
The 1998 economic crisis that occurred in Indonesia witnessed history that the informal economy such as MSMEs proved to be able to survive in the midst of a storm of crisis. Therefore, economic growth through the development of MSME products is quite glimpsed by the public. In addition to not needing large capital, MSMEs also have relatively small risks. This article aims to discuss the participation of local people in the development of MSME leather products in Kedensari Village, Tanggulangin Sub-District, Sidoarjo Regency in disruption era. This study uses Mixed Method as the research method with the Sequential Exploratory research approach. This research approach places qualitative methods as the main method, and quantitative methods as supporting methods. This study will describe the participation of local people in developing MSMEs with Arnstein's theory of participation. Based on the theory, community participation is divided by level from Citizen control, Delegated Power, Partnership, Placation, Consultation, Informing, Therapy, and Manipulation. The participation of the Kedensari village local community regarding the development of MSME leather products will be classified based on the classification of participation from the Arnstein theory.
Analysis of Equality in Social, Economy and Education in Indonesian Villages
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The background of this research is to look at and examine conditions, the population around and in several villages visited by the author, with a considerable amount of , social ,economic and education status of our society which is still below the welfare standard. The purpose of this research is to examine the causes and how solutions must be taken by the government, or the community itself, so that they can live in harmony with other communities whose lives, education in accordance with living standards. In this study the authors used a qualitative perspective method approach with a case study model, because the authors considered the qualitative method in accordance with the research conducted by the author. When this study was conducted the author examined 10 people as participants, to be informants in taking research data, and the time of the study conducted by the author was around 14 weeks. The results of this study the authors have found five indicators that must be used ...
This research was qualitative in nature, through phenomenology of approach, but the results showed that coastal community empowerment holds an important role, in addition to strengthening the economic base of coastal communities also have an impact on the distribution of seafood to Indonesia Society consumed and exported, so that with the potential results of the sea that was owned directly by coastal communities is expected to be the locomotive of development who are able to prosper both micro level as well as the macro level, the concept of empowerment is made by the Government to do continuous improvement, given the komplesitas problems of coastal communities is very need attention, it takes policies and support from various parties to make coastal communities are able to live prosperous peace in the form of either physical or non physical.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how to develop the potential of the village so that it can provide a source of village income. This research uses qualitative methods with a participatory approach. Resource persons in this study was determined by means snowball, so come by several speakers who considered sufficiently representative. Data processing with a SWOT analysis approach. The results showed that Burno village has the main potential in the form of bananas, especially kirana bananas. Potential supporters are village tourism. So that the design developed by the village is the development of the potential of Burno Village to become a banana center in the form of a banana agro-tourism concept with cultivation modeling, post-harvest and tourism education. Supporting this activity is through the support of naturebased tourism (sundari area, waterfall and bamboo forest) and its surroundings as well as education on the cattle farming sector and local culture.
The Local Economy and Rural Development in Berambai Hamlet, East Kalimantan
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The role of the local economy gets eroded due to the inclusion of capitalization in rural areas. This research examines the coal mining industry's influence on the local economy's existence in Berambai Hamlet, Bukit Pariaman Village, Tenggarong Seberang Sub-district, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. This research uses qualitative research methods; meanwhile, data collection methods use field observation and in-depth interviews. Interviews were conducted in stages through a snowball sampling to strengthen the observations' results. The results show that the local economy and livelihood in Berambai Hamlet are under pressure and eroded due to coal mining activities. Livelihood products shrank drastically, especially fish and rice, due to mining waste polluting rivers and agricultural land conversion to mining areas. Furthermore, other sources of income from farmworkers are not enough to fulfill the needs. The government needs to protect their ...
This study takes place in an Iban community village located at the foot of Bukit Buri in an area called Kampung Kesindu, Simunjan. A part of the community lives in the longhouse headed by a headman named Tuai Rumah Robert Gana anak Jampong, while others have built their own houses around the longhouse. The aims of this study are to study the sustainable livelihood strategies and potential socioeconomic development activities in Kampung Kesindu, Simunjan. The study explores how the community livelihood strategies influenced their socioeconomic and natural environment. This study combines qualitative survey and participatory research techniques, namely Participatory Research Appraisal (PRA), as an approach to achieve a broad understanding of the livelihood strategies and land use of the community in Kampung Kesindu. The social sciences techniques used in this study are transect walk, seasonal calendar, focus group interview, and questionnaire survey. The study shows the essential aspect of the livelihood strategy in the community is to strike a balance between income security and food security. In addition, natural, social, human, financial, and physical capitals were identified to study the livelihood strategies at Kampung Kesindu. It is also important to realise that the community is dynamic in managing their resources. Government agencies play an important role in providing the subsidy and assistance for agriculture development in
The Role of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in The Community Development Planning of Minangkabau, Indonesia
Tungku Tigo Sajarangan holds a vital role in the deliberation process of the development in the Minangkabau community, regardless of the lack of synergy. This study aims to analyze and describe the position of this customary institution in the development planning of Bukik Batabuah Nagari in Candung District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. The qualitative methods used in the data collection were semi-structured interview techniques comprising 20 informants, as well as field observations and documentation. Subsequently, the results showed that there was synergy from the perspective of individual and behavioral dimensions. Although this synergy was not observed from the position dimension, especially the Cadiak Pandai element, it can still be overcome by mutual control. Concerning the dimensions of the relationship with other parties, Tungku Tigo Sajarangan remains active and participates in providing recommendations and opinions. This activity was observed even though no village regulation came from the Bamus Nagari initiative in implementing the village administration. Consequently, it was concluded that Tungku Tigo Sajarangan has played an active role in the planning process for the development of Bukik Batabuah Nagari. Also, the research recommended that the leadership system should act as a civil society to participate consistently
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (ICOSI-HESS 2022), 2022
The Gerbang Kaca program is a regional development policy set to seek change through intervention in the village. This research aims to explain how policy interventions with the development pattern approach are carried out by the Fakfak Regency government. This study uses a qualitative approach supported by integrated quantitative data to support the elaboration and interpretation of research data in conducting the analysis. Primary data collection was carried out through field observations, interviews, and distributing questionnaires as well as limited Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with informants consisting of (1) OPD, Village Apparatus, (2) Traditional Leaders, (3) Community Leaders, and (4) Youth Leaders and stakeholders in Fak Fak Regency, West Papua. The results of the study used descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach by discussing gate policies in the regional development process. Furthermore, the Glass Gate policy aims to create development efficiency at the community level. It is proven that there is still recognition from the community wherein in the various activities carried out,