Goizuetako azentuaz zerbait gehiago: oharmena (original) (raw)
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The aim of this dictionary is to describe the accentual patterns of Goizueta Basque.This dictionary contains around 2,400 entries provided with accent marks. The selection of lexical items has been made on the basis of other dictionaries of northern Navarrese varieties.In addition to the dictionary, this contribution includes an explanation of the rules and physical characteristics of the accent system of Goizueta Basque. For this purpose, we have summarized previous work on the word prosody of the Basque dialect of Goizueta and, in some cases, we have completed the description. In particular, we examine the prosodic properties of word groups, as well as variation found among age groups.At the end, we sum up the most important contributions and conclusions of the work and offer an account of the main characteristics of the Goizueta accent system.; Goizuetako azentuera deskribatu asmoz idatzi da azentu-hiztegi hau. 2.400 sarrera inguru dituen hiztegia da, Nafarroa iparraldean egindak...
Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, 2013
In th"is article some basic notions of word-prosody and, in particular, Basque word-prosody are examined. In section 1, the notions of stress, tone and pitch-accent are briefly reviewed. In section 2, there is a discussion of the work that has been done by different authors in the area of Basque prosody. It is argued that much basic descriptive work still needs to be done. Finally, in section 3, three Biscayan prosodic systems are compared with the purpose .ofshowing that even what, at first glace, may look like rather similar systems, at a deeper level ofanalysis may present important differences ofgreat theoretical signij1canc~" o. Sarrera Artikulu hau hiru partetan dago partituta. Lehen atalean, munduko hizkuntzetan aurkitzen diren prosodia mota nagu~iak aurkezten dira laburki. Bigarren atalean, euskal azentuaren arloan beste ikertzaileek egindako lana diskutitzen da. Azkenik, hirugarren atalean, bizkaieraren eremuan erabiltzen diren zenbait azentu-sistema aztertzen dira. * * Artikulu hau 1990eko irailean Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak Donostian antolatu zuen ikastaro batean emandako hitzaldi baten testua da. Eskerrak eman nahi "dizkiot ikastaroaren antolatzailea zen Joseba Lakarrari. Hirugarren atalean aurkezten ditudan datuak: zuzentzeagatik~skerrak ]oseba Lakarra (Gernikaldea), Gorka Elordieta (Lekeitio) eta Xabier Bilbaori (Getio). Eskerrak lama Mufioari ere,estiloa zuzentzeagatik.
Doinu-azentudunaren pertzepzioaz
Euskalingua, 2003
In this article the author presents the results of a test that analyzes the perception of a variety of accented intonation. In order to perform the test, some University students listened to voice signals from Gatika. The results have been analyzed according to four main groups: listeners from Bizkaian varieties that are familiar with the accented intonation, listeners from other Bizkaian varieties, Gipuzkoan listeners and listeners whose Basque is a second language. The purpose of the test is to measure the comprehension level displayed with regards to the accent of this variety. Laburpena Artikulu honetan doinu azentudun barietate baten gaineko pertzepzio alorreko test baten emaitzak aurkezten dira. Testa burutu ahal izateko Gatikako seinaleak erabili dira eta entzun eragin zaizkie unibertsitateko ikasleei. Emaitzak lau multzo nagusitan aztertu dira; doinu azentudun barietateetakoak, Bizkaiko gainerako barieetateetakoak, giputzak eta euskaldun berriak. Helburua barietate honekiko azentu alorreko ulermena neurtzea izan da.
Zerbait gehiago euskal azentubideen historiaz
Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, 2013
In this paper the origin of the diversification ofthe Basque accentual systems ofthe western and central areas is considered. In spite ofthe great accentual diversity found in this area, certain agreements on the accentual properties ofspecific morphological categories and lexical items clearly point out to a common origin in the not too distant past. Although the most common accentual pattern in this territory is postinitial accent, I argue that the original system must have hadphrase-final accentuation, like some ofthe present-day varieties ofthe Bizkaian coast. It appears that the development form phrase-final to postinitial accent, has followed one oftwo different paths, depending on the area. A direct transformation from one accentual system into the other would have been the association ofaccentual prominence with a rise in pitch (as it normally is in Spanish), instead of with a pitch fall, as in coastal Bizkaian. A more complex route was followed in some other areas going through stages with penultimate and postpostinitial accent, both ofwhich are attested in neighboring present-day varieties.
Jatabeko morfologiaren azentuaz
A rtikulu honetan Jatabeko morfologiaren azentu ezaugarriak deskribatu gura ditugu. Bizkaiko iparraldeko doinu-azentudun barietateen barruko Getxo-Gernika barietatearen ezaugarri orokorrak oso ondo ezagutzen ditugun arren, morfemen ezaugarriei dagokienez, oraindino nahikoa geratzen zaigu jakiteko zehazki morfema bakoitzaren tasunak zeintzuk diren eta euren arabera isoglosa zehatzak egin ahal izateko.
Esteribarko euskararen azentuaz
EHUko irakaslea Artikulu honetan Esteribar haraneko Usetxi eta Eugi herrietako euskararen azentu-eredua aztertzen da. Nafarroako ekialdeko gainerako barietate askotan gertatzen den era berean, oraingo honetan ere, azentua 2 ← ] eskemaren arabera ezartzen da erroari erants dakizkiokeen morfema guztiak erantsi ostean. Hala ere, azentu nagusi hau intonazioak baldintzatua dela ere iradokiko dugu, hots, hitzaren egonguneen arabera alda daitekeela proposatuko dugu. Lanaren lehenbiziko atalean, artikulua oinari atxikita aplikatu behar diren erregela fonologikoak aurkeztuko ditugu. Bigarrenean lexikoaren azentua aztertzen dugu; hitz batzuen azterketa akustikoaren emaitzak oinarritzat hartuta, herri hauetako azentu-ereduaren erregelak emango ditugu. Hirugarren atalean, deklinabidearen azentua aztertzen da. Laugarrenean, erakusle, izenordain, leku-denborazko erakusleetatik erakarritako aditzondo eta galdetzaileen azentu-ereduak emango dira. Azkenik, bosgarren zatian, Esteribarreko egoera sozi...