The Influence of Leadership Traits Toward Leadership Behavior: A Preliminary Investigation on Imams at Kubang Pasu, Kedah Darul Aman (original) (raw)

personality and leadership behavior of imams

Kubang Pasu, Kedah Darul Aman. There were three leadership traits investigated in this research; leaders' personality, religiosity, and motivation to lead or MTL. Moreover, imams' educational background as well as managerial and past leadership experiences were also investigated as predictors for their leadership behaviors. A structured, Malay version-self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 30 imams in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah Darul Aman. In the regression analysis, the traits of imams tested explained 56.2% variance of leadership behavior. Specifically, results demonstrated leadership behavior could be potentially influenced highly by personality-extraversion and affective-identity MTL. Moreover, this research found that personality-conscientiousness also tends to influence leadership behavior. The same was also found for personality-neuroticism and social-normative MTL. However, the two predictors showed negative influence toward leadership behavior.


This study investigated the process of how and when imams' leadership traits could influence their leadership behavior. In the moderated mediation analysis, this research hypothesized, two leadership traits of imams (i.e. motivation to lead or MTL and past leadership experiences) might mediate the influence of three leadership traits (general cognitive ability, personality, and religiosity) toward the imams' managerial leadership behavior. The analysis also hypothesized that the mediation process might be moderated by the imams' high and low job autonomous situation. A structured, Malay version-self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 357 imams around Peninsular Malaysia. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the traits of imams explained 40.5% variance of leadership behavior. Specifically, the analysis demonstrated leadership behavior was influenced significantly by the imams' extraversion, agreeableness, and openness personality, social-normative MTL, and past leadership experiences. Imams' religiosity and general cognitive ability did not show potential to influence their leadership behavior. Furthermore, this research found socialnormative MTL showed partial mediation on the association of personality extraversion and openness with the criterion. Past leadership experiences did not mediate the leadership traits and behavior association. Finally, the analysis revealed high job autonomous situation has potential to moderate the influence of openness personality and affective-identity MTL toward leadership behavior.

Authentic Leadership Behavior in Madrasah Aliyah in Tasikmalaya Regency Aan Komariah

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016

This research aims to know the relation between Spiritual Intelligence and Leader Personality with Authentic Leadership Behaviour. This research uses quantitative research approach with type of correlation approach. This research is done at 77 headmasters of Mardasah Aliyah in Tasikmalaya Regency. The samples are done by using simple random sampling technique. The research result shows that there is positive between Spiritual Intelligence and Leader Personality with Authentic Leadership Behaviour. The positive correlation coefficient shows that if the Spiritual Intelligence increases, so the authentic leadership behaviour will also increase. Also with the increasing of Leader Personality will increase the Authentic Leadership behaviour. The Spiritual Intelligence and Leader Personality all together affect significantly to the Authentic Leadership Behaviour.

Islamic Leadership Behavior Model for Malaysian Organizations - A Suggestion for Future Research

Reviews on conventional leadership literature have found that future model and taxonomy of leadership should incorporate various elements. Social, religious, and cultural elements are important to answer the needs of various organizations. This study provides some insights to conduct a comparative content analysis on conventional literature, models, and theories of managerial leadership based on the theoretical framework developed from classical and contemporary Islamic leadership literature. The comparative analysis will focus on three major aspects namely; (1) concepts and theories of modern managerial leadership behaviors and practices, (2) methods applied in developing taxonomies of managerial leadership behaviors and practices, and (3) scope and limitation of modern managerial leadership behaviors and practices. The main objective of the comparative content analysis is to develop "Islamic Leadership Behavior Model for Malaysian Organizations". The model is argued to be significant as previous literature concurs that spiritual and religious elements of leaders need to be incorporated in future development of leadership models. The approach for this current research will be both inductive and deductive in nature. Firstly, this research will commence by inducing models of Islamic Leadership through content analysis from leadership literature. The model will further be investigated among Malaysia's managers and leaders who work in various organizations through deductive approach. The investigation (deductive procedure) is important to address the issue of suitability of the model in Malaysian organizations. It also provide empirical supports the results obtained from the comparative content analysis. It is anticipated that the findings of this research will contribute to the development of Islamic Leadership Behaviour Model which could be applied by Muslims professionals in various sectors in Malaysia or elsewhere. ABSTRAK Pemerhatian terhadap literatur kepimpinan konvensional telah merumuskan bahawa model dan taksonomi kepimpinan seharusnya menggariskan pelbagai elemen. Elemen sosial, keagamaan, dan budaya adalah penting untuk menjawab keperluan pelbagai organisasi. Kajian ini membincangkan bagaimana untuk menjalankan analisis perbandingan fakta terhadap literatur, model, dan teori kepimpinan kepengurusanan menerusi kerangka teori yang dibina berdasarkan literatur kepimpinan Islam klasik dan kontemporari. Analisis perbandingan fakta ini memberi fokus kepada tiga aspek iaitu; (1) konsep dan teori literatur moden kepimpinan dan aplikasinya, (2) metod-metod yang digunakan untuk membina taksonomi gelagat kepimmpinan kepengurusanan dan aplikasinya, dan (3) skop dan limitasi gelagat kepimpinan kepengerusanan moden serta aplikasinya. Objektif utama analisis perbandingan fakta ini adalah untuk membina "Model Gelagat Kepimpinan Islam bagi Organisasi Malaysia". Model tersebut dilihat sebagai sangat penting atas dasar literatur lampau mendakwa bahawa elemen spiritual dan keagamaan pemimpin perlu digandingkan bersama di dalam usaha pembinaan model kepimpinan masa hadapan. Pendakatan kajian ini adalah induktif dan deduktif. Pertama, secara induktif, kajian ini akan mencadangkan model kepimpinan Islam berdasarkan analasis literatur. Model terbabit seterusnya akan dikaji secara deduktif terhadap pemimpin dan pengurus yang berkerja di pelbagai organisasi di Malaysia. Pendekatan ini (deduktif) adalah penting bagi mengkaji kesesuaian model tersebut di dalam konteks Malaysia. Ia juga akan memberikan sokongan data empirikal terhadap fakta yang diperolehi menerusi analisis perbandingan fakta. Adalah dijangka bahawa kajian ini mampu menyumbang kepada pembinaan model kepimpinan Islam yang boleh diaplikasikan oleh profesional Muslim di pelbagai organisasi samada di dalam Malaysia atau lain-lain. KATA KUNCI: Kepimpinan Islam, Gelagat Kepimpinan 1.

Proceeding "The 8 th International Workshop on Islamic Development" RECONSTRUCTING LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE


This study is basic research, which aims to reconstruct the leadership in the Islamic perspective. The problems that arise are the leader has lost its way so it no longer trustworthy, leadership as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Leadership theories more adopting the ways of the capitalist, in running the organization, even to Islamic organizations. So that the necessary research to reconstruct the theory of leadership in accordance with the Islamic sharia. The approach used in this research is explorative to dig deeper into the theories to solve the problems. Data collected by literature studies, by digging the leadership of the Prophet and the Qur'an and hadith. The characteristics of leadership in Islam is the Islamic perspective , faithful and devoted to Allah, ihsan and noble character, honesty, giving a good example, knowledgeable, trustworthy, fulfilling the promise, justice, humanity, discipline, leaving the useless, do not get angry / patient, has a shy nature, istiqomah, have sciences/ knowledge, commanding the good and forbidding unjust, deliberation, humble / modest. Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dasar, yang bertujuan merekonstruksi kepemimpinan dalam perspektif Islam. Permasalahan yang mengemuka adalah pemimpin telah kehilangan arah sehingga tidak lagi amanah, sebagaimana kepemimpinan yang diteladankan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Teori-teori kepemimpinan lebih banyak mengadopsi cara-cara kapitalis dalam menjalankan organisasi, bahkan untuk organisasi Islam. Sehingga diperlukan penelitian untuk merekonstruksi teori kepemimpinan yang sesuai dengan syariah Islam. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksploratif untuk menggali lebih dalam tentang teori-teori untuk memecahkan permasalahan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi literature, dengan menggali kepemimpinan Rasulullah dan dari Al Qur'an dan hadits. Adapun karakteristik kepemimpinan dalam perspektif Islam adalah Islam, beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT, ihsan dan akhlak mulia, kejujuran, memberi teladan yang baik, berilmu, amanah, memenuhi janji, keadilan, kemanusiaan, disiplin, meninggalkan yang tidak bermanfaat, jangan (tidak) marah/ bersabar, memiliki sifat malu, istiqomah, menjaga lisan, amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar, bermusyawarah, rendah hati/ sederhana.

Personality Traits as Predictors of Authentic Leadership

Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education, 2016

the purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of traits personality towards authentic leadership madrasah principal and also to examine the relation of five factors of personality with dimensions of their authentic leadership. Participants for this study consisted of madrasah principal of madrasah aliyah at Tasikmalaya Regency. This study found that traits-personality made significant contributions to authentic leadership. Moreover, it was determined that two of five factors of personality, conscientiousness and openness to experience were predictors for authentic leadership dimensions of madrasah principal.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of traits personality towards authentic leadership madrasah principal and also to examine the relation of five factors of personality with dimensions of their authentic leadership. Participants for this study consisted of madrasah principal of madrasah aliyah at Tasikmalaya distric. This study found that traits-personality made significant contributions to authentic leadership. More over, it was determined that two of five factors of personality, conscientiousness and openness to experience were predictors for authentic leadership dimensions of madrasah principal

The Leadership Personality and the Role of Islam in Promoting the Positive Behaviour of Individuals

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

The study addresses leadership personality and the role of Islam in promoting the positive behaviour of individuals. The significance of this study lies in its clarification of the urgent need of the Islamic nation for a wise and just leader. The study reviews the Islamic approach to promoting the positive behaviour of individuals. The objective of the study is to clarify the characteristics of the leadership personality from the perspective of Islam, in addition to clarifying the role of Islam in enhancing the behaviour of individuals. The researcher uses the qualitative method to achieve the objectives of the study. The most important results of the study reached by the researcher are that the nation at present needs a leading and saviour figure. The study also concludes that Islam has been concerned, since its inception, with the necessity of defining personal leadership qualities for success. The study concludes with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that the researcher recommends the necessity of facing the challenges that Muslims are currently experiencing by studying the features of the personalities of the prophets and benefiting from exploring the most prominent personalities mentioned in the Holy Qur'an and working to include them in education curricula.

Leadership practices and principles of a malay- muslim chief executive officer at a selected Malaysian government-linked company


The purpose of the study is to investigate the lived experience of a Malay Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who has demonstrated effective performance in a Government Link Company (GLC), with the intention of revealing his underlying leadership principles as a strategic leader. As a CEO, his leadership was not limited to only realizing the aims of organizational leadership aspect in general, but it was also about him as an individual, it was about his principles and values that he upholds based upon a firm and reliable foundation. This study was guided by three research questions:(1) What are the CEO’s guiding principles that became the foundation of his values and leadership practices, (2) How does being a Muslim, shape this CEO leadership principles and practices, (3) Who or what specific phenomenon gives the greatest impact in shaping this CEO’s principles. This study provided a better understanding of how being Muslim, Islamic teachings have implication on his principles and leader...