Studi Koleksi Referensi Reservoir Penyakit di Daerah Enzootik Pes di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur (original) (raw)

Ektoparasit (Fleas) Pada Reservoir DI Daerah Fokus Pest DI Kabupaten Boyolali Provinsi Jawa Tengah Reservoir's Ectoparasite in Plague Focus Area, Boyolali District Central Java


Rat is a rodent (rodensia) which cannot be separated from parasitic organism attacks the ectoparasites (fleas). In the presence of fleas plague focus areas need to watch out, for no increase in cases of plague (outbreak). Pest is a zoonosis in rat that can be transmitted to humans through the bite of fleas Xenopsylla cheopsis containing Yersinia pestis. Boyolali District is one of the plague focus areas in Central Java. This study aims to identify the species of rats and fleas, trap succes, flea infestation in rats and flea index as an indicator of vulnerability to transmission of plague. The study is a descriptive survey with cross sectional design. The population is all the rats and fleas in Boyolali district. Samples are rats and fleas that were caught using live trap with coconut roasted and salted fish is placed inside and outside the home (each 2 trap). Rat combed for fleas. The results showed the number of mouses caught were 245. There are 4 species rats and small mammals fou...

Identifikasi Hewan Reservoir Di Daerah Peningkatan Kasus Leptospiroris Di Desa Pagedangan Ilir , Kecamatan Kronjo, Kabupaten Tangerang Tahun 2015

Vektora, 2018

In Indonesia, leptospirosis often causes outbreaks. Three important sources of transmission of leptospirosis are the environment contaminated with leptospira, the presence of rats and presence of livestock as reservoirs. This study aims to determine the reservoir that plays a role in the leptospirosis transmission in increased case areas of leptospirosis in the Pagedangan Ilir Village, Kronjo Sub-district, Tangerang. Rat traping was done twice. Each trapping was done two times, in consecutive days. Livestock sampling was also conducted in the study area. Rat and livestock serum specimens were collected for leptospirosis detection using MAT, while rat kidneys were collected for PCR test. Leptospirosis detection was performed by PCR and MAT. The results of the first and second rat traping showed relative density of 17% and 20% in the houses, as well as 14% and 10% in outdoor area. Rat traped consist of two species, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus tanezumi. The prevalence of pathogenic leptospira in rat (with PCR assay) was 33% in the first trap and 26% in the second trap. The MAT test showed a positive 14% on R. norvegicus in the first trap, but negative in the second trap. While livestock did not show PCR positive, but one serological positive sample (by MAT) with low titers (1:20) was found against the serovar Robinsoni.

Saluran Air Tertutup Sebagai Faktor Penekan Populasi Tikus di Daerah Bekas Fokus Pes Cangkringan Sleman Yogyakarta


Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman merupakan wilayah fokus pengamatan pes yang letaknya berada di lereng Gunung merapi. Setelah erupsi Gunung merapi perlu diwaspadai dugaan tikus hutan masuk ke dalam perkampungan penduduk. Pengamatan dan pemantauan tikus dilakukan untuk kewaspadaan pes dan penyakit lain dari keberadaan tikus seperti leptospirosis. Kecamatan Cangkringan memiliki lima desa salah satunya yaitu Desa Wukirsari yang merupakan daerah bekas fokus. Tujuan kegiatan adalah menentukan kondisi lingkungan rumah yang berperan dalam keberhasilan penangkapan tikus. Jenis penelitian deskriptif metode observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional, jumlah sampel sebanyak 66 sampel rumah. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat. Jumlah tikus yang tertangkap di Desa Wukirsari semuanya berada di dalam rumah sebanyak 36 tikus dengan hasil trap success sebanyak 27,7%, jenis tikus yang tertangkap Rattus rattus diardi dengan jumlah pinjal khusus Xenopsylla cheopis sebanyak 5 ekor. Hasil perhitungan indeks pinjal khusus sebesar 0,13. Hasil analisis bivariat hanya variabel keberadaan saluran air tertutup yang signifikan ada hubungan dengan kesuksesan dalam penangkapan tikus.

Inventarisasi Penyakit Tanaman Pisang Koleksi Kebun Plasma Nutfah, Cibinong Science Center-BG

Jurnal Mikologi Indonesia, 2017

Kebun Plasma Nutfah Pisang Cibinong Science Center (CSC) merupakan koleksi pisang ha-sil dari eksplorasi ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Koleksi ini kemudian diperbanyak untuk pe-nelitian lebih lanjut. Dalam proses pengelolaannya monitoring kesehatan tanaman pisang per-lu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas koleksi tersebut. Untuk keperluan tersebut dilaku-kan inventarisasi terhadap jenis-jenis penyakit yang menyerang tanaman koleksi, dengan ha-rapan untuk mempertahankan kualitasnya sebagai bahan dasar penelitian lebih lanjut. Pe-nelitian diawali dengan (1) Identifikasi kerusakan tanaman pisang dengan menggunakan hasil modifikasi metode Forest Health Monitoring (FHM), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan (2) me-ngukur intensitas serangan dan luas serangan pada tanaman pisang. Hasil penelitian menun-jukkan bahwa koleksi pisang di kebun plasma nutfah CSC terserang penyakit Layu Fusarium (2,9%), penyakit bercak Cordana (2%), penyakit Black Sigatoka (5,62%) dan penyakit Yel-low Sigatoka (4,68%)....

Persebaran Penyakit di Kawasan Laut Jawa Abad XIX - XX

Diakronika, 2021

This article discussed about the process of diseases spreading along the Java Sea area during the 19th and the early 20th century. This study utilized historical method with an aim to reconstruct past events, especially on the outbreaks happened in the Java Sea area and how the colonial governmnet dealt with the occurrence. The article applied Braudel’s structural theory (1988) to analyze the existence of structures, which were taking a role in the process of diseases spreading. This analysis was supported by the concept of ‘silent barter’, developed by Knapen (1995) as a benchmark to determine factors that caused the spread. The results allowed us to discover that the dynamics of shipping and trading in the Java Sea at that time were part of the whole pandemic situation. There were at least two diseases discussed as the main focus of this article, smallpox and cholera, as these two severely affected the trading and shipping activity. These diseases were carried by the crews of ship...

Inventarisasi Dan Pengendalian Penyakit Parasit Pada Induk Ikan Laut DI Bak Pemeliharaan


Observation on parasitic diseases had been conducted in Gondol Research Institute for Marine culture on mild fish ( Chanos chanos ), seabass ( Lates calcarifer ), tiger grouper ( Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ), humpback grouper ( Cromileptes altivelis ), mangrove grouper ( E. coioides ), camouflage grouper ( E. microdon ), coral trout ( Plectropoma leopardus , P. maculatus ), snappers ( Lutjanus argentimaculatus, L. seabae ) and napoleon wrasse ( Cheilinus undulatus ) rearing in captivity. The result showed that Cryptocaryon irritans was found on napoleon wrasse and humpback grouper; Amyloodinium ocellatum was found only on napoleon wrasse; Gill flukes ( Haliothrema sp. dan Diplectanum sp. ) was found on humpback grouper and mangrove grouper; skin flukes Neob enedenia sp. was found only on napoleon wrasse and B enedenia was found on all grouper, snapper and seabass; Crustacea ( Rhexanella sp. ) and copepod ( Caligus sp. and Lepeophtheirus sp. ) was found on all grouper, snapper and sea...

Catatan Baru: Spesies Kelelawar sebagai Reservoir Lyssavirus di Provinsi Bali, Indonesia

Vektora, 2019

Bats are known as reservoirs for more than 60 zoonoses, including Lyssavirus causing rabies. The disease possesses a case fatality rate of 100% and reported endemic in 72 countries, including Indonesia. This study aimed was to determine the confirmed species of bats as reservoirs for Lyssavirus in Bali Province. Bats were collected in the remote forest ecosystems and settlements, the remote and non-forested settlements, and distant beaches and settlements, in Jembrana, Badung, and Karangasem Districts. A total of 378 bats was successfully captured consisting of 14 genera and 24 species. The PCR examination results showed that four samples were confirmed positive for Lyssavirus vectors.There were Tylonycteris robustula species, Aethalops alecto and Cynopterus brachyotis found in Jembrana, Karangasem and Badung Districts.

Temuan Beliung DI Kawasan Danau: Studi Kasus DI Kawasan Beberapa Ranu DI Jawa Timur

Berkala Arkeologi, 2014

The stone adze, both rectangular adze or pick adze, is one of the Neolithic tools’s characteristics. In the Asia-Pacific region, stone adze is contemporaneous with the spreading of Austronesian speakers. In East Java province two types of stone tools were found in the lakes region, that assumed as a past settlement. Stone adzes found in the lakes region sites are new data that can complement the data related to the distribution of stone adze in Java, particularly in East Java. Is it true that the findings of the stone adze has a connection with the humans that inhabitants the lake area? Based of these research questions, this research need to be conducted. To answer the research question, spatial archaeological approach issued and also a petrographic analysis of several stone adze samples and stone adze’s rocks material from these research need to be conducted.

Kajian Risiko Ikan-Ikan Asing di Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat

BAWAL, 2022

Waduk Cirata telah terindikasi terdapat ikan-ikan asing, namun belum terdapat kajian risikonya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko keberadaan ikan-ikan asing di Waduk Cirata. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2021 hingga Februari 2022 di enam stasiun pada Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat dengan metode survei lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan indeks relatif penting dan penilaian risiko berdasarkan Pedoman Analisis Risiko Spesies Asing Invasif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa teridentifikasi sebanyak 17 spesies ikan asing (65,38%) dari total 26 jenis ikan yang tertangkap di Waduk Cirata selama periode penelitian. Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) memiliki kelimpahan yang tertinggi (34,70%) diikuti oleh ikan oskar (Amphilophus citrinellus) sebesar 11,86%. Risiko keberadaan ikan-ikan asing di Waduk Cirata terdiri atas 29,4% termasuk ikan asing kategori berisiko tinggi dan sisanya (70,6%) memiliki risiko sedang. Ikan asing berisiko tinggi adalah ikan oskar. Keberadaan ikan-ikan asing dengan tujuan introduksi tertentu diperbolehkan setelah melalui kajian risiko. Ikan-ikan asing yang invasif, berbahaya dan/atau merugikan yang perlu dilakukan pengendalian populasi hingga pemusnahan di Waduk Cirata adalah: Amphilophus citrinellus, Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Hemichromis elongatus, Mayaheros urophthalmus, dan Parachromis managuensis. Kata Kunci: Ikan asing; introduksi; invasif; kajian risiko; komunitas ikan; Waduk Cirata.

Model Spasial Bahaya Lahan Kritis di Kabupaten Bogor, Cianjur, dan Sukabumi


ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan lahan yang melampaui kemampuan lahannya dapat mengakibatkan kelestarian sumber daya lahan menjadi terancam. Keadaan inilah yang mengakibatkan lahan mengalami proses degradasi dengan cepat, yang jika dibiarkan maka lahan-lahan tersebut akan menjadi kritis. Pengumpulan data dan informasi dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya lahan kritis dapat dilakukan dengan pembaharuan model berdasarkan teknik penginderaan jauh dan sistem informasi geografis. Sebagai salah satu cara untuk mendukung penanganan lahan kritis, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun parameter spasial penentu kekritisan lahan dengan skala semi-detail, sebagai model untuk mengidentifikasi kekritisan lahan. Model spasial dibangun dengan menganalisis indeks penggunaan lahan terhadap kemampuan lahan, bahaya erosi dan kerapatan vegetasi. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 892,57 km2 (9%) lahan tidak kritis; 3.220,45 km2 (31%) lahan agak kritis; 4.307,77 km2 (41%) kritis sedang; 1.774,77 km2 (17%) ...