Design Model of Poverty Reduction Policy by using a Joint Business Group Approach (Case Study: Implementation of the Joint Business Group Program at Gadung Village, Gresik Regency) (original) (raw)

Empowering Joint Business Group in Mamuju Regency

The problem of poverty is a complex issue dealt by all countries including Indonesia and the province of West Sulawesi. Accordingly, many poverty alleviation programs have been issued by the government. Even so, there are numbers which only act reactively and temporarily with no sustainability to solve the root problem. One of them is known as Joint Business Group (KUBE). This research applies descriptive method with qualitative approach. The instrument includes guided interview toward 21 informants, observation, and documentation. Data mining techniques and analysis in the form of reduction, display, and conclusion. The research findings show that the empowerment of joint business group in Mamuju Regency has been selected by the proposal referring to the priority scale based on the guidance of poverty reduction. It is done by identifying poor and less developed joint business group in the location and checking the facts and data of the groups who submit the application. Concerning funding aspect in 2013, West Sulawesi Provincial Government has channeled the assistance through deconcentration funds of APBN worth 1,8 billion rupiahs to ninety rural and 20 urban cities' joint business group. In 2014, there are 50 urban and 90 rural's KUBE for Mamuju Regency get rations as much as 19 urban and 44 rural with 20 million rupiahs per KUBE. Influenced by internal factors such as lack of knowledge and spirit of KUBE board itself, the external factors from the political aspect create pressure between political and government elites who violate the procedure by imposing sympathetic and fictitious KUBE. Furthermore, to optimize KUBE programs, it is advisable that the Board of Social Service should be more selective in choosing KUBE proposals, adding more budget, being firm and convincing KUBE board to understand the management of its business type, and avoid the pressure from the political element.

Strategic Development Analysis of Business and Economic Empowerment Family Group ( KUPEK )


The study aims to discuss the development of Business and Economic Empowerment Family Group (KUPEK) for small and micro enterprises. Institution Assolahiyah in cooperation with PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field and CARE LPPM IPB initiative to establish Business and Economic Empowerment Family Group (KUPEK) Assolahiyah. The research was conducted in Cilamaya Kulon with descriptive qualitative approach that is supported by semi-structured interviews to obtain the data used. Analysis of research data using SWOT analysis and strategy priority using AHP. Based on the research result, it is found that the development of KUPEK Assolahiyah can be done by using six strategies, i.e. (1) strategy to increased promotion and cooperation, (2) the strategy to increased ability of human resources (3) strategies to utilization of IT and social media as a medium to perform assistance, (4) strategy to train and recruit professionals to assist MSEs strategy, and (5) maintaining the quality of KUPEK ...

Policy Design for Extreme Poverty Alleviation in West Lombok Regency

Jurnal bina praja, 2023

This study aims to analyze the design of extreme poverty reduction policies in West Lombok District. The design of the policy refers to the substance/ content of the policies developed for the reduction/prevention of extreme poverty used by the regions. A case study research approach is used to explore the design of extreme poverty alleviation policies. The West Lombok Regency government's policy on poverty alleviation contains various local government programs synergized in accelerating the acceleration of extreme poverty reduction. In addition, it is in the form of efforts to assist the poor for a movement that is actualized in bridging aid recipients to get out of poverty immediately. The construction of extreme poverty reduction policies in West Lombok Regency adopts the concept of an innovation hub to accelerate cross-government programs that target basic services (health and education) in interventions for individual/family change as well as increasing the business capacity of community groups.

Supervising Model of Independent Enterprise Group (Study of Community Development PT Badak NGL )


This research aims to arrange an empowerment model of enterprise group through the program of Community Development in order to be independent and ready to compete, which is begun from the empirical study of the success of Cipta Busana Cooperative.. This research uses the descriptive analysis by using a case study on one enterprise supervised by PT Badak NGL that is Koperasi Cipta Busana (Kocibu). Kocibu is chosen to be the object of research due to its success to achieve the target to be the independent supervised enterprise in the fourth year. The data analysis method used in this research is the explorative analysis. Based on the research, there are some results such as that Kocibu is one of the supervised Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of PT Badak NGL that could develop and be independent through several supporting programs. Some of key successes of Kocibu are as follows: a high commitment, a good leader, and intensive supervising programs. Besides, a good marketing system ...

Social Innovation for Poverty Reduction in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

The problem of poverty is one of the fundamental problems that are the centre of government attention. One crucial aspect of supporting poverty reduction strategies is the availability of accurate and targeted poverty data. The availability of accurate poverty data is a must for a successful poverty reduction program. The problem is that the poverty data available in Indonesia is quite diverse. This study wants to examine the efforts to reduce poverty in Sleman Regency through innovations that have been carried out. The approach used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the breakthrough made by the Sleman local government has carried out social innovation with the Lasamba program through the stages of initiation, development and implementation of determining recipients of poverty programs. In addition, the Sleman Regency policy is to form a Poverty Alleviation Team starting from padukuhan or hamlets to the sub-district level, which involves elements of the government, nongovernmental organizations, and the business world. These efforts have shown results with a reduction in poverty rates and the accuracy of beneficiaries of poverty alleviation programs in the Sleman Regency.


Jurnal Ekonomi Islam FAI UHAMKA, 2019

In developing the economy of the people in the era of globalization with high competitive power requires the right approach. The partnership model is one way to improve community competitiveness, especially in the small business sector. However, in realizing and developing a partnership model, it will be very difficult to apply if it is only carried out by the community independently, especially the lower classes of society. The presence of the Government and third parties is needed in helping to establish partnerships. It is essential to initiate the realization of business partnerships among the community. The role of Religious and Social Organizations as third parties has proven to have a significant contribution in advancing the nation, especially in the fields of education, health, and social assistance. So it is necessary to maximize the role of religious and social organizations in encouraging economic development of the community through coaching and partnerships. Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, which is engaged in the socio-religious field, has shown its contribution to enlightenment, empowerment, and advancement that provides benefits for the people as a manifestation of the da'wah of Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar. Syirkah Amanah gas station is one manifestation of Muhammadiyah's involvement in the empowerment and economic development of the community. The purpose of this study was to reveal the partnership model applied by the Muhammadiyah Regional Leader of Lumajang at the Syirkah Amanah Gas Station to be able to find the right and appropriate business partnership model to be implemented in the community. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research approach that seeks to explore and find the main objectives of the research.

“Good Governing Poverty Alleviation” through the PKH Policy - Independent Women's Groups in Poverty Reduction in Batu City (Study at Batu City Social Service)

Journal of Local Government Issues

Good Governing Poverty Alleviation is a poverty reduction program by implementing a model of Good Governance in this context in the Family Hope Program - Independent Women's Group involving actors in the state, society and private sector. Handling the poverty problem of the Batu City Government in accordance with the Good Governance model through a partnership pattern established with the private sector, KPM and Batu City Social Service is expected to be able to create independent women's groups that are able to try to develop their creativity to rise from poverty for themselves and their families . This research uses descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques such as, observation, interviews and documentation and other data that supports this study both primary and secondary. Based on the results of the study of "Good Governing Poverty Alleviation" through PKH Policy - Independent Women's Groups in Poverty Alleviation in ...

The Effect of The Implementation Of Partnership and Community Development (PK and BL) and Self-Reliance of Community Partners On Community Income

Devotion Journal of Community Service

The focus of this research is the implementation of one of the company's PKBL, namely the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) as an effort to shape the corporate image of PT. Antam, Tbk (PERSERO) Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit, Bogor Regency. The development of this research aims to find out how the Effect of the Implementation of the PK and BL Programs and the Independence of Foster Partners on Community Income in the Nanggung District, Bogor Regency in formulating and implementing development policies in their regions, especially rural poverty alleviation programs. It is also hoped that it can be used as an academic document as reference material for small business development. The research design applies a case study pattern. From the discussion of research results, it can be concluded several things as follows: (1). There is a very real influence on the implementation of the PK and BL programs on people's income in Nanggung District, Bogor Regency. Th...

The Community Empowerment Program to Reduction Poverty in Banjar


This study aims to generate key strategies of sector development community empowerment to reduction poverty in Banjar. The analysis uses SWOT presented in three parts: SAP (Strategic Advantages Profile), ETOP (Environmental Threats and Opportunity Profile), and SWOT Matrix. The analysis showed the government’s attention to the program that was launched (district development program and the urban poverty program) where is by provision of Counterpart Funds from APBD has been increasing steadily every year. The mechanism has been implemented according to some regulations. The urban empowerment program should further focus and involve on the interests and needs of urban communities. The obstacles faced on the research to determine the program are, the execution (based onmain interest), the lack of human resources who understand and the plan ownership in preparing programs of community development and the lack of human resources with reliability in manufacturing reporting on the program ...

Organizational Support, Mustahiq Micro-Business Development and Poverty Alleviation: A Comparison Analysis Between BAZNAS and LAZNAS

International Journal of Islamic Business and Economics (IJIBEC)

This study aims to investigate whether the organizational support provided by BAZNAS and LAZNAS has a positive impact on the success of micro business development programs and poverty alleviation. The population in this study are mustahiq who have received an empowerment program from BAZNAS and LAZNAS with a total sample size are 89 mustahiq. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1 – 5 and were analyzed using Path Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the organizational support provided by LAZNAS tends to be better when compared BAZNAS. This study also found an important fact that the mustahiq micro-business development program was able to alleviate poverty. The results of this study imply that to get a maximum result of mustahiq micro-business development, BAZNAS must evaluate and innovate the mustahiq micro-business development program. Meanwhile, LAZNAS must provide more optimum support for capital assistance and mentoring to get a maximum...