The Effect of The Implementation Of Partnership and Community Development (PK and BL) and Self-Reliance of Community Partners On Community Income (original) (raw)


seybold Report, 2022

The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of performance on Village-Owned Enterprises on the original revenue of the village in order to improve the well-being of the village community. Methodology of Study - the sort of research employed is quantitative research. The data utilized were the findings of a questionnaire issued to the management of village-owned businesses and village chiefs in West Bandung Regency, a total of 117 samples. To test hypotheses, data analysis use partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results indicate that the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises has a favorable effect on the income of villages. Original Village Income has a favorable impact on the well-being of the community. The influence of performance on community wellbeing is favorable but insignificant. Through local income, the performance of village-owned businesses has a favorable impact on community welfare. Implications for Practice the research indicates that the presence of Village-Owned Enterprises in West Bandung Regency can boost the village's original income. If the village's initial income raises its contribution, the villagers' welfare will improve. Keywords: Performance, Village-Owned Enterprises, Original Village Income, Welfare.

Design Model of Poverty Reduction Policy by using a Joint Business Group Approach (Case Study: Implementation of the Joint Business Group Program at Gadung Village, Gresik Regency)

Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2016

This study aims to identify and analyze the implementation of the Joint Business Group(called KUBE) program policies and its impacts to the poor people, as well as to find a design model of poverty reduction through a Joint Business Group approach. This research was conducted at Gadung village with the object of research: KUBE Sejahtera and KUBE Hasyanah. The results showed that the fundamental reason of the formation of KUBE is actually to find a way out of the economic problems by the poor. KUBE Sejahtera in its management have diverged in the utilization of aid received, while KUBE Hasyanah has been able to run the management and business development prospectively. Mentoring process on both KUBE is just a media formality, which only run at the beginning of the KUBE formed. Theimplementation of the policy program at KUBE Sejahtera has become stagnate where policy holders can’t drive the growth of creativity of the beneficiaries, especially the issue of skills development of member...

The Influence of Internal Village Development Strategies Increase Village Income Through Village Owned Business Entity (Bumdes) in the Village Sei Red, Tanjung Morawa District Deli Serdang Regency

International Journal of Economics (IJEC)

This study aims to determine whether the village development strategy has an effect on increasing village income in Sei Merah Village, Kec . Tj Morawa . The method used in this study is a quantitative method with several tests, namely reliability and simple linear regression . Based on the results of the primary data regression which was processed using SPSS 1 8 , the following simple linear regression equation was obtained : Y : 21.622 + 0.704X. Based on these data, it can be determined that the size of the t table is 2,003 and it is known that the village development strategy variable has a t count of 5.608, when compared to the t table, the result is 5.608 > 2.003, so it can be concluded that the village development strategy variable has a significant effect on the variable of increasing village income. Based on the results of the regression calculation of the coefficient of determination of the summary model in the table above, it can be seen that the coefficient of determina...

Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises to Improve the Welfare of Village Communities: A Case Study in Village-Owned Enterprises in West Bandung Regency

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of performance on Village-Owned Enterprises on the original revenue of the village in order to improve the well-being of the village community. Methodology of Study-the sort of research employed is quantitative research. The data utilized were the findings of a questionnaire issued to the management of village-owned businesses and village chiefs in West Bandung Regency, a total of 117 samples. To test hypotheses, data analysis use partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results indicate that the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises has a favorable effect on the income of villages. Original Village Income has a favorable impact on the well-being of the community. The influence of performance on community wellbeing is favorable but insignificant. Through local income, the performance of village-owned businesses has a favorable impact on community welfare. Implications for Practice the research indicates that the presence of Village-Owned Enterprises in West Bandung Regency can boost the village's original income. If the village's initial income raises its contribution, the villagers' welfare will improve.


Jurnal Ekonomi Islam FAI UHAMKA, 2019

In developing the economy of the people in the era of globalization with high competitive power requires the right approach. The partnership model is one way to improve community competitiveness, especially in the small business sector. However, in realizing and developing a partnership model, it will be very difficult to apply if it is only carried out by the community independently, especially the lower classes of society. The presence of the Government and third parties is needed in helping to establish partnerships. It is essential to initiate the realization of business partnerships among the community. The role of Religious and Social Organizations as third parties has proven to have a significant contribution in advancing the nation, especially in the fields of education, health, and social assistance. So it is necessary to maximize the role of religious and social organizations in encouraging economic development of the community through coaching and partnerships. Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, which is engaged in the socio-religious field, has shown its contribution to enlightenment, empowerment, and advancement that provides benefits for the people as a manifestation of the da'wah of Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar. Syirkah Amanah gas station is one manifestation of Muhammadiyah's involvement in the empowerment and economic development of the community. The purpose of this study was to reveal the partnership model applied by the Muhammadiyah Regional Leader of Lumajang at the Syirkah Amanah Gas Station to be able to find the right and appropriate business partnership model to be implemented in the community. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research approach that seeks to explore and find the main objectives of the research.

Impact of the Business Program for Increasing Family Income on Community Income of Nagari Situmbuak Salimpauang District

Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International Conference, BIC 2021, 11 - 12 October, 2021, Batusangkar-West Sumatra, Indonesia

The problem in this study is that women in Ngari Situmbuak are only dominant with housework, due to the lack of employment opportunities for women and the skill possessed by women in Nagari Situmbuak are still very limited. The purpose in this study waas to determine the condition of income before and after the existence of UP2K and the impact of the UP2K program on people's incomes in Nagari Situmbuak, Salimpauang District. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data in this study were the chairman and members of UP2K Pelangi Situmbuak, documentation of UP2K Pelangi activities. Data analysis was carried out with the aim of evaluating and interpreting the data collected by analyzing the data obtained in the field. Teh results showed that after the existence of UP2K the community felt the benefits, namely the income of the people in Nagari Situmbuak increased and mothers had their own income to help their husbands' income and with the existence of UP2K Pelangi is had a positive impact on the community, namely the community received training and could borrow capital from savings and loans in UP2K to open or venture capital.

Analysis of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Development Strategy in Increasing Village Own-source Revenue in Bantimurung, Maros Regency

Analysis of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Development Strategy in Increasing Village Own-source Revenue in Bantimurung, Maros Regency, 2021

This article explains the development of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in increasing original villagel income during the pandemic covid-19, which hurts the socio economic antisocialeconomicall communities. The research location at BUMDes in Kecamatan Bantimurung, Kabupaten Maros, uses survey research method with descriptive analysis approach using SWOT analysis technique. The selection of respondents was carried out by purposive sampling of 36 respondents using the proportional random sampling technique. The research data consisted of primary and secondary data regarding the conditions, and internal and external factors of BUMDes in Bantimurung. Data was collected using interview techniques with research instruments in the form of questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it shows that BUMDes in Bantimurung is not yet fully optimal but can contribute to village the own-source revenue with business units owned and the lack of facilities and supervision from the sub-district government, so that the BUMDes strategy that can be applied is the growth and build strategy, it can be recommended that the development of BUMDes need support from the government through regulations, capital assistance and accompaniment. In addition, by carrying out good strategic planning for the development of BUMDes, in-depth observations and mapping of the local economic potential of villages, choosing business development, and expanding the network of cooperation partners and optimizing the role of cooperation partners and the community to jointly encourage the development of BUMDes products, strengthen markets and training for BUMDes managers on an ongoing basis.

The Impact Of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) In Strengthening Local Economy In The Border Village Of Sebente, Bengkayang Regency

Primanomics : Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis

In an effort to improve the welfare of the community as a non-governmental organization and see the potential it has, as well as the needs of the community, the presence of "SETANGA LESTARI" BUMDES in Sebente Village Teriak District is the government's support in the effort to empower rural communities for a better life. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) in efforts to improve the local economy, knowing what the problems and obstacles faced by the Village-Owned Enterprises, in Sebente Village, Teriak District, Bengkayang Regency. Descriptive qualitative research, with various stages including finding literature that is in accordance with the problem and the topic in accordance with the object to be studied, field observations, permission to related parties to complete the instrument until the completion stage, the data is analyzed, and the next stage the data is reduced, then validated so that research is perfect....

Implementation Of Village Funds In Implementation Of Development As An Effort To Improve Community Welfare In Kadiwono Village, Bulu District, Rembang Regency

Jurnal Daulat Hukum, 2020

One of the most important things in Act No. 6 of 2014 on Villages is the existence of special rules contained therein which contain regarding village funds. Research will answer the problem formulation that is how the implementation of village funds in the form of implementation of development in the Kadiwono Village, Bulu District, Rembang Regency. The method of approach in this research uses the sociological juridical method with the research specifications descriptively analysis. The data used for this study are primary and secondary data taken from field observation, interviews, and literature study methods. Based on the research concluded in 2019, Kadiwono Village, Bulu District, Rembang Regency obtained Village Revenues totaling Rp 1,500,432,113 consisting of village funds, tax revenue-sharing, retribution sharing, village fund allocation, provincial financial assistance, district financial assistance, and the remaining 2018 budget (SILPA). In village expenditure, Kadiwono Vil...