Coastal Community Empowerment Management of Anchovy (Stolephorus Spp) Fishery in Saramaake, North Moluccas Province, Indonesia: Need Assessment, Program and Evaluation (original) (raw)

Empowerment of Fishing Community Business Groups in Kalibaru Village, Cilincing, North Jakarta


The purpose of this activity was to empower fishing communities in Kalibaru, Cilincing through introducing knowledge of food handling and processing technologies, especially green mussels-based products. The partner involved in this study was the Annisa Bakti Business Group having 15 members of single parents. The profession of family members was green mussels peeler. Peeling process performed was through boiling, peeling the shell, icing, and then selling. The handling of green mussels with peeling was mainly intended to solve the problem overproduction which was not absorbed by the market as life green mussels. The appearance of peeled green mussels were usually pale, and the peeler usually introduced synthetic dyes to make them more attractive. The types of dyes used are generally not allowed for food because they are harmful to health. Based on those facts, the community empowerment efforts were carried out through the following ways: (1) Building motivation to develop the busin...

Has Empowerment Program Been Appropriate for the Need of Fisheries Business Player? : Case Study in Lampung Province, Indonesia

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding

This study analyzed the appropriateness of empowerment program regarding the needs of traditional fish processors. This study applied the descriptive qualitative method using the model of Context – Input – Process – Product (CIPP) and Focus Group Discussion. Various activities were described based on observation and interview data. This study was conducted in three areas in Lampung Province, namely: East Lampung Regency, Pringsewu Regency, and Tanggamus Regency. Those areas are considered as a center the traditional fish processing with activities include fish salting, fish smoking, fish salty steamed, and fish fermentation. The research was conducted from July until September 2017. The result show, Generally, empowerment program for fisheries business players has been quite appropriate to their need, particularly in the sector of fish capture, aquaculture, and fish processing as seen from the high value in the aspect of context (appropriateness of program and problem, needs, and so...

Coastal Community Empowerment Through Promotion of Industrial Household Products Processed Fishery: Ibw in District Suppa, Pinrang


Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is a maritime nation potentially sizable marine resources.Pinrang, South Sulawesi is one area in Indonesia, which has a fairly extensive coastal region, with a long coastline.However, this great potential has not been able to provide for the public welfare, increase local revenue, and foreign exchange.Therefore, conducted this activity to the community empowerment in coastal areas in the District Suppa Pinrang through science and technology program for the region (IBW).This activity was conducted over three years beginning in 2012-2014 by using demonstration plots, training, and mentoring.Outcomes of the activities include two aspects, namely: (1) increase the skills to process the results of marine fisheries and conduct better business management;(2) goods of processed fishery and marine Suppa typical form of shredded fish, fish crackers, and fish balls. The results achieved are trained independence and provide insight and knowledge to the publi...

Fishermen community empowerment strategy through rural fisheries business development Program (Pump) by marine and fisheries office of Padang

Proceedings of the International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology - ICESST 2018, 2018

This study was based on the low economic condition of small-scale fishermen community in Padang. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries launched an empowerment of fishermen community through Rural Fisheries Business Development program (PUMP) implemented by the Marine and Fisheries Office of Padang City. The purpose of this research was to see the results of the empowerment strategy toward fishermen community in Padang through Rural Fisheries Business Development Program (PUMP). This research used qualitative by using descriptive method, informant determined by Purposive Sampling. The type of data consisted of primary and secondary data. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation study. Data collection tools included interview guides, observation guides, and field notes. Data validity test utilized source triangulation. Data analysis used SWOT analysis through data processing, data analysis, data reduction, and conclusion.

A model of empowering fishermen communities in improve the welfare of Belawan sub-district, in Medan Belawan, Indonesia

Research, Society and Development, 2020

This study aimed to examine the lives of fishermen communities, found, and also discussed appropriate empowerment models for fishermen communities in Sub-District Belawan, Medan. Data collection through survey methods was done by distributing questionnaires to 100 fishermen communities. An in-depth interview method was also done to 4 informants consisting of the local chief and the fishermen communities. Through the results of descriptive analysis, it was found that the partnership – based empowerment model was an appropriate model with the situation and conditions of the fishermen communities in Sub-District Belawan, Medan. This partnership-based empowerment consisted of facilities assets, training, governance, developing access facilities of fisheries business, and strengthening fishing skills. However, some other aspects needed to be renewed in the fishermen communities, such as built the concepts of understanding the education meaning for fishermen communities and made approache...

Training and Mentoring to Empower the Coastal Community in Saramaake Village, East Halmahera, North Moluccas of Indonesia


Saramaake, as one of the villages in Kao Bey of East Halmahera, is known as a fish-catch production area, with an anchovy (Stolephorus spp) as its main catch commodity. These training and mentoring on community empowerment activities were carried out from June 2017 to January 2018, aimed to improve knowledge and skills on lift-net fishery, fish quality, marketing of fish products, and institutional development (cooperative). The training and mentoring were carried out through presentations of theory, discussions and practicals for participants (n = 19 persons; consisting of 9 fishermen and 10 fish processors). Based on the activities conducted, the community has a better knowledge and skills of the lift-net fisheries and were able to process marine products better quality. The marine products are also marketable and distributed to a wider area. Through better knowledge and skills, the fishery activity in this area is greatly enhanced. Keywords: Training and Mentoring, Coastal Commun...

Empowerment of Fishing Communities in the Management of the Results of the Sea in Indonesia


This type of qualitative research phenomenological approach, the results showed that the potential of the sea is very important in the people's economy, raise the potential has not managed professionally, this is due to the fishing potential has not been optimal, so the concept of empowerment and of Government policy in favour of fishermen is a real solution in making changes and increased progress in various sectors of its main on community empowerment coastal fishing sector.

The Development of Model Empowerment Poor Society in Coastal Area Through Net Marketing Fishery Product in East Java


Marketing net fishermen catch fish to be one thing that is very important to improve the lives of the fishermen, this means providing ample opportunity for poor residents of coastal areas to undertake productive economic and social activities so as to produce higher value-added and income greater concern for the ease of obtaining resources, utilizing advances in technology, utilizing continuous market, as well as get services from a variety of sources of financing Coastal and marine resources have contributed substantially in economic growth in East Java. Capture fisheries production in East Java province in 2009 was 390,251.56 tons. Fisheries export volume reached 188,979.76 tons worth U.S. $ 503,979.07 thousand. Nevertheless in the socio-economic life of fishing communities that most of them, especially the fishermen belonging to labor or small fishermen, living in poverty puddle. This study wanted to examine comprehensively about the Development Model of empowerment of the poor c...

Introducing Empowerment Strategy as a Way-Out for Salt Farming Industry in Rembang Regency-Indonesia

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015

This study aimed to analyze the semi-dried anchovy industry sustainability in Rembang Regency based on raw material resources and ecology, economics, socio-culture, institutional law, infrastructure technology, as well as product safety and quality dimensions. The research result aimed to improve the semi-dried anchovy industry sustainability. The research aimed to provide suggestion for the Government of Rembang Regency in improving the level of sustainability. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data obtained through literature studies, expert/stakeholder discussions, interviews, questionnaires, and field surveys. RAPFISH sustainability analysis (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries) used Multidimensional Scaling (MDS): Leverage and Monte Carlo, and Pareto analysis. Research result the infrastructure technology (70.56%), product safety quality (61.69%), institutional law (56.47%), economy (54.14%), and socio-cultural (51.72%) dimensions of semi-dried anchovy industry in Rembang Regency were in "adequately sustainable" category. However, theraw material resources and ecologydimension (48.77%) is in "less sustainable category". The researcher obtained 23 key leverage attributes to improve the sustainability of the semi-dried anchovy industry. KEY WORDS Attributes, anchovy, Rapfish, sustainability Anchovy (Stolephorus spp) is a small pelagic fish that lives in groups within shallow water. It has high economic value and is abundantly available. The number of potential resources available increases the fishing rate and semi-dried anchovy processing industry development. The semi-dried anchovy is processed fishery products. It uses fresh whole anchovy raw materials. The materials are treated in boiling in salt water and dried afterward (National Standardization Agency, 2013). Within the 1990-2000 period, the semi-dried anchovy processing industry has become one of the "prima donnas" of Indonesian export. This is in accordance with government policy to prioritize the commodities types with good export prospects, as these industries increase employment and added value for fishery products (Ministry of Maritime Affairs, 2015). The export volume in 1996 reached 20.5 thousand tons. However, the export volume tends to decline since 1996 (Bambang, et al. 2011). Kaliori and Sluke districts in Rembang Regency, Indonesia, are one of the areas in Central Java possessing the potential of a semi-dry anchovy industry for the export market. However, starting in 2003, many industries in Rembang Regency ceased operation. There are currently a few industries that survive. Based on Central Java Fish Quarantine and Quality Testing Center (BKIPM) data in 2017, Central Java's anchovy export capacity was182.59 tons due to declining anchovy raw materials. Anchovy commodity fluctuations were very drastic due to natural conditions. These species are sensitive to marine climate variability, temperature, aquatic elements and migratory nature properties (Checkley et al, 2009, Polovina et al, 2005, Alheit et al, 2004). Existing conditions indicate that the semi-dried anchovy industry struggles with the sustainability of raw material resources. According to Robert et al (2005), the availability of sufficient and sustainable raw materials is one of the important factors for the sustainability of capture fisheries-based agro-industries. In addition, social, economic and government

Empowerment of Fish Farming Groups Through Diversification of Fish Processed Products to Improve the Welfare of Farmers in Ngrajeg Village Mungkid Sub-District of Magelang

Indonesian Journal of Devotion and Empowerment, 2020

Fish commodity at the time of harvest in Ngrajeg village of Magelang Regency, the price becomes falling and fish that do not sell is also easy to rot. This condition will harm fish farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify fish processed products to increase the economic value of fish. However, conditions in the field show that fish farmers in Ngrajeg are still limited in their knowledge and skills related to diversification of fish products. This community service activity aims to provide science stimulus to fish farmers regarding the diversification of processed fish products into a variety of economically valuable products. The target audience of this activity is the fish farmers in Ngrajeg village of Mungkid Magelang Sub-District. The methods used in problem solving through training in the form of material and practice. Hopefully after the fish farmers increase their knowledge about diversification of processed fish products can apply it. So the income of fish farmers wi...