Credibility of disability estimates from the 2011 population census in Poland (original) (raw)
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Journal of Health Study and Medicine, 2019
Introduction: Assessment of population health lies in the centre of attention of medical and social sciences. Medical advancement prolongs life span and contributes to an increasing number of the elderly. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of the disability phenomenon as a determinant of the health status of the Polish population, including socioeconomic variables, causes of disability, its severity and territorial differences in this aspect. Material and methods: The research material was a database containing information on population aged 18. and over with a disability certificate issued in 2010-2017 (data from the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Policy). The analysis of empirical data enabled a detailed analysis of the prevalence of the phenomenon of legal disability in Poland in the context of new cases in the period covered by the study. Results: In the analyzed period, the percentage of newly issued certificates increased until 2015, when it amounted to 1.81%, after which it began to decrease. In 2017 this percentage amounted to 1.44% (553 674 of issued certificates). The most common cause of disability in both men and women was the locomotor disorder – 27.0% and 33.0% respectively. In terms of issued certificates, a moderate degree of disability prevailed – 50.1%. Territorial differentiation in the scope of issuing decisions about disability was observed. In 2017 the highest percentage of new disability occurred in the świętokrzyskie province, where it accounted for 2.5% of the total population, while the lowest was in mazowieckie, where it accounted for 0.9% of these region population. Conclusions: An in-depth, reliable evaluation of epidemiological situation, disease burden and burden-related disability is the reason for implementing activities which aim at improving health in societies, eliminating health differences and providing the disabled with equal opportunities. Key words: disability, health status, Poland
Health Status, Functional Limitations and Disability: Changes in Poland
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Materials published here have a working paper character. They can be subject to further publication. The views and opinions expressed here reflect the author(s) point of view and not necessarily those of CASE Network. This report was prepared within a project entitled "Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations" (ANCIEN), June 2012. The project is funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Programme (FP7 Health-2007-3.2.2, Grant no. 223483).
Disability and censuses: Methodological challenges and experience in measuring disability
Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2014
The present article has the primary objective of displaying stances about the role, the reach and limitations of a Census as a means of collecting data on disability in different countries. It will present the purpose of the Recommendation from the Washington Group on Disability Statistics in the context of introducing disability-related questions in national censuses from the year 2010 onwards. Furthermore, the article will inspect the limitations regarding measuring disability and functional difficulties through the means of a census, relying on the experience from other countries and scholarly research. This part will strongly focus on the formulations made by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics and the set of short questions presently used in national censuses. Finally, the article will briefly observe the experience from the Serbian national census in 2011 in measuring functional difficulties for the first time.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 2022
Introduction and Objective. In each society there functions a group of the disabled who need assistance. The number and character of dysfunctional consequences determine the types of support, characteristics of health, medical and social problems, where a part of them are interdependent. The interdependence of these needs determine the consistency of rehabilitation actions, which result in the improvement of quality of life of disabled persons in their living environment, especially among rural inhabitants. Materials and method. The scientific medical, and sociological literature, as well as binding legal Acts from 1978-2021 were reviewed. Materials from Polish and English databases were analysed. Key words related to disability, its definition, models of disability, disability discrimination, inequalities in medical and social care, health and social needs, maps of needs, satisfaction with medical and social care, and quality of life were used. Brief description of the state of knowledge. Despite the fact that disability is a medical-social phenomenon, many reports concern only the treatment of the consequences of diseases, injuries, genetic/congenital or environmental defects. Disability is frequently identified with disease, which is inappropriate. Many researchers dealing with disability focus-quite rightly-on studies concerning social consequences, because they decide about the level of functioning of these persons in society and level of participation. Summary. Disability is not only a medical and social problem. Treatment does not end the essence of disability. Only interdisciplinary studies can change the life of these persons regarding great possibilities for their participation.
BioMed Research International, 2018
Introduction. The aim of the study was to assess the level of disability in a sample of older people in south-eastern Poland and to identify any potential relationship between their profile of functioning and a complex set of variables including activities, participation, and contextual factors.Materials and Methods. The study included 800 people aged 71–80 years. The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire was applied for the assessment of disability.Results. A total of 43.88% of the interviewees showed a moderate level of disability, while 17.75% had severe or extremely high levels of disability. In addition, 7.75% of the interviewees had no functional limitations and 30.62% demonstrated a mild level of disability. The studied individuals reported the greatest difficulties with life activities such as cleaning, cooking, or shopping, followed by Limited Participation and then getting along. Age, number of chronic diseases, a low level of education, a low level of physical activity, poor living co...
Medical Review, 2016
Introduction: Many variables in research in the area of medical and health sciences are qualitative in nature. A common statistical tool used to analyze them is the χ 2 test. However, it does not allow us to assess the relationship between a number of variables and distinguish the factors determining the investigated phenomenon. A more accurate tool is the log-linear analysis, which enable the researcher to evaluate the dependences and interactions between the studied variables. Purpose: Description of the use of log-linear analysis on the example of the cross-sectional study on disability of the elderly. Material and methods: The assessment of disability and the choice of the factors that determine it was carried out on the STRESZCZENIE Wstęp: Wiele zmiennych w badaniach z obszaru nauk medycznych oraz nauk o zdrowiu ma charakter jakościowy. Powszechnym narzędziem statystycznym stosowanym do ich analizy jest test χ 2. Nie pozwala on jednak na dokonanie oceny powiązań między większą liczbą zmiennych oraz wyodrębnienie czynników determinujących badane zjawisko. Dokładniejszym narzędziem jest analiza log-liniowa, pozwalająca na ocenę zależności i interakcji między badanymi zmiennymi. Cel: Przedstawienie zastosowania analizy log-liniowej na przykładzie przekrojowego badania niepełnosprawności osób starszych. Materiał i metody: Ocenę niepełnosprawności oraz wybór czynników, które ją determinują przeprowadzono na wyni
BackgroundThe aim of this paper is to construct the tool that can be used to measure multidimensional quality of life of persons with disabilities in comparison with population without disabilities for the purpose of monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). MethodsThe Sen’s capability approach was applied to conceptualize the quality of life. We followed guidelines of The Quality of Life Framework developed within the European Statistical System. The QoL scores in each domain (covered by the UNCRPD) were constructed using multiply indicators and multiple causes model (MIMIC). All analysis were based on 2018 EU-SILC data for Poland. We constructed quality of life indicators for population with and without disabilities and compared the differences. ResultsPersons without disability experienced higher QoL as compared to population with disabilities, overall and in various domains. Lower average QoL of persons with disabilities is a result of ...
Individual Factors of Extending the Working Life for People with Disabilities in Poland
Econometrics, 2020
Extending working life is an important challenge for modern economies. In Poland, 40% of people aged 50–64 are economically inactive. In the population of people with disabilities, this percentage is much higher (78%). The aim of this paper is to assess the individual factors for extending the working life of Poles aged 50–64 and their comparison between people with and without disabilities. The empirical analysis is based on the national survey, Social Diagnosis (for people aged 50–64). The analysis was carried out with the application of logistic regression, as well as the Student t-test, the Mann-Whitney test, the chi-squared test of independence. The logistic regression results show that the factors of extending working life for people with disabilities are different than for others – statistically significant determinants are formal outcomes of human capital development (regarding individuals without disabilities, the list of factors extending working life is more extensive).
Every census is a twofold scientific resource for historians of education. On the one hand. each census indicates the development of the general state of education of a particular country. on the other hand data referring to age groups (cohors) display a latent diacronity even within one single census. 1 There have already been several national census in Hungary which formulated questions concerning people with disabilities (Lakatos. 2003 ; Tausz 2004; Szabó. 2008). The present article does not undertake to present these findings in details. The present article relies only upon date of the census from 2001 and possessed exclusively by KSH (Central Statistical Office of the Hungarian Republic). 2 The following analysis relies upon four data bases. The first one addresses people with disabilities from Budapest. Its parameters consist of: gender. cohors table for examined age categories of five years in a ranking of seventeen values and specifying thirteen different kinds of disabilities. level of education in a ranking of five categories. economic activity in four different categories and finally nine categories of possible religious denominations. The last column shows the number of individuals related to each combination. The second data base shows the same data on national level. The third and the fourth data bases contained those individuals who did not consider themselves to belong to any particular group of those with disabilities. The first step of the present analysis was to unify the national data with the data from Budapest for both the groups of those with disabilities (disabled) and of those without disabilities. The outcome of the joint data base was to change the former thirteen category of people with disabilities to fourteen. the last one being a zero value. for those. who were without disabilities. The second step was the vertical unification of the data bases (taking one single combination of the parameters as one single case). then we subtracted the data referring to Budapest from the national data achieving in this way a separate data base for the province. 3 Following this step instead of using the national data base. we linked the data base of the province to that of Budapest. In addition to the joined data base we included one more parameter: is the person in question a Budapest dweller or not. The finally obtained data base consisted of 54338 lines which means that the total population of ten million was divided into 54338 groups. The 54338 groups contained 12779 empty categories. (For instance there was no retired. Lutheran. blind. high-school graduate woman in Budapest of over age 1
Formazione & Insegnamento, XX(1): 208-218, 2022
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) stresses the importance of accurate, reliable, comparable and disaggregated data by conditions and areas of life. There is national and international research, but the UN itself declares them unsatisfactory, denouncing the connection with unequal and ineffective policies on disability. In light of these considerations, this paper intends to present an overview on the nature and criticalities of the statistics on persons with disabilities reviewing the scientific literature. Starting from this framework, the project «More than just numbers» disability data matter, held by the University of Bergamo, will be introduced. It aims at developing a theoretical-methodological model to promote an in-depth, updated knowledge on disability, on the phenomena and the systems related to it, as well as tracing political actions for a truly inclusive society.