Development and assessment of a questionnaire for a descriptive cross – sectional study concerning parents' knowledge, attitudes and practises in antibiotic use in … (original) (raw)

Cronbach s Coefficient Alpha: A Meta-Analysis Study

Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2016

This study is to examine the meta-analysis results acquired from Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient being used in Hacettepe University Journal of Education. Within this context, 1222 items taking place in 43 issues which were published in Hacettepe University Journal of Education between 1986 and 2012 were examined and 354 measurement tools in total were discussed according to their inclusion criteria. In this study, r index was used in calculating influence quantity in correlational data for combining data while random influence model of Fisher z method was used in correlational data for combining influence quantities. It was benefited from SPSS 20 and MetaWin 2.0 packet programs for the analysis of data. It was found in this study that effect size mean is quite strong according to various moderator varieties of Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient. As a result of this study, it was determined that effect size mean of scale reliability prepared for measuring affective structure was greater than the scales prepared for measuring cognitive structures; effect size mean of reliability coefficient in adaptation studies was greater than the studies of applying and developing prepared scale. In addition to these results, it was observed that as the education levels of individuals within the sample and the number of items in scale increase, effect size mean of alpha reliability coefficient increases, too. On the other hand, it was determined that sample size and answer category number of option items did not have a direct influence on alpha coefficient. Afterwards, independent samples t test, one way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis Test were conducted in order to find out whether the mean of Cronbach alpha acquired in line with the determined moderator variables varied according to groups. According to these analysis results, it was determined that structure of data collection tool, content of the sample, item and number of option had significant differences on Cronbach alpha coefficient. In addition to the variables within this study, different variables which are thought to affect reliability can be handled and the effects of these variables on reliability coefficient can be examined.

Assessing the construct validity and reliability of the parental perception on antibiotics (PAPA) scales

BMC Public Health, 2014

Background: The overuse of antibiotics is becoming an increasing concern. Antibiotic resistance, which increases both the burden of disease, and the cost of health services, is perhaps the most profound impact of antibiotics overuse. Attempts have been made to develop instruments to measure the psychosocial constructs underlying antibiotics use, however, none of these instruments have undergone thorough psychometric validation. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Parental Perceptions on Antibiotics (PAPA) scales. The PAPA scales attempt to measure the factors influencing parental use of antibiotics in children.

Assessing the overuse of antibiotics in children with URTIs in Saudi Arabia: development of the parental perception on antibiotics scale (PAPA scale)

Journal of epidemiology and global health, 2013

Antibiotic overuse is influenced by several factors that can only be measured using a valid and reliable psychosocial measurement instrument. This study aims to establish translation and early stage validation of an instrument recently developed by this research team to measure factors influencing the overuse of antibiotics in children with upper respiratory tract infections in Saudi Arabia. The content evaluation panel was composed of area experts approached using the Delphi Technique. Experts were provided with the questionnaires iteratively, on a three-round basis until consensus on the relevance of items was reached independently. Translation was achieved by adapting Brislin's model of translation. After going through the iterative process with the experts, consensus was reached to 58 items (including demographics). Experts also pointed out some issues related to ambiguity and redundancy in some items. A final Arabic version was produced from the translation process. This st...

Validity and reliability of a questionnaire : a literature review


Questionnaires form an important part of research methodology. However many a times the research hypothesis of our concern does not have a standard questionnaire or item to measure from and we often end up using self made questionnaires. The main problem behind such questionnaires is its validity and reliability. With the advancement in technology though we have much software to measure these but with the lack of basic knowledge about validity and reliability, the software are of no use. This article highlights and summaries the important aspect of validity and reliability regarding a questionnaire.

EVALUASI PSIKOMETRIK SKALA KUALITAS ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA ANAK DENGAN INFEKSI SALURAN PERNAFASAN AKUT (Psychometric Evaluation of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale for Children Hospitalized with Acute Respiratory Infection

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Evaluasi Psikometrik kualitas skala asuhan keperawatan adalah kunci penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas asuhan keperawatan bagi anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit dengan infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian anak dengan ISPA, terutama di Indonesia. Metode: Konstruksi validitas yang diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan eksploratori faktor analisis (EFA), pendekatan kelompok kontras, dan reliabilitas. Hasil: Konstruksi validitas: 1) EFA menemukan bahwa QNCS-HARIC terdiri dari 37 item dengan empat faktor dan total variance explained dari 42.92% dan factor loadings berkisar .30-.70; 2) Pendekatan kelompok kontras menemukan bahwa skor rata-rata dari 37 item QNCS-HARIC antara dua kelompok berbeda secara signifikan (t =-22,91; p = .000); dan 3) Cronbach's alpha coefficient dari total 37 item yang QNCS-HARIC adalah .93. Cronbach's alpha coefficient faktor 1, 2, 3, dan 4 dari 37 item QNCS-HARIC masing-masing adalah .87, .80, .77, dan .76. Diskusi: Meskipun model 37 item QNCS-HARIC diterima, itu kurang representatif, terutama dalam dimensi sosial-budaya anak dengan ISPA dan keluarga karena hanya terdiri dari 3 dari 10 item yang tidak bisa mengukur dimensi aspek sosio-budaya secara lengkap. ABSTRACT Introduction: Psychometric Evaluation of the quality of nursing care scale is a vital key to improve the quality of nursing care for hospitalized acute respiratory infection (ARI) children in order to decrease morbidity and mortality of ARI children, especially in Indonesia. Method: Construct validity was identified using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), contrasted group approach, and reliability. Results: Construct validity: 1) EFA found that the QNCS-HARIC consisted of 37 items with four factor and total variance explained of 42.92% and factor loadings ranged from .30 to .70; 2) contrasted group approach found that the mean scores of the 37 items QNCS-HARIC between two groups were significantly different (t =-22.91; p = .000); and 3) Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the total 37 item QNCS-HARIC was .93. Cronbach's alpha coefficients of Factor 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the 37 item QNCS-HARIC were .87, .80, .77, and .76, respectively. Discussion: Although the 37 items QNCS-HARIC model was acceptable, it was less representative, especially in the socio-cultural dimension of ARI children and family because it consisted of only 3 from 10 items which could not measure the complate dimension of the socio-cultural aspect.

A Review on Sample Size Determination for Cronbach’s Alpha Test: A Simple Guide for Researchers

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences

Background: Reliability studies are commonly used in questionnaire development studies and questionnaire validation studies. This study reviews the sample size guideline for Cronbach's alpha test. Methods: Manual sample size calculation using Microsoft Excel software and sample size tables were tabulated based on a single coefficient alpha and the comparison of two coefficients alpha. Results: For a single coefficient alpha test, the approach by assuming the Cronbach's alpha coefficient equals to zero in the null hypothesis will yield a smaller sample size of less than 30 to achieve a minimum desired effect size of 0.7. However, setting the coefficient of Cronbach's alpha larger than zero in the null hypothesis could be necessary and this will yield larger sample size. For comparison of two coefficients of Cronbach's alpha, a larger sample size is needed when testing for smaller effect sizes. Conclusions: In the assessment of the internal consistency of an instrument, the present study proposed the Cronbach's alpha's coefficient to be set at 0.5 in the null hypothesis and hence larger sample size is needed. For comparison of two coefficients' of Cronbach's alpha, justification is needed whether testing for extremely low and extremely large effect sizes are scientifically necessary.

Development and validation of the knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotics and resistance (KAAR-11) questionnaire for primary care physicians

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2016

The aim of this study was to develop a novel, self-administered questionnaire to identify primary-care physicians' knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotics and resistance (KAAR). Methods: The study population comprised primary care physicians. The study was conducted in five phases. Phase I consisted of a systematic review and qualitative focus-group study (n¼33 physicians), in which items were formulated so as to be measured on a continuous, visual analogue scale (VAS); in Phase II, content validation and face validity were evaluated by a panel of experts, which reformulated, added and deleted items; Phase III consisted of a pilot study on a population possessing similar characteristics (n¼15); in Phase IV, we analysed reliability by means of a test-retest study (n¼91) and calculated the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs); and in Phase V, we assessed construct validity by applying the known-groups technique, measuring the differences between contrasting groups of physicians formed according to antibiotic prescription quality indicators (group 1, n¼156 versus group 2, n¼191). Results: Following Phases I and II, the questionnaire contained 16 knowledge and attitude items. Participants in the pilot study (Phase III) reported no difficulty. The test-retest study (Phase IV) showed that 11 of the 16 initial knowledge and attitude items yielded an ICC.0.5, while analysis of known-groups validity (Phase V) showed that 13 of the 16 initial items which assessed knowledge and attitudes discriminated between physicians with good and bad indicators of antibiotics prescription. Conclusion: The final 11 item KAAR questionnaire appears to be valid, reliable and responsive.

Parental–Caregivers Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ): translation and evaluation of psychometric properties of the French version of the questionnaire

BMC Oral Health

Background: The Parental-Caregivers Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ) is a measure of parental/caregivers' perceptions of the impact of children's oral health on quality of life. The aim of the study was evaluate the psychometric properties of the French version of the P-CPQ. Method: The original P-CPQ was developed in English language and has 31 items divided into four sub-scales. This cross-sectional study used the translation-back translation method. The translated questionnaire was pretested on 14 parents-caregivers to obtain the final French version. The psychometric properties were tested on 142 parents/ caregivers of three clinical groups of children from 8 to 10 years old without dental/facial anomalies (presumed healthy), with oral-facial clefts and with oral-dental anomalies linked to a rare disease other than cleft, approached in the waiting room of the Centre of the Hospital Rothschild in Paris, France, where the children attended treatment. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability by Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Construct validity was measured by correlations between the total scores and the global ratings of oral health and overall wellbeing, and tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the factorial structure was evaluated by the partial confirmatory factor analysis (PCFA). Discriminant validity was determined using Kruskall-Wallis test. Results: The mean (standard deviation) P-CPQ score was 18.73(18.79). Internal consistency was confirmed by a Cronbach alpha of 0.85. The test-retest reliability revealed that the responses to items were satisfactorily stable (ICC = 0.88). Construct validity was demonstrated by significant correlation coefficients between the total scale and the global ratings (r = 0.54 and 0.46; p < 0.001). Factor analysis with Principal Component Analysis extracted seven factors explaining 65.23% cumulative variance. Goodness-of-fit indices for partial confirmatory factor analysis were satisfactory for the 7-factors model of the French-PCPQ version. There were statistically significant differences between clinical groups regarding the total scale, thus demonstrating discriminant validity (p < 0.001). Conclusion: This French P-CPQ version showed reliability and validity comparable to the previous versions. However, the cross-cultural structure of the subscales should be further evaluated.