The golombok rust inventory of marital state (GRIMS (original) (raw)
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Turkish Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 2014
The exacerbation of health anxiety as the result of repeated online searches for medical information has been termed cyberchondria. Cyberchondria may lead to increased use of health services and increased healthcare costs. The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of Turkish form of the Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS). This study was conducted on 335 employees who work in Pamukkale University. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) was used for concurrent validity. After language adaptation and content validity of the CSS, confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) was performed. The mean age of participants was 38.2 ± 8.5 years and 64.5% of them were male. Cronbach alpha coefficient of CSS calculated for the reliability was 0.89, while the subscales ranged from 0.65 to 0.85. The correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability were ranged from 0.53-0.71. Correlation of CSS with DASS was r = 0.33. Fit indices based on CFA results were all excellent or within acceptable ranges. The Turkish version of CSS has adequate psychometric properties of validity and reliability, and can be used to assess cyberchondria.
The Development of the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS)
In this study, the process of developing the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS) aiming to support studies in the field of marital satisfaction and to obtain information about couples in a short time through psychological counseling is discussed. The scale including 101 yes-no items aiming to reveal couples’ opinions about their marriages was designed in parallel with similar scales developed abroad for similar purposes. The scale is comprised of two parts. The first part contains 92 items related to the sub-dimensions of the marital satisfaction. On the other hand, the second part of the scale dealing with the effect of “understanding of parenting” on the marital satisfaction includes 9 items to be responded by individuals with children. In the process of developing the scale, 341 people were given the whole scale and 270 people who have children were given the second part of the scale to carry out the statistical calculations. As a result of the item total, item remaining and discriminant analysis of the scale, the results were found to be significant at the level of p .001. Through Cronbach α, Spearman Brown and Guttman Split-Half techniques, reliability values between r=.93 and .97 were found. The reliability values of the part of the scale administered to people with children about “understanding of parenting” was found to be between r=.81 and .86. The factor analysis revealed that the first sub-dimension of the scale assesses the “marital harmony” which is comprised of the “relationship happiness”, “conflict” and “closeness” sub-scales. Other subdimensions are “anger”, “communication with the spouse’s family “, “economic understanding”, and “understanding of parenting”.
Development and Validation of the Satisfaction in Couple Relationship Scale (SCR)
Contemporary Family Therapy, 2017
In this regard, Martínez de Restrepo (1995) highlighted that because "the key role of the couple as a source of family, social groups and individual emotional stability makes it increasingly necessary to work and investigate couple relationships" (p. 69). According to this, it is noteworthy that some relevant aspects of couple relationships, such as sexual satisfaction, have been mainly studied from a clinical perspective, regardless of discipline. This tendency has resulted in potentially biased knowledge about couple process given the reliance on couples coping with relational challenges. In view of this situation, this points to the need to further develop this subject from a "normality" or "functionality" perspective (Fuertes Martín 2000). Couple relationships are not static, although they are often kept within certain limits. Those modifications depend on different factors, from trivial troubles to important conflicts. Therefore, stability is a relative aspect in couple relationships (Sánchez Aragón 2009). Issues such as satisfaction within a couple relationship cannot be considered static factors as they evolve, along with many other components, as the couple relationship progresses over time. The quality or satisfaction specifically, as factors in a couple relationship, can be defined as the degree to which intimacy, affection and mutual support are shown by both partners (Collins et al. 2009), or as an emotional state in which the person is satisfied with the interactions, experiences and expectations about the couple relationship (Ward et al. 2009). Interest in the study of satisfaction in couple relationship mainly lies in the principle that a stable and satisfactory relationship has a positive impact on personal well-being and happiness, while a damaged relationship has a negative impact on family dynamics, and
International Journal of Impotence Research, 2003
The objective of this study was to investigate the predictive validity of the Dutch translation of the Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS) for the presence of clinically relevant sexual dysfunctions and patient's need of help. A total of 57 male urological outpatients (age 50.7 7 13.2 y; range 27-77 y) completed the GRISS, a 28-item self-report questionnaire assessing sexual dysfunctions and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual relationships. GRISS subscales were found to differentiate multivariately between men with and without sexual dysfunctions. The erectile dysfunction (In the original English version of the GRISS, the term 'impotence' was used instead of 'erectile dysfunction'), dissatisfaction, and infrequency subscales also differentiated univariately between these groups. The predictive validity for the presence of sexual dysfunctions and for the patients' need for professional help was investigated. Prediction models, derived by means of logistic regression analysis, were tested in a crossvalidation sample. Sensitivity and specificity for the presence of sexual dysfunctions, as well as the predictive values positive and negative were found to be satisfactory. The predictive validity of the GRISS was found equally satisfactory for the patients' need for professional help. The discriminant and predictive validity of the GRISS in men with and without sexual dysfunctions appeared satisfactory. Routine use of the GRISS appears warranted for the screening of sexual dysfunctions in new urological patients.
Development and Psychometric Properties for Scale of Marital Intimacy in Couples
Pakistan journal of humanities and social sciences, 2023
The aims of the present study are the development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of Scale of Marital Intimacy (SMI) in married couples. The study methodology has used cross sectional research design and couples were selected with the purposive sampling technique. The development of the scale was based on deductive approach. Sixty items were selected after expert evaluation. In try-out phase, 50 couples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The items were found to be comprehendible by the couples and 54 items showed acceptable ≥ 0.30 item total correlation coefficient and 0.96 Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient. In pilot study, 150 couples were selected by purposive sampling technique and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. A total of 52 items were retained after EFA. These items were administered on another sample of 125 couples selected by purposive sampling technique. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) yielded 16 items for SMI and five subscales. The results in try-out of 54 items showed item-total correlation coefficient from 0.303 to 0.812 in acceptable range. EFA on 54 items yielded acceptable Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO) and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity with factor loading ≥0.40 of 52 items. CFA showed model fit p<0.001 that established the structure validity and significant loading of the items in its subscales after eliminating 36 items. Final version of Scale of Marital Intimacy retained 16 items with acceptable Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient. Conclusively, SMI is a reliable indigenous scale for measuring levels of marital closeness in couples with five sub-scales in Pakistan.
Psychological symptoms and sexual satisfaction in polygamic and monogamic wives
Cukurova Medical Journal, 2022
This study aimed to investigate the sexual satisfaction and mental health indicators in polygamous and monogamous women in Turkey. The study included 108 female participants: 36 monogamous wives and 72 polygamous wives. Materials and Methods: The participants were evaluated with the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) and Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS). Results: There were significant differences between the groups regarding the total GRISS score and Dissatisfaction, Sensuality, Vaginismus, and Anorgasmia subscale scores. In comparing the SCL-90 scores with ANOVA, the senior wife group had significantly higher scores in the Depression subscales. Monogamic wives had higher satisfaction from their sexual lives and had less frequent psychiatric symptoms than polygamic wives. Conclusion: It is important to raise awareness about the polygamic family structure, draw attention to often neglected issues such as sexual health, and improve the health services provided to this group. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bir Türk Örnekleminde poligamik ve monogamik evliliklere dahil olan kadınların cinsel doyum düzeyleri ile ruh sağlığı ile ilgili belirtileri araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya 72 poligamik, 36 monogamik evlilik yapmış toplam 108 kadın katılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Katılımcılara değerlendirme için Golombok Rust Cinsel Doyum Ölçeği (GRCDÖ) ve SCL-90-R uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: GRCDÖ ile yapılan karşılaştırmada iki grup arasında, Toplam Puan, Doyum, Dokunma, Vaginismus ve Anorgazmi alt ölçekleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. SCL-90 puanları ANOVA ile karşılaştırıldığında Polgamik evliliklerdeki ilk eşler (Senior Wife) Depresyon alt ölçeğinden anlamlı olarak yüksek puan ortalamasına sahipti. Monogamik evliliklerdeki kadınlar, Poligamik evliliklerdeki kadınlara göre cinsel yaşamlarından daha yüksek doyuma sahip olduğu, daha az psikiyatrik semptoma sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çok eşli aile yapısı hakkında farkındalık yaratmak, cinsel sağlık gibi sıklıkla ihmal edilen konulara dikkat çekmek ve bu gruba verilen sağlık hizmetlerini iyileştirmek önemlidir.
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2019
General and sexual satisfaction are interrelated dimensions that condition any type of couple relationship. This study examines both dimensions, taking gender into account, 237 couples participated in the study, completing a 13-item questionnaire whose construct validity was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, obtaining two factors having excellent overall reliability (α = 0.92). Results reveal higher rates of general satisfaction in men, but lower rates regarding certain aspects of sexual satisfaction. Best general satisfaction predictors were feeling taken care of for women whereas men need to perceive that their partner is concerned when they are sad or upset. The best predictor, for both genders, is satisfaction with their couple relationship.