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Olumsuz Davraniş Örnekleri̇ Sergi̇leyen Öğrenci̇leri̇n Di̇yalog Kurma Düzeyleri̇ Üzeri̇
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2017
The aim of this study is to determine how dialogues among students exhibit negative behaviours towards their friends in classroom or school and their family members. In this study, observation and interview methods were used to gather required data. To determine how students exhibit negative behaviours in classroom or school in having dialogues with their classmates, unstructured observation method, and also for determining the level of the dialogues with their family members semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the students. The study group consisted of 32 secondary schools and 68 secondary school students studying in these schools situated in Van province in 2015-2016 academic year. The data acquired from the students' observations and interviews were analysed using content analysis method.The study results showed that generally the economic situations of the students are at middle and poor levels; the fathers are workers, mothers are housewives, living in an elementaryfamily; the level of their dialogues with family members are not at a desired level due to high frequency of such expressions as "As a result of my negative behaviour in the house, I am sometimes beaten up, my dialogue with my mother is good, but not with my father, my dialogue with my brother/sister/older brother/older sister is not good, I am on bad terms with all family members." Students' dialogues with their classmates are problematic, and using an abusive and slang language, these students usually have dialogueswith those alike in nature and tease female students.
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, 2022
The problem in this study is that there is an indication of students' bullying behavior at school and students' learning independence is low. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parents' overprotective parenting with bullying behavior and learning independence of fifth grade students. The population is 113 students. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling technique, the sample is 56 students. Data analysis using product moment correlation. The results of the study concluded that 1) there is a relationship between parents’ overprotective parenting with bullying behavior of students with a very high category, 2) there is a relationship between overprotective parenting of parents and learning independence of students with a very high category, 3) there is a relationship between bullying behavior and the learning independence with a very high category.
Internalisasi Konsep Tri Rahayu sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Bullying di Sekolah
Pakar Pendidikan, 2024
Bullying is a severe problem that must be prevented immediately. One effort to prevent bullying is to internalize the Tri-Rahayu concept. This research aims to 1) describe the Tri Rahayu concept as an effort to prevent bullying and 2) analyze its relevance in preventing bullying in schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with the literature study method. Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation techniques. This research data is in the form of information regarding bullying prevention and the Tri Rahayu concept. This research's source of literature studies is journal articles accessed via Google Scholar. The data analysis technique in this research uses content analysis techniques, while the data wetness technique uses theoretical triangulation. The research results show that there are several attitudes that can be internalized in the Tri Rahayu concept as an effort to prevent bullying. This attitude is introspective, tepa slira, aja dumeh, srawung, tulung tinulung, alert, lan tumindak alus sarwi aris, and law-abiding. The Tri Rahayu concept is relevant to preventing bullying in schools because this concept teaches kindness and peace towards oneself, fellow humans, and the nation. This research provides a new concept related to efforts to prevent bullying through the philosophical concept of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, which can be used as a reference and guideline for preventing bullying in schools.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy untuk Mengubah Pikiran Negatif dan Kecemasan pada Remaja
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2019
Bullying behavior among school students known as school bullying is rapidly increasing. Generally, children who are victims of bullying will feel unhappiness, especially when they are in an environment where they are being bullied. This study aims to obtain factual data about the bullying behavior at elementary school children located in East Bandung area. This is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The number of sample used in this study was 494 children aged between 10-12 years who attend elementary school in East Bandung area. The instruments used in this study are a modified questionnaire from The Children's Happiness Scale and the Illinois Bully Scale. The data obtained then presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results showed that students had been victims of bullying and/or had done bullying in various types and levels. In general, verbal psychological bullying forms are ranked top for both boys and girls, followed by non-verbal psychological bullying and the last is physical bullying.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study aimed to describe the efforts made by teachers in fulfilling the children’s rights and preventing of violence against children through child-friendly school policy in the Islamic elementary schools. This research was qualitative descriptive research, and the research subjects were of teachers and principals of 7 several Islamic elementary schools located in Lampung Province (Metro, East Lampung, Pringsewu, and Tanggamus). The sampling technique was purposive random sampling, while the data were collection through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The results of this research showed that: 1) providing protection2) providing consultation rooms, counseling guidance to parents and students, 3) doing fun activities 4) providing facilities that ensure the safety of learners 5) socializing, opening communication 6) providing good example 7) supervision, and mentoring 8) create regulations that guarantee the rights and safety of learners both physica...
The numbers of violent acts conducted by senior high school students are increasing rapidly while the group counseling conducted in schools has yet to succeed in reducing the number of such actions. The objective of this study is to disclose the effectiveness of the guidelines for group counseling service in reducing students' aggressiveness. This study employs the Research and Development (R & D) method. The population of this study is high school students in Padang, and the sampling technique used to determine the sample is Cluster Random Sampling. The research instrument of this study is the aggressiveness questionnaire proposed by Firman in 2018. The data were analyzed using the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative data were analyzed using a pattern previously developed by Spradley, while the quantitative data were analyzed with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Based on the results, it was found that the guideline for group counseling services were effective in reducing the aggressiveness of the high schools (SMA) students.
Discipline plays an important role in the success of every learner and is considered as a crucial part of the educational process. Undesirable behaviors in the classroom should be interrupted to ensure a smooth flow during the educational process. This study aimed to identify the undesirable pupils’ behaviors in the academic classroom of Oyan Elementary School. This paper, determines best practices of teachers of all content areas and grade levels to address misbehavior among elementary school pupils in the school where the researcher is presently engaged. The results of the study has shown that majority of the intermediate pupils observed were female aged 12-13. The intermediate pupils’ academic performance in communication Arts-English, Mathematics, EPP and HKS were found to below average while they had an average performance in Communication Arts-Filipino. The pupils’ undesirable behaviors were found by the teachers as sometimes manifested due to the ineffective practices used by teachers in meeting pupils with undesirable behavior. On the basis of the findings and conclusions, the school administrators are recommended to update teachers along the lines of meeting pupils with problems, the effective styles used and the possible outcomes so that there could be behavior modification among the pupils exhibiting behavior problem. Teachers may equip themselves with the necessary traits of being a guidance counselor through attending seminars related to guidance and counseling. Home visitations may be done by the teachers to afford a workable atmosphere between teachers and parents regarding pupils’ attitudes. Periodic evaluation on the degree of accomplishment of teachers as to behavior modification implementation may be undertaken.
An Overview of Verbal Violence by Teachers on Students at High School in Kupang City
Journal of Health and Behavioral Science, 2021
This study aims to determine the impact of verbal violence by teachers on students at SMA Negeri Kupang. This study uses a qualitative research type. This research was conducted on three participants who were students of a state high school in Kupang City. Information about the two participants was revealed using semi-structured interviews. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. This study uses a research instrument, namely the researcher himself. The data analysis technique used in this research is interpretative phenomological analysis. The main purpose of phenomological interpretive analysis is to identify how an individual interprets his life experience. The stages in this data analysis technique are repeated reading and taking notes, turning notes into themes, looking for relationships and grouping themes, and making reports on research results. The results of this study indicate that the three participants, namely PI, AH, KA felt the impact of verbal abuse by their...
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia, 2014
There are a lot of films are screened andvarious games which one liked by children nowadays. Those movies and games which are usually contain a lot of challenges , however not all of them positive influence. The films and games which contain negative influence can stimulate the child agrgressively, especially the ones which contain violence. Authoritarian parenting is also a factor that affects the aggressiveness of the child. Parental upbringing violent without any compromise can lead to rebellion and an aggressive stance on the aggressive behavior of a child, then the child will be more visible on the child's social relationships. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between authoritarian parenting and watching intensity level of aggressiveness of violence against children. The theory used is the social learning theory (social learning theory). The approach is using quantitative research methods. The population was grade 5 of elementary school students. The results showed that there is no absence relationship between authoritarian parenting and watching intensity level of aggressiveness towards children .
Evaluating the Policy of Child-Friendly School in a Junior High School in Ternate
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)
Some recent reports publish an alarming condition of child abuse at home and schools. This condition is unfortunate since children should be supported to grow in a healthy atmosphere. To meet this need, the Indonesian government issued a child-friendly school policy in 2014. The present study aims to evaluate the performance of the policy in an empirical setting in a school. Of the four domains of abuses, this study only focuses on the physical violence experienced by students in the sample school. This study was conducted at one of the child-friendly schools in Ternate. By employing quantitative anthropology, this study surveyed physical abuses to 187 students using a valid and reliable instrument and analyzed the data by using descriptive statistics. In general, the whole study covered three dimensions of physical abuses namely abuses committed by schoolmates against the respondents, abuses committed by respondents to their schoolmates, and abuses by teachers to respondents. However, due to the limited space available, this article merelydiscusses the pictures of abuses by schoolmates and abuses by respondents. The result shows that the cases of physical abuses experienced by students varied from never, seldom, sometimes, often, and very often in frequency. Most of the students never experienced the abuses, some percentage experienced the abuses in different gradation of frequency, from seldom, sometimes, often, and very often.