DE Shcherbakov, YA Popov. Order Hemiptera Linné, 1758. The bugs, cicadas, plantlice, scale insects, etc. (original) (raw)
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Evolution of the Insects - David Grimaldi, Michael S. Engel 2005
Insects are the most diverse group of organisms to appear in the 3-billion-year history of life on Earth, and the most ecologically dominant animals on land. This book chronicles, for the first time, the complete evolutionary history of insects: their living diversity, relationships, and 400 million years of fossils. Whereas other volumes have focused on either living species or fossils, this is the first comprehensive synthesis of all aspects of insect evolution. Current estimates of phylogeny are used to interpret the 400-million-year fossil record of insects, their extinctions, and radiations. Introductory sections include the living species, diversity of insects, methods of reconstructing evolutionary relationships, basic insect structure, and the diverse modes of insect fossilization and major fossil deposits. Major sections cover the relationships and evolution of each order of hexapod. The book also chronicles major episodes in the evolutionary history of insects: their modest beginnings in the Devonian, the origin of wings hundreds of millions of years before pterosaurs and birds, the impact that mass extinctions and the explosive radiation of angiosperms had on insects, and how insects evolved the most complex societies in nature.
The insects now known as Hemiptera
The great naturalist from Bologna, Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605), is an important representative of scientific humanism in the late Renaissance: his activity was largely characterized by the re-elaboration of the knowledge of the Classical World and the Middle Ages. In his entomological work De Animalibus Insectis Libri Septem (1602), his interest for certain topics of morpho-logical, functional, systematic and ecological character as well as for practical (e.g. medical) topics is notable also with regard to the insects we today call Hemiptera or Rhynchota. Of the many insects treated and illustrated by Aldrovandi in his book, a certain number are clearly those now known as Hemiptera. As regards these, much space is dedicated to cicadas, bed-bug and other bugs. Aldrovandi’s woodcuts of these insects are among the earliest illustrations to be found in printed works. In the 16th century Aldro-vandi’s volumes with original watercolours preserved together his manuscripts in the Universi...
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2009
Synopsis This article derives from a society-wide symposium organized by Timothy Bradley and Adriana Briscoe and presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Boston, Massachusetts. David Grimaldi provided the opening presentation in which he outlined the major evolutionary events in the formation and subsequent diversification of the insect clade. This presentation was followed by speakers who detailed the evolutionary history of specific physiological and/or behavioral traits that have caused insects to be both ecologically successful and fascinating as subjects for biological study. These include a review of the evolutionary history of the insects, the origins of flight, osmoregulation, the evolution of tracheal systems, the evolution of color vision, circadian clocks, and the evolution of eusociality. These topics, as covered by the speakers, provide an overview of the pattern and timing of evolutionary diversification and specialization in the group of animals we know as insects.
Morphology and Adaptation of Immature Stages of Hemipteran Insects
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019
Pterodictya reticularis). Eggs are laid on tree surface and covered with waxy substances thus resembling like egg case. Nymphs often form long filaments presumably for protection against predators. 3. Cercopidae-Eg. spittle bugs Eggs are laid in mass on leaves surface, rounded in shape. Nymphs cover themselves on 7th & 8th abdominal segments with frothy mass which is a foam made of fluid voided from anus & from a mucilaginous material secreted by epidermal glands. Through caudal appendages, the air bubbles are inserted into the foam. Only nymphs are capable of producing foam for protection against other organisms and to avoid dessication. Adults do not produce foam. 4. Cicadidae-Eg. cicadas Eggs are inserted into grasses, shrubs, living or dead twigs of trees, which are elongated in shape, colourless to whitish in appearance. Nymphs can be recognized with massive & enlarged pincher-like forelegs adapted for digging and grasping. They hatch from the eggs in a month & are dropped to the ground, the last nymphal instar climbs up on tree where the final moult takes place. The 17-year cicada, Magicicada septendecim (L.) spends almost 17 years of its life cycle in its nymphal stage. 5. Membracidae-Eg. tree hoppers Eggs are laid individually or in groups either placed into living tissue of plant or deposited on surface, overwinter & hatch in spring. Nymphs are dropped to vegetation where they complete their development. The dorsal sides of thorax in nymphs are covered with tubercles or spines and can be differentiated from the adults by the absence of pronotal structure, but sometimes formed filaments or spinose projections on tergites. 6. Cicadellidae-Eg. leaf hoppers Eggs may either remain dormant for a month to almost a year or develop and hatch within few weeks. They undergo a series of 5 moults and reach its adult stage. Some special adaptations in nymphs are presence of jumping hind legs with the hind tibiae having two or more rows of spines, which are capable of powerful leaps adapted for search of food & avoiding predators; large eyes for excellent visual and also acts as avoidance from detection or capture by potential predators. Nymphs are also capable of detecting reflectance spectrum of several colors, with hues of yellow being most attractive. Several species (e.g. Glassy-winged sharpshooter-Homalodisca vitripennis) have the ability to produce white
Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 2016
In an effort to understand why some groups of insects, especially beetles, are much more diverse than others, analyses were carried out on the role of morphological, life-history, and ecological factors on the species richness of various orders, as quantified by the number of extant species they each contain. The influence of body size, the form of the wings and thorax, the mode of development, parasitism, the ability to accumulate resources for egg laying at both juvenile and adult stages (ovigenic flexibility), diet range, and habitat choice were examined using comparative methods that control for phylogeny. Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that about 10% of the variance in insect species richness occurred within subclasses, 34% within superorders, and 54% within or below ordinal level. The evolution of wings and mode of development were key differences between the subclasses, and two superorders, each containing a single species-rich order and several species-poor ones, were responsible for most of the variation at superordinal level. After controlling for phylogeny, and on the basis of minimal adequate statistical models, the rate of cladogenesis declined with time, and was higher in orders with a broad range of larval diets. The number of species in each order was most closely correlated with larval diet breadth, the proportion of species able to fly, physical protection of the hindwings by the forewings at rest, the proportion of species that are parasitic, and the age of the order. Evidence from the literature on adult diet and ovigeny index, supported by measurements of the width of the thoracico-abdominal junction, indicates that the food processing ability of adult Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera is subject to morphological constraints limiting the contribution that the adult diet makes to the accumulation of the protein reserves needed for egg formation. Adult Coleoptera are free of such constraints, and thus exhibit the broadest range of both larval and adult diets and inhabit the widest range of habitats. Beetles can thus accumulate resources for egg production as larvae, adults, or both, as a consequence of their unique adult morphology. The key adult features involved are (1) the protective elytra and thickened exoskeleton, (2) the flexible jointing of the prothorax with the pterothorax, (3) the wide, rigid post-thoracic junction with the abdomen allowing enlargement of the gut for the storage, passage, and efficient digestion of a wide range of particulate foods, and (4) the biting mouthparts with which to process them.
Zootaxa, 2020
Nomenclatural changes are proposed for numerous taxon names in the Insect orders Hemiptera and Palaeohemiptera. New replacement names are proposed for six genera, three subgenera, 55 species and six subspecies, additionally a homonymous name for a genus and eight homonymous names for species are substituted with the names of junior synonyms; 13 new synonyms are recognized; type species are fixed for four genera; 26 new combinations for species names are established.