Immunological Aspects of Herpesvirus Infections (original) (raw)

The Change in the Incidence of Some Herpes Virus Infections in Populations with a High Prevalence of Hiv Infection

HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders, 2019

Objective: to characterize the structure and dynamics of the incidence of herpes virus infections (recorded in statistical forms) in a region with a high prevalence of HIV infection. Materials and methods. The state medical statistics for the Irkutsk region for the first 20 years after the start of the spread of HIV infection (2002–2017) was used as the material for the study. At the first stage, a retrospective analysis of the incidence of herpes virus infections was performed. The long-term incidence of herpes virus infections among children, adolescents and adults was compared with the prevalence of HIV infection in the population with the calculation of the Spearman correlation. At the second stage, a cohort study was conducted. The incidence rates of cytomegalovirus infection were compared in a cohort of patients with HIV infection and among the rest of the population. Relative risks of cytomegalovirus infection detection were assessed over the years 2008 and 2015. Conclusion. ...

The Importance of Herpesviruses in the Etiology of a Number of Infectious and Somatic Diseases of Children


научно-исследовательский центр эпидемиологии и микробиологии им. Н.Ф. Гамалеи» Минздрава России, 2 ГБУЗ «Инфекционная клиническая больница №2 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы», 3 ГБОУ ВПО Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России, 4 ГБОУ ВПО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России, Москва Статья посвящена изучению этиологической роли герпесвирусов в инфекционной и соматической патологии детей (n = 770) с использованием комплекса методов лабораторной диагностики. Определена ведущая этиологическая роль ВПГ у детей с нейроинфекциями (12,7%) при первичном инфицировании и у детей с внутриутробной инфекцией (29,0%) при ее реактивации. Показано, что в 50,9% случаев диагноз «инфекционный мононуклеоз» подтвержден обнаружением маркеров острой ВЭБИ, а 20,0% он был заменен на мононуклеозоподобный синдром, так были обнаружены маркеры острой ЦМВИ и в 18,1%-маркеры острой ВГЧИ-6. Роль ВГЧ-6 как основного этиологического агента заболевания установлена у 36,3% детей, поступивших с судорожным синдромом на фоне фебрилитета, у 29,1%-с внезапной экзантемой и у 25,5%-с лихорадкой неясного генеза. Ключевые слова: герпесвирусные инфекции, маркеры острой инфекции, реактивация инфекции, латентная инфекция

Clinical and immunological features of activation of latent herpesvirus infection in children with rotavirus infection

Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2020

The analysis of clinical parameters and indicators of immune response in rotavirus gastroenteritis in children aged 12 to 36 months infected with herpes viruses was performed. Verification of the diagnosis of RVI was carried out by isolating rotavirus antigen from the feces of patients by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the corresponding IgM antibodies from the blood. Also, all children were examined for herpes virus infection types 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. The level of specific IgG and IgM to these herpesviruses was determined by ELISA. In the case of a positive result, the presence of DNA (qualitatively) was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR blood tests for the presence of herpesvirus DNA were performed twice, in the acute period of RVI and in the period of early convalescence. The first group included 71 children in whom rotavirus gastroenteritis occurred on the background of latent herpesvirus infection, in the second ¬ 15 children in whom during the early c...

Tetranucleotide Profile of Herpesvirus DNA

Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology

Introduction. Herpesvirus DNAs (about 90% of the total genomic sequences of the Herpesvirales family presented in GenBank) contain at a minimum concentration one of the two tetranucleotides, CTAG or TCGA. The “underrepresentation” of CTAG was previously observed only in the DNA of some bacteria and phages. The aim of the study was the further analysis of the formal characteristics of herpesvirus DNA, as well as their comparison with the density of the virus/host DNA microhomology and with the genomic macrostructure of herpes viruses.Materials and methods. Twenty strains and isolates of each of the five types of human herpes viruses (HHV1, HHV2, HHV3, HHV4, HHV5), 10 strains of HHV8, 5 strains of HHV6A, 4 strains of HHV6B and 3 strains of HHV7 were analyzed. GenBank tools were used to determine the frequency of tetranucleotides, and human DNA fragments with size matched herpesvirus DNA were used for comparison.Results. Minimum CTAG concentration in DNA of herpes viruses is mainly cha...

Herpesviral infections in nephrology

Actual problems of nephrology, 2021

Introduction. Herpetic viruses are a group of oppor￾tunistic DNA-containing viral agents that have the propery of pantropism, that is, the ability to infect all organs and systems of the human body. The urinary system is no ex￾ception, therefore nephrologists should pay due attention to the problem of herpesvirus-associated lesions of the kidneys and other urinary organs. This publication is a sci￾entific review of the results of clinical studies and reports of clinical cases of herpesvirus infections in nephrological patients, published in recent years in peer-reviewed sci￾entific periodicals cited in the authoritative scientometric electronic databases PubMed and Embase. Goal. The article is intended to form a modern com￾prehensive understanding of the problem of herpesvirus infections in patients with kidney disease among nephrol￾ogists. Materials and methods. Bibliographic – a theoretical analysis is carried out and a generalization of literature data Is carried out, the actual content is analyzed. The study used a questionnaire-survey method, as well as descrip￾tion, analysis, abstracting. Results and discussion. The article discusses data on direct herpesvirus kidney lesions of the type of intersti￾tial nephritis and glomerulonephritis. The need for differ￾ential diagnosis with similar kidney lesions of an autoim￾mune nature in such cases is emphasized. It also provides data on indirect renal lesions provoked by reactivated her￾pesviruses, including autoimmune, allergic and immune￾inflammatory reactions, tropic to the renal parenchyma, induction of tumor growth syndrome and the develop￾ment of lymphoproliferative syndromes, as well as her￾pesvirus toxicity. Information on herpesvirus infections in allogeneic kidney recipients is presented separately. The issues of nephrotoxicity during the use of specific antiher￾petic chemotherapy drugs in patients with chronic renal failure are discussed. Conclusions. Herpesvirus agents are active players in the etiology and pathogenesis of many kidney diseases in humans. Their reactivation from a latent or persistent state usually occurs under conditions of immunosuppression; therefore, immunocompromised patients with nephro￾logical problems are at risk of developing complications caused by herpes viruses. Key words: herpes simplex viruses,

Mixt-herpesvirus neuroinfections: peculiarities of clinical picture and diagnistics

ScienceRise, 2015

In the article it was presented an analysis of etiological structure, clinical and diagnostic peculiarities of mixt-herpesvirus neuroinfections. Aim of the work: To study clinical and diagnostic peculiarities of mixt-herpesvirus neuroinfections. Materials and methods: There was carried out a retrospective analysis of examination and therapy of 976 patients who underwent a hospital treatment in intensive care and detoxification department of SI "Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases of L.V. Gromashevsky, NAMS of Ukraine" during the last 12 years. Results of research: According to the study of biological mediums (liquor, blood, saliva) monoinfection was diagnosed in 653 (66,9 %) patients, mixt-infection-in 323 (33,1 %) patients. Virus-virus infections considerably dominated in the structure of mixt-neuroinfections-246 (76,2 %). Among virus-virus infections mixt-herpesvirus infection was observed in 192 (78,1 %) patients and most often was presented as combination of HSV+CMV-57 (29,7 %); HSV+EBV-45 (23,4 %), EBV+HHV6-34 (17,7 %). In patients with mixt-herpesvirus infection (192 cases) it was observed the most diversity of clinical forms: in 8 (4,2 %) patients-meningoencephalitis, in 4 (2,1 %)-leukoencephalitis, in 64 (33,3 %)-menongoencerebritis, in 47 (24,8 %)-disseminated encephalomyelitis, in 43 (22,4 %)-encephalomyelopolyradiculoneuritis, in 26 (13,5 %)-encephalomyelitis. Combined forms of nervous system injuries with demyelinization were registered reliably more often. Conclusions: Causative agents capable for the long persistence namely herpesviruses (78,1 %) play the main role in development of mixt-virus neuroinfection. Prognosis of disease in these cases depends on timely diagnostics, individual approach to treating tactics and dispensary care. The heavy combined forms of nervous system injuries with demyelinization especially leukoencephalitis and disseminated encephalomyelitis are registered reliably more often in patients with mixt-virus neuroinfection. There were detected reliable differences in neurological manifestations of herpesvirus injury of nervous system in patients with mono-and mixt-infection. The main diagnostic syndromes in this case are psychopathic, cognitive, extra pyramid, epileptiform and neuroendocrine ones

Hiv Infection and Immunosuppressive Conditions. Epidemiology and Modern Strategies Advanced and Comorbld Forms of Hiv Infection

HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders, 2017

10-11 октября 2017 года в Санкт-Петербурге прошла 9-я научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. Эпидемиология, клиника и современные стратегии. Тяжелые и коморбидные формы ВИЧ-инфекции», в которой приняли участие свыше 300 человек из различных регионов России, стран ближнего зарубежья, представителей и партнеров из США и Европы. Возглавили конференцию акад. РАН С.Ф.Багненко, акад. РАН Н.А.Беляков, акад. РАН А.А.Тотолян, акад. РАН В.А.Черешнев; в оргкомитет вошли видные и авторитетные в области социально-значимых инфекций ученые и клиницисты. Заседания традиционно проходили в конференц-залах «Холидей ИНН». На пленарных заседаниях выступили акад. РАН В.А.Черешнев, акад. РАН А.А.Тотолян, акад. РАН В.В.Береговых. Акад. РАН В.А.Черешнев представил ВИЧинфекцию как хроническое воспаление, захватывающее все органы и системы, с характерным всплеском цитокинов и угнетением клеточного и гуморального иммунитета; выделены характерная этапность процесса и особенности реакции CD-клеток иммунной системы. Акад. РАН А.А.Тотолян рассмотрел общую закономерную природу и последствия иммуносупрессии различного генеза, отметив особенности ВИЧобусловленного угнетения иммунитета у больных. Акад. РАН В.В.Береговых посвятил свой доклад фармакологическому обеспечению больных с хроническими вирусными инфекциями, представив всю цепочку становления препаратов от разработки до производства, механизмы регистрации оригинальных препаратов и их аналогов в Российской Федерации, характеристику современного понимания роли дженериков: их экономическое обоснование, целесообразность клинического применения. В лекции, представленной коллективом авторов: акад. РАН С.Ф.Багненко, акад. РАН Н.А.Бе ля ковым, д.м.н. Е.Б.Ястребовой, определена социальная значимость хронических вирусных инфекций. При этом главное внимание было сосредоточено

Diencephalic brain lesions of herpesvirus etiology in humans a literature review and a clinical case

International neurological journal , 2020

Данный научный обзор посвящен анализу результатов клинических исследований и сообщений о клинических случаях из наукометрических электронных баз данных рецензируемых периодических изданий PubMed и Embase и собственного архива автора, посвященных герпесвирусным поражениям диэнцефального отдела головного мозга с избирательным или комбинированным вовлечением гипоталамуса и/или гипофиза. Подробно рассмотрены вопросы этиологии и патогенеза болезни, семиотики клинических проявлений нейроинфекции в зависимости от вида вируса и механизма его проникновения в центральную нервную систему, валидированных подходов к диагностике, принципов проведения дифференциальной диагностики, механизмов формирования типичных осложнений и методов рациональной терапии. В конце статьи приведено описание типичного клинического случая в соответствии с представленной темой из собственной медицинской практики автора. В частности, речь идет о развитии диэнцефального энцефалита HHV-6-этиологии у пациента в возрасте 36 лет с первичным дефицитом миелопероксидазы фагоцитов (G/A 463 МРО het). Отмечалось поражение заднего гипофиза с картиной синдрома неадекватной секреции антидиуретического гормона и переднего гипофиза с проявлениями центральной формы приобретенного гипогонадизма. Были проведены противовирусное лечение валганцикловиром в дозе 450 мг дважды в сутки перорально на протяжении 3 месяцев для подавления репродукции HHV-6, заместительная терапия препаратом тестостерона в течение 1 года для устранения проявлений гипогонадизма до момента восстановления функции гипоталамо-гипофизарной оси и базисная иммунотерапия первичного дефицита миелопероксидазы фагоцитов препаратом рекомбинантного гамма-интерферона человека в дозе 1 млн МЕ в/м через день на ночь в течение 6 месяцев подряд для восстановления активности указанного микробицидного фермента в крови в соответствии с национальным протоколом оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с дефицитом миелопероксидазы фагоцитов. Отмечалось полное выздоровление пациента без определенных остаточных явлений.


In PubMed organized search in conducted scientific sources by keywords: infections, family Herpesviridae, allergic pathology, atopy, hypersensitivity, immune system etc.. Based on literature search here it is a brief overview of the research on associative connection of viral infections and allergic pathology. Indicated that the impact of viruses on forming of allergy are still controversial today. Determined that the vast number of scientific research concerning the role of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6). Most of the described research results support the hypothesis that herpesvirus, including EBV, CMV, HHV-6 or a combination can proactively influence the formation of IgE-sensitization in definite susceptible modification age window and related socio-economic status. Also described already known for today mechanisms of viral action on the immune system that can cause a manifestation of allergic disorders. The key one is - the imbalance between Th1 and Th2 immune response, mitogenic effect of EBV on B-lymphocytes, reducing the synthesis of a number of cytokines due to the impact EBV co-infection and CMV, breach of expression and functional properties of toll-like receptors and others. Indicated that studies of mechanisms in triggered role of infectious agents in forming of allergy continue, primarily to develop new approaches to prevention of allergic pathology. Key words: allergic pathology, infection, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, human herpes virus type 6, immune system.