Peran Aplikasi “Visiting Jogja” dalam Mengembalikan Kepercayaan Wisatawan untuk Berwisata ke Yogyakarta (original) (raw)

Kajian Pengeluaran Wisatawan Domestik Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Tingkat Kunjungan Di Kota Yogyakarta


Abstrak Pengeluaran wisatawan adalah salah satu unsur penting dalam menilai keberhasilan kinerja pariwisata. Wisatawan domestik secara umum tidak menghasilkan devisa tetapi wisatawan domestik sangat berperan penting dalam pemerataan ekonomi dan membangkitkan perekonomian pada saat pandemik, krisis ekonomi dan lain – lainnya. Dalam studi penelitian ini dilakukan Di Kawasan Malioboro kota Yogyakarta, karena tempat wisata favorite, selalu ramai dan memiliki produk wisata yang lengkap. Dalam studi Penelitian ini melakukan penelitian tentang kajian pengeluaran wisatawan domestik di Kawasan Malioboro dengan kegiatan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder melalui observasi, kuesioner, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kata kunci: kepariwisataan, pengeluaran, wisatawan domestik ABSTRACT Tourist spending is one of the important elements in assessing the success of tourism performance. Domestic tourists in general do not generate foreign exchange, but domestic touri...

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Tentang Kualitas Layanan Pariwisata Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Yang Dimediasikan Dengan Citra Destinasi Dari Pengunjung Wisata Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis faktor faktor kualitas layanan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan menggunakan mediasi citra destinasi dari pengunjung wisata di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuisione online dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 347 responden dengan Teknik purposive sampling. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SEM PLS yang digunakan untuk memprediksi model untuk pengembangan teori. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan satu faktor kualitas layanan berupa reliabilitas berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan melalui mediasi citra destinasi, artinya dimata wisatawan Reliabilitas telah memenuhi harapan mereka dalam berwisata sehingga berpengaruh baik terhadap citra destinasi maupun loyalitas pelanggan Sedangkan keempat faktor lain berupa jaminan, daya tanggap, penampilan elemen fisik, dan empati tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan dan citra destinasi, artin...

Promosi Daerah Dan e – Marketing Pariwisata Halal Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Wisatawan DI Yogyakarta

Islamiconomic: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2019

Abstract. Regional Promotion and E-Marketing of Halal Tourism against Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta. This research was conducted to find out how the influence of Halal Tourism Promotion Based on E-Marketing against Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta. Promotion is an important thing that needs to be considered in attracting tourists. In this millennial era, the development of technology very fast, many activities using technology. Furthermore, the using of E-Marketing more suitable for increasing the number of tourists. This research used multiple linear regression method with moderating variables to show the influence of Halal Tourism Promotion Based on E-Marketing Against Tourist Visits in Yogyakarta with data collection techniques used were questionnaires and observations. The result of this research was found that using E-Marketing can increase tourist’s interest to visit halal tourism in Yogyakarta. When using regional promotions only gained 7% and when using E-Marketing increased to 6...

Hubungan Memorable Culinary Tourism Experiences dan Minat Berkunjung Kembali Wisatawan di Warung Kopi Klotok Yogyakarta


Several studies have confirmed that experience is the main goal of the tourism industry and as a significant impression for the tourist. However, there has been few studies investigating the memorable tourism experience (MTE) concept in culinary tourism, and more specifically in traditional culinary tourism, which is called the Memorable Culinary Tourism Experience (MCTE). This research aims to investigate the application of MCTE in traditional culinary tourism of Warung Kopi Klotok, and to discover the correlation between MCTE and the tourist revisit intention. Five aspects of MCTE were applied, namely local culture, decore, service quality, social interaction, and novelty. There were 267 respondents involved in this research coming from various areas in Indonesia. Two steps of data analysis were performed. We conducted a descriptive analysis to investigate level of agreement of tourist toward MTCE variables. In addition, we conducted a correlation analysis to investigate the exten...

Studi Eksploratif Mengenai Yogyakarta sebagai Pengirim Wisatawan Keluarga

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2017

Family recreation is becoming more popular among families in Yogyakarta. This phenomenon is associated with an increased understanding of the importance of family togetherness, strengthen family ties and family memories. The practice of family recreation is affected by geographic, demographic changes, and understanding of the importance of tourism for the family. The purpose of this study is to explain the tendency of families's understanding of family recreation and trend of family recreation. The findings suggest that family recreation associated with increased understanding and mobility of families. This study contributes to an understanding of the social changes in Yogyakarta families and its meaning for the tourism industry in the future.

Pengaruh Terpaan Informasi Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Loyalitas Wisatawan Berwisata Dengan Minat Berkunjung Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

Jurnal IPTA, 2021

This study discusses the role of the media in conveying information which changes the perceptions, attitudes, and behavior of the audiences. National TV, mass media, and electronic media provide information on the spread of COVID-19 nationwide every day, thus giving a negative impact on tourism development. The tourists do not dare to move out of the area or even travel. This explains that the media can influence the interest of tourists to travel. On the other hand, information media related to COVID-19 aims to handle the spread of COVID-19 optimally. However, since the news of COVID-19, tourists are afraid to move or travel. Loyalty of tourists traveling has decreased. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between exposure to information on the COVID-19 pandemic on the interest and loyalty of tourists traveling. The data were collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale measurement scale. While the data analysis technique uses smart PLS. The results of this study suggested 1) there was a positive and significant direct effect between information exposure on visiting interest, 2) there was no positive nor significant direct effect between information exposure on tourist loyalty, 3) there was no positive nor significant direct influence between visiting interest on loyalty of tourists traveling, and 4) there was an indirect effect between exposure to information on loyalty through tourist interest as a mediating variable. Abstrak: Studi ini membahas tentang peran media dalam menyampaikan informasi dan ditanggapi oleh khalayak pembaca dengan perubahan persepsi, sikap, dan perilaku. TV nasional, media masa, dan media elektronik setiap hari memberikan informasi terkait penyebaran covid-19, sehingga memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perkembangan pariwisata. Masyarakat atau wisatawan tidak berani beraktivitas keluar daerah bahkan melakukan kegiatan berwisata. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa media dapat mempengaruhi minat wisatawan berwisata. Disisi lain media informasi terkait covid-19 bertujuan agar penyebaran covid-19 dapat ditangani dengan maksimal. Namun sejak adanya pemberitaan covid-19, wisatawan merasa takut untuk beraktivitas maupun berwisata. Loyalitas wisatawan berwisata mengalami penurunan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara terpaan informasi pandemi covid-19 terhadap minat dan loyalitas wisatawan berwisata. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran skala likert. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan smart pls. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 1) terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan antara terpaan informasi terhadap minat berkunjung, 2) tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan antara terpaan informasi terhadap loyalitas wisatawan berwisata, 3) tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan antara minat berkunjung terhadap loyalitas wisatawan berwisata, 4) terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung antara terpaan informasi terhadap loyalitas melalui minat wisatawan sebagai variabel mediasi.

Pengaruh Kesadaran Destinasi Terhadap Citra Destinasi Dan Niat Berkunjung Pada Turis Milenial Melalui Media Sosial Instagram DI Yogyakarta


Lately, social media has become a means of obtaining information, digital communication and promotional media for tourism destinations. In other words, social media has the potential to participate in efforts to improve the tourism industry. One of social media that is now widely used to find tourism destinations information is Instagram. This study aims to examine the influence destination awareness to destination image and visit intention. Besides that, this study aims to examine the influence destination image to visit intention. This research was conducted based on quantitative approach. Data collected using online survey and envolved 191 respondent. Data analysis was employed using AMOS-SEM. The results of hypothesis testing revealed that destination awareness have a positive impact on destination image and visit intention. Other result showed that image destination have a positive impact on visit intention

Pengembangan Software Jotaped Sebagai Media Untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Wisatawan DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


PENGEMBANGAN SOFTWARE JOTAPED SEBAGAI MEDIA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PELAYANAN WISATAWAN DI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA Oleh : Wisnu Andika NIM. 09520241009 ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Mengembangkan software Jotaped sebagai media untuk meningkatkan pelayanan wisatawan di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta khususnya daerah Kotamaya Yogyakarta., 2) Mengetahui kualitas dari software Jotaped sesuai dengan standar ISO 9126 yang meliputi functionality, reliability, efficiency, usability, portability dan maintainability. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D), yaitu: 1) Identifikasi Potensi dan Masalah, 2) Analisis Kebutuhan dan Pengumpulan Data, 3) Desain, 4) Implementasi, 5) Validasi, 6) Revisi, dan 7) Uji Coba. Uji materi diteliti menggunakan checklist berupa nama dan deskripsi objek wisata. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan studi literatur, observasi, wawancara dan instrumen penelitian. Berdasarkan prosedur pengujian yang dilakukan, dipero...

Analisis Kepuasan Pengujung Berdasarkan Tourist Experience ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS)

Indonesia is a beautiful country with a variety of interesting tourist destinations. The government developed 10 New Bali in various places in Indonesia to align with regional countries. Yogyakarta is an iconic destination and attracts tourists. In order for Yogyakarta to compete with the destinations of 10 New Bali, research needs to be done to find out how the level of satisfaction of tourists in Yogyakarta based on the visiting experience and know what factors must be improved to be able to move. This study uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques using questionnaires to 385 respondents who are tourists of Yogyakarta. Data processing techniques use Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index to Tourist Experience. Importance Performance Analysis to determine what aspects and indicators should be improved performance in the Yogyakarta tourism sector. At the same time, the Customer Satisfaction Index to find the level of satisfaction of Yogyakar...