Understanding Selective Delay as a Method for Efficient Secure Speculative Execution (original) (raw)

Efficient invisible speculative execution through selective delay and value prediction

Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture

Speculative execution, the base on which modern high-performance general-purpose CPUs are built on, has recently been shown to enable a slew of security attacks. All these attacks are centered around a common set of behaviors: During speculative execution, the architectural state of the system is kept unmodified, until the speculation can be verified. In the event that a misspeculation occurs, then anything that can affect the architectural state is reverted (squashed) and re-executed correctly. However, the same is not true for the microarchitectural state. Normally invisible to the user, changes to the microarchitectural state can be observed through various sidechannels, with timing differences caused by the memory hierarchy being one of the most common and easy to exploit. The speculative side-channels can then be exploited to perform attacks that can bypass software and hardware checks in order to leak information. These attacks, out of which the most infamous are perhaps Spectre and Meltdown, have led to a frantic search for solutions. In this work, we present our own solution for reducing the microarchitectural state-changes caused by speculative execution in the memory hierarchy. It is based on the observation that if we only allow accesses that hit in the L1 data cache to proceed, then we can easily hide any microarchitectural changes until after the speculation has been verified. At the same time, we propose to prevent stalls by value predicting the loads that miss in the L1. Value prediction, though speculative, constitutes an invisible form of speculation, not seen outside the core. We evaluate our solution and show that we can prevent observable microarchitectural changes in the memory hierarchy while keeping the performance and energy costs at 11% and 7%, respectively. In comparison, the current state of the art solution, InvisiSpec, incurs a 46% performance loss and a 51% energy increase.

Speculose: Analyzing the Security Implications of Speculative Execution in CPUs

Cornell University - arXiv, 2018

Whenever modern CPUs encounter a conditional branch for which the condition cannot be evaluated yet, they predict the likely branch target and speculatively execute code. Such pipelining is key to optimizing runtime performance and is incorporated in CPUs for more than 15 years. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the inner workings and the security implications of such speculative execution. We revisit the assumption that speculatively executed code leaves no traces in case it is not committed. We reveal several measurable side effects that allow adversaries to enumerate mapped memory pages and to read arbitrary memory-all using only speculated code that was never fully executed. To demonstrate the practicality of such attacks, we show how a user-space adversary can probe for kernel pages to reliably break kernel-level ASLR in Linux in under three seconds and reduce the Windows 10 KASLR entropy by 18 bits in less than a second. Disclaimer: This work on speculative execution was conducted independently from other research groups and was submitted to IEEE S&P '17 in October 2017. Any techniques and experiments presented in this paper predate the public disclosure of attacks that became known as Meltdown [25] and Spectre [22] and that were released begin-January 2018. This observation, however, leads us to discover a severe side channel that allows one to distinguish between mapped

DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors

2018 51st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2018

Software side channel attacks have become a serious concern with the recent rash of attacks on speculative processor architectures. Most attacks that have been demonstrated exploit the cache tag state as their exfiltration channel. While many existing defense mechanisms that can be implemented solely in software have been proposed, these mechanisms appear to patch specific attacks, and can be circumvented. In this paper, we propose minimal modifications to hardware to defend against a broad class of attacks, including those based on speculation, with the goal of eliminating the entire attack surface associated with the cache state covert channel. We propose DAWG, Dynamically Allocated Way Guard, a generic mechanism for secure way partitioning of set associative structures including memory caches. DAWG endows a set associative structure with a notion of protection domains to provide strong isolation. When applied to a cache, unlike existing quality of service mechanisms such as Intel's Cache Allocation Technology (CAT), DAWG fully isolates hits, misses, and metadata updates across protection domains. We describe how DAWG can be implemented on a processor with minimal modifications to modern operating systems. We describe a noninterference property that is orthogonal to speculative execution and therefore argue that existing attacks such as Spectre Variant 1 and 2 will not work on a system equipped with DAWG. Finally, we evaluate the performance impact of DAWG on the cache subsystem.

Speculative Data-Oblivious Execution: Mobilizing Safe Prediction For Safe and Efficient Speculative Execution

2020 ACM/IEEE 47th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2020

Speculative execution attacks are an enormous security threat. In these attacks, malicious speculative execution reads and exfiltrates potentially arbitrary program data through microarchitectural covert channels. Correspondingly, prior work has shown how to comprehensively block such attacks by delaying the execution of covert channel-creating instructions until their operands are a function of non-speculative data. This paper's premise is that it is safe to execute these potentially dangerous instructions early, improving performance, as long as their execution does not require operand-dependent hardware resource usage, i.e., is data oblivious. While secure, this idea can easily reduce, not improve, performance. Intuitively, data obliviousness implies doing the worst case work all the time. Our key idea to get net speedup is that it is safe to predict what will be, and to subsequently perform, the work needed to satisfy the common case, as long as the prediction itself does not leak privacy. We call the complete scheme-predicting the form of dataoblivious execution-Speculative Data-Oblivious Execution (SDO). We build SDO on top of a recent comprehensive and stateof-the-art protection called STT. Extending security arguments from STT, we show how the predictions do not reveal private information, enabling safe and efficient speculative execution. We evaluate the combined scheme, STT+SDO, on a set of SPEC17 workloads and find that it improves the performance of stand-alone STT by an average 36.3% to 55.1%, depending on the microarchitecture and attack model-and without changing STT's security guarantees.

SoK: Hardware Defenses Against Speculative Execution Attacks

2021 International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED), 2021

Speculative execution attacks leverage the speculative and out-of-order execution features in modern computer processors to access secret data or execute code that should not be executed. Secret information can then be leaked through a covert channel. While software patches can be installed for mitigation on existing hardware, these solutions can incur big performance overhead. Hardware mitigation is being studied extensively by the computer architecture community. It has the benefit of preserving software compatibility and the potential for much smaller performance overhead than software solutions. This paper presents a systematization of the hardware defenses against speculative execution attacks that have been proposed. We show that speculative execution attacks consist of 6 critical attack steps. We propose defense strategies, each of which prevents a critical attack step from happening, thus preventing the attack from succeeding. We then summarize 20 hardware defenses and overhead-reducing features that have been proposed. We show that each defense proposed can be classified under one of our defense strategies, which also explains why it can thwart the attack from succeeding. We discuss the scope of the defenses, their performance overhead, and the security-performance trade-offs that can be made.

Efficiently Mitigating Transient Execution Attacks using the Unmapped Speculation Contract


Today’s kernels pay a performance penalty for mitigations— such as KPTI, retpoline, return stack stuffing, speculation barriers—to protect against transient execution side-channel attacks such as Meltdown [21] and Spectre [16]. To address this performance penalty, this paper articulates the unmapped speculation contract, an observation that memory that isn’t mapped in a page table cannot be leaked through transient execution. To demonstrate the value of this contract, the paper presents WARD, a new kernel design that maintains a separate kernel page table for every process. This page table contains mappings for kernel memory that is safe to expose to that process. Because a process doesn’t map data of other processes, this design allows for many system calls to execute without any mitigation overhead. When a process needs access to sensitive data, WARD switches to a kernel page table that provides access to all of memory and executes with all mitigations. An evaluation of the WARD d...

ReViCe: Reusing Victim Cache to Prevent Speculative Cache Leakage


Spectre and Meltdown attacks reveal the perils of speculative execution, a prevalent technique used in modern processors. This paper proposes ReViCe, a hardware technique to mitigate speculation based attacks. ReViCe allows speculative loads to update caches early but keeps any replaced line in the victim cache. In case of misspeculation, replaced lines from the victim cache are used to restore the caches, thereby preventing any cache-based Spectre and Meltdown attacks. Moreover, ReViCe injects jitter to conceal any timing difference due to speculative lines. Together speculation restoration and jitter injection allow ReViCe to make speculative execution secure. We present the design of ReViCe following a set of security principles and evaluate its security based on shared-core and cross-core attacks exploiting various Spectre variants and cache side channels. Our scheme incurs 2-6% performance overhead. This is less than the state-of-the-art hardware approaches. Moreover, ReViCe ac...

Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution

Modern processors use branch prediction and speculative execution to maximize performance. For example, if the destination of a branch depends on a memory value that is in the process of being read, CPUs will try guess the destination and attempt to execute ahead. When the memory value finally arrives, the CPU either discards or commits the speculative computation. Speculative logic is unfaithful in how it executes, can access to the victim's memory and registers, and can perform operations with measurable side effects. Spectre attacks involve inducing a victim to speculatively perform operations that would not occur during correct program execution and which leak the victim's confidential information via a side channel to the adversary. This paper describes practical attacks that combine methodology from side channel attacks, fault attacks, and return-oriented programming that can read arbitrary memory from the victim's process. More broadly, the paper shows that speculative execution implementations violate the security assumptions underpinning numerous software security mechanisms, including operating system process separation, static analysis, containerization, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and countermeasures to cache timing/side-channel attacks. These attacks represent a serious threat to actual systems, since vulnerable speculative execution capabilities are found in microprocessors from Intel, AMD, and ARM that are used in billions of devices. While makeshift processor-specific countermeasures are possible in some cases, sound solutions will require fixes to processor designs as well as updates to instruction set architectures (ISAs) to give hardware architects and software developers a common understanding as to what computation state CPU implementations are (and are not) permitted to leak. * After reporting the results here, we were informed that our work partly overlaps the results of independent work done at Google's Project Zero.

Timed speculative attacks exploiting store-to-load forwarding bypassing cache-based countermeasures

Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference

In this paper, we propose a novel class of speculative attacks, called Timed Speculative Attacks (TSA), that does not depend on the state changes in the cache memory. Instead, it makes use of the timing differences that occur due to store-to-load forwarding. We propose two attack strategies-Fill-and-Forward utilizing correctly speculated loads, and Fill-and-Misdirect using mis-speculated load instructions. While Fill-and-Forward exploits the shared store buffers in a multi-threaded CPU core, the Fill-and-Misdirect approach exploits the influence of rolled back mis-speculated loads on subsequent instructions. As case studies, we demonstrate a covert channel using Fill-and-Forward and key recovery attacks on OpenSSL AES and Romulus-N Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data scheme using Fill-and-Misdirect approach. Finally, we show that TSA is able to subvert popular cache-based countermeasures for transient attacks. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Side-channel analysis and countermeasures.

Isolating Speculative Data to Prevent Transient Execution Attacks

IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2019

Hardware security has recently re-surfaced as a first-order concern to the confidentiality protections of computing systems. Meltdown and Spectre introduced a new class of exploits which leverage transient state as an attack surface and have revealed fundamental security vulnerabilities of speculative execution in high-performance processors. These attacks derive benefit from the fact that, during speculative execution, programs may execute instructions outside their legal control flows. This insight is then utilized for gaining access to restricted data and exfiltrating it by means of a covert channel. This study presents a microarchitectural mitigation technique for shielding transient state from covert channels during speculative execution. Unlike prior work that has focused on closing individual covert channels used to leak sensitive information, this approach prevents the use of speculative data by downstream instructions until doing so is determined to be safe. This eliminates transient execution attacks at a cost of 18% average performance degradation.