Effect of integrated weed management on growth parameters and yield attributes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) (original) (raw)
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The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021
during the Rabi season 2016-17 to access the "Influence of integrated weed management on growth attributes and quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)". The experiment comprised of ten treatments viz. pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha, isoproturon (POE) 1.20 kg/ha, pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + hand weeding at 45 DAS, isoproturon (POE) 1.20 kg/ha + hand weeding at 45 DAS, pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ha, isoproturon (POE) 1.20 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ha, straw mulch 10 t/ha (3 DAS), two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS, glyphosate 0.5 ml/liter of water at 20 and 40 DAS and weedy check respectively with three replication was conducted in Randomized Block Design. The results revealed that two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS was at par with pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ha and gave higher plant height (181.39, 176.17 cm), with higher dry matter accumulation in g/plant (56.89, 54.18) respectively. Among of all treatments recorded highest number of primary and secondary branches/plant in two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS was at par with pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ha (9.73, 9.71) and (21.93, 21.48) respectively. And also nutrient content, nutrient uptake, leaf area index as well as oil content and oil yield was found higher in two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS while at par with pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ ha. Based on all the observations recorded, two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS fb pendimethalin (PE) 1.0 kg/ha + straw mulch 5 t/ha has performed better in all parameters amongst all the integrated weed managements practices.
International journal of research in agronomy, 2024
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2023-24 on loamy sand of in the rural area of Kanpur district of Mandhana, located 10 km from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh To study the effect of integrated weed management on growth and yield on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)".The soil was normal in pH of 7.60, electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.25 dSm-1, organic carbon content of 0.44%, and available nutrients including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) at levels of 216.20, 19.13, and 149.20 kg ha -1 , respectively. The experiment was laid out during Rabi season of 2023-24. The experiment consisted of 15 treatment combinations, was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications.
Effect of integrated weed management on growth, yield and weedparameters in mustard
Crop research, 2013
An experiment was conducted at Agronomy Instructional Farm, Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) to integrated weed management studies in mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss. ex Coss. during rabi season of 2011-12. The experiment comprising 12 treatments viz., weedy check, interculturing+1 HW at 25 DAS, pendimethalin @ 0.5 and 0.75 kg/ha PE alone and along with HW at 25 DAS with each level, oxadiargyl @ 75 and 90 g/ha PE alone and along with HW at 25 DAS with each level, oxyfluorfen @ 100 g/ha as PE and weed free was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications. The results of the experiment indicated that higher values of plant growth characters viz., dry matter production per plant (51.00 g) and yield attributing characters viz., number of siliquae per plant (280.37), number of seeds per siliqua (14.70) and test weight (4.25 g) were recorded under weed free treatment. Pe...
International journal of research in agronomy, 2024
A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2023-24 on loamy sand of in the rural area of Kanpur district of Mandhana, located 10 km from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh Study of integrated weed management practices on growth, yield and economics of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). The soil was normal in pH of 7.66, electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.25 dSm -1 , organic carbon content of 0.41%, and available nutrients including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) at levels of 215.70, 19.57, and 148.50 kg ha -1 , respectively. The experiment was laid out during Rabi season of 2023-24. The experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations, was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications.
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2019
Weeds play an important role in the agriculture production system. They compete with main crop plant for water, nutrients, air and light resulting in poor crop growth and development. Weeds associated with mustard crop, categorized as broad leaved, narrow leaved, sedges and grassy weeds resulting in poor grain yield. Total eleven weed species were found in mustard crop field belonging to different family and genera. The experiment was conducted in Rabi season during the year 2018-2019. Maximum number of species belongs to broad leaved category of weeds classification. Three species were found to be grassy weeds followed with sedges. The weeds depending upon the type, density and duration of competition accounts for 23-70 per cent reduction in yield of mustard. Three species belongs to Poaceae family followed by Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae, Polygonaceae and Cyperaceae. Among the grassy weeds, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. was the predominant weed followed by Polypogon monspeliensis and Phalaris minor. Cyperus rotundus L. was the only sedge present in the experimental field. Among the broadleaved weeds, Chenopodium album L. was the dominant one followed by Anagallis arvensis L., Parthenium hysterophorus L., Convolvulus arvensis, Melilotus albam Vicia hirsute and Rumex sp.
Effect of weed management strategy on weed flora and yield of Indian mustard
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2020
Ayodhya during rabi season in 2017-18 and 2018-19 to study the effect of weed management strategy on weed flora and yield of Indian mustard. The experiment was laid out in randomize block design with three replication. Twelve weed control treatment was tested in the experiment. Manual hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAs (T11) recorded significantly reduced density of weed with WCE (74.74 and 88.44%), which was similar to T10, T9, T5, and T6 treatments over other herbicide treatments. It resulted significantly increase growth parameters viz. Plant height, number of branch plant-1 , Dry matter accumulation and grain and straw yield of mustard crop.
The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021
A field trial was carried out on effect of integrated weed management practices on growth and yield of Indian mustard during the rabi season of 2020-21 at Mahurzari farm, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments consisted of T1-Pendimethalin 30 EC (PE) @ 2.5 lit/ha + HW at 30 DAS, T2-Propaquizafop 10 EC (PoE) @ 1 lit/ha + HW at 30 DAS, T3-Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC (PE) @ 0.5 lit/ha + HW at 30 DAS, T4-Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC (PE) @ 0.5 lit/ha + propaquizafop 10 EC (PoE) @ 1 lit/ha + WH at 40 DAS, T5-Pendimethalin 30EC (PE) @ 1 lit/ha + propaquizafop 10EC (PoE) @ 1 lit/ha + WH at 40 DAS, T6-Hand Weeding twice at 30 and 60 DAS and T7-Weed Control. The soil of the experimental field was clay loam in texture, organic carbon, available nitrogen and phosphorus were low and potassium content medium. Among the weed management treatments, the growth and yield parameters of Indian mustard viz. plant height, number of primary and secondary branches per plant, dry matter weight per plant, number of siliqua per plant, number of seeds per siliqua, 1000 seed weight, seed weight per plant, seed yield and stover yield per hectare were recorded highest with treatment T6-Hand Weeding twice at 30 and 60 followed by T5, T4, T1, T3, T2, over T7. Henceforth, on the basis of this study, it can be revealed that application of pendimethalin 30 EC (PE) + propaquizafop 10 EC (PoE) + WH at 40 DAS has a B:C ratio of 2.28 have been found suitable for achieving economic yield advantage from mustard with higher net returns followed by oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC (PE) + propaquizafop 10 EC (PoE) + WH at 40 DAS, which has a B:C ratio of 1.99 compared to other treatments.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2017
An experiment were conducted during the winter season of 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Bikaner, to evaluate the integrated nutrient management and weed control measures on weed, growth, yield attributes and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). The highest dry matter of different weeds, growth parameters viz. plant height, dry matter accumulation and leaf chlorophyll, yield parameters like number of silique per plant and seeds per siliqua which laid to the highest seed and straw yield under the treatment 5 t FYM + 100 % RDF and 5 t FYM + 75 % RDF + biofertilizer. Among the weed management sources application of 1.0 kg ha-1 pendimethalin reduced the dry matter of different weeds and enhance the growth, yield attributes and also produced the maximum seed and straw yield. A strongly significant and negatively correlation was observed between total dry matter of weeds and yield but strongly and positively correlation was yield attributes and yield of mustard.