The Intangible Values of the Landscape (original) (raw)
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Beyond the boundaries of a physical space, places, as a means where it is registered the way in which man relates to the world, contain multiple spatiotemporal realities. Its reading requires, therefore, a look that can decipher the universe of ecological, historical, perceptual and cultural relationships that characterize them. However, at the present time, technique and reason seem to have tipped the balance on the tangible values against the intangible ones, banishing to oblivion its cultural, perceptual, emotional and phenomenological components. This article takes a brief look at a range of experiences that, from different disciplines involved with space, allow us to approach a collective and timeless readability of the place. These looks fruit of memory, the experience and creativity, show a very clear direction to serve the project from its identity. In this context, to visualize the information and bring out elements and relations forgotten or unknown, is in itself a creativ...
MATEC web of conferences, 2024
Throughout the history of Western culture, landscape has been transformed according to the search for the representation of an image of paradise, and it has acquired and absorbed principles dictated by the mental, cultural, social and political framework in which it is involved. Suburban villas are contextualized interpretations of ways of using and occupying the landscape, organized and built by cultural and economic elites, creating places where landscape and architecture complement each other in a hasty manner. The research focused on the suburban Villa of Renaissance influence as a reference and on framing and contextualizing it in the historiography and culture of Architecture and Landscape in Portuguese historical areas. The evolution of the concepts of suburban Villa, garden, villegiattura and ideal Villa was addressed. The research was conducted on the relationship between the mind, the rational, and the emotions of those who inhabit/perceive space and those who design it. From the demonstration of the adequacy of the same structuring, compositional and programmatic principles resulting from a cultural and historical evolution to new times and regional cultures, and their framing in times of artistic and Cultural Revolution, the same conceptual principles, spatial orders and types of relationship with the landscape were adapted to avant-garde compositional grammars in other architectural types and urban structures. This study proves the existence of an important contribution to Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Landscape Architecture, of an architectural culture synthesized in the analysis of the cases treated. A contribution also to teaching and professional practice, from the identification of recent works that reveal the same principles, spatial orders, approach to place and relationship with the landscape.
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A site like Crapolla leads us to recognize the special complexity of the issue and we have to underline several aspects that are inherent in the interventions but, above all, in their interpretative dimension. This means that it is essential that the debate on the landscape and its conservation, protection and enhancement must be based on a rigorous theoretical approach. We cannot forget that the quality of interventions depends on the depth of the notions’ considerations, because the foundations and groundings coincide. So, just a few considerations will be made as regards those associations between the landscape and the elements that make up the entity of the cultural landscape. However, we have to consider the landscape as an inclusive dimension. In particular, it seems to be, and this is especially true in the twentieth century, a big box where different elements take place. But we could understand this changing and inclusive significance through documents, recommendations and conventions too.
Written at the place. The intangible values of the landscape
Written at the place. The intangible values of the landscape Escrito en el lugar. Los valores intangibles del paisaje MiriaM García García abstract / resumen Beyond the boundaries of a physical space, places, as a means where it is registered the way in which man relates to the world, contain multiple spatiotemporal realities. Its reading requires, therefore, a look that can decipher the universe of ecological, historical, perceptual and cultural relationships that characterize them. However, at the present time, technique and reason seem to have tipped the balance on the tangible values against the intangible ones, banishing to oblivion its cultural, perceptual, emotional and phenomenological components. This article takes a brief look at a range of experiences that, from different disciplines involved with space, allow us to approach a collective and timeless readability of the place. These looks fruit of memory, the experience and creativity, show a very clear direction to serve the project from its identity. In this context, to visualize the information and bring out elements and relations forgotten or unknown, is in itself a creative act that builds again the landscape we inhabit revealing its potential. Thus, the task of uncovering the traces of the place blurs the boundaries of duality between the tangible and the intangible to serve the project at all levels. Más allá de los límites de un espacio físico, los lugares, como medio donde se registra el modo en el que el hombre se relaciona con el mundo, contienen múltiples realidades espacio-temporales. Su lectura requiere, por lo tanto, de una mirada capaz de descifrar el universo de relaciones ecológicas, históricas, perceptivas y culturales que los caracterizan. No obstante, en la época actual, la técnica y la razón parecen haber inclinado la balanza sobre los valores tangibles frente a los intangibles, desterrando al olvido sus componentes culturales, perceptivos, emocionales y fenomenológicos. Este artículo realiza un breve recorrido por una serie de experiencias que, desde distintas disciplinas comprometidas con el espacio, nos aproximan a una legibilidad colectiva e intemporal del lugar. Estas miradas fruto de la memoria, la experiencia y la creatividad, evidencian un camino con el que atender al proyecto desde su identidad. En este contexto, visualizar la información y hacer aflorar elementos y relaciones olvidados o desconocidos, constituye en sí mismo un acto creativo que construye nuevamente el paisaje en el que habitamos revelando su potencial. Así, la tarea de desvelar las trazas del lugar desdibuja los límites de la dualidad entre lo tangible y lo intangible al servicio del proyecto a todas las escalas.
This introduction addresses some of the topics currently debated in landscape affairs. In the fi rst chapter I opt for a terminological defi nition of “environment” as the processual / scientifi c aspects of an area whereas “landscape” may be used in post-processual / phenomenological approaches, which is in accordance with the use of many studies in recent years. The term “nature” on the other hand is an analytical category to signify an area without human impact and therefore only existent as an imagined reality. Moreover, this idea of nature fulfils social demands as it stabilizes society by providing the imagined possibility of a counter-life. Archaeology, however, is not the only discipline to deal with landscape affairs. The term “landscape” is used by many disciplines providing a chance and threat alike to interdisciplinary cooperation. In practice the use of landscapes has to be negotiated between many social groups from academia as well as from other fields of society. This may result in different approaches to and interpretations of archaeological landscapes. In heritage management, alliances with tourism and environmental protection for example are in danger to subordinate archaeological / historical aims to values of other actors. In this respect, the European Landscape Convention provides a useful basis for further action as it offers an integrative and multifocal approach.
The Representation of the Landscape as Construction of Knowledge
P. Clini, A. Galli, R. Quattrini (Eds.). Landscape & Archeology
The study of landscape, understood as an interaction of historical settlement systems with that environmental naturalistic system, requires the identification and recognition of the values that characterize it. The present study is founded on a methodological approach based on the documentation and the critical analysis of the values of settlement systems and architectural heritage. Through critical thematic investigations, the territory is read in order to highlight the value systems related to each other. The purpose concerns the construction of a complex system aimed at knowledge and representation of the landscape and its values. From instrumental point of view, a territorial information system has been developed. With relation to this, there is the issue of the definition of complex databases, useful tools for documentation and analysis of the heritage.
A Sense of Place within the Landscape in Cultural Settings
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This paper presents an on-going progress of a study on landscape elements in the context of culture. The study has sought to ure and norms. Eventually, new developments do not seem to recognize and respect the importance of cultural aspects resulting disoriented buildings. Reviewed of the literature of sense of the place was conducted to rediscover the fundamental notions of place, perception and experience. Therefore, the background review to structure the work concluded places that add value contribute to establish the urban setting and place context.
The Aesthetic Values of Landscape Design
Public spaces are the structural elements of any architectural environment, areas of socialcohesion, spaces of coexistence, outbreaks of urbanity programmatically designed to attract all typesof public, to reunite the citizens of the city and to improve the dynamics of the urban space; in oneword, the city’s front window. The quality of urban space is primarily determined by the quality of thepublic areas belonging to the city, the areas that the city offers for common use to its inhabitants. Theaesthetic of landscape improvements have benefic influences on the cultural and artistic education ofcitizens and on their moral well-being. This study aims to establish the aesthetic values generated bythe structural elements of landscape improvements and their influences on human perception. Once theaesthetical values being identified, the paper tries to establish parameters for measuring the quality ofpublic space, and in the end, aims to generate hypothesis whose final goal is to incre...