A preliminary study of temperament among malnourished Mayan children (original) (raw)

Undernourished children have different temperaments than better-nourished children in rural Bangladesh

The Journal of nutrition, 2009

Undernutrition in early childhood is associated with poor cognitive development and some changes in behavior. However, there is little information on their temperament. Our objective in this study was to determine whether undernourished children aged 6-24 mo had different temperament traits than better-nourished children. Two hundred and twelve undernourished children (weight for age < -2 Z-scores) attending community nutrition centers in 20 villages in rural Bangladesh and 108 better-nourished children (weight-for-age > or = -2 Z-scores) matched for age, sex, and village participated in the study. Temperament was assessed through an interviewer-administered maternal questionnaire consisting of 7 subscales: manageability, activity, emotionality, sociability, attention, soothability, and fear. After adjusting for significant covariates, the undernourished children were less sociable [regression coefficient (B) = -0.96; 95% CI = -0.04, -1.88], less attentive (B = -0.94; 95% CI =...

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Undernourished children have different temperaments than better-nourished children in rural Bangladesh Cover Page

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Approach temperament across cultures: Validity of the Infant Temperament Scale in MAL-ED Cover Page

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The development of temperament in infancy: Continuity and change Cover Page

Assessment of Temperament at 13 and 24 Months Usingmaternal Report: Validation of the Portuguese Version of Infant Characteristics Questionnaire

Journal of Human Growth and Development, 2013

O temperamento é considerado um conjunto de traços individuais, com origem em parte biológica, que sedemonstram desde a infância precoce e que apresentam algum grau de continuidade ao longo do tempo.Desta forma, e uma vez que a avaliação do temperamento permite compreender de forma mais aprofundadao funcionamento da criança, torna-se necessária e relevante a validação de instrumentos que permitamrecolher este tipo de informação nos mais variados contextos. Os estudos que aqui se apresentam estãoinseridos num projecto de investigação mais amplo que visa conhecer melhor o desenvolvimento decrianças com idades compreendidas entre os 0 e os 60 meses de idade. Mais especificamente, os doisestudos mencionados têm como objectivo geral validar o Infant Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ1)para os 13 e para os 24 meses de idade para a população portuguesa, junto de mães. Assim, recorreusea duas amostras de conveniência. A primeira amostra é composta por 289 bebés com idadescompreendidas entre...

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Assessment of Temperament at 13 and 24 Months Usingmaternal Report: Validation of the Portuguese Version of Infant Characteristics Questionnaire Cover Page


Psychological variable like child temperament may influence feeding patterns, but less is explored and known about this aspect. Present study evaluates the association between child temperament and feeding patterns.The Study is a cross sectional survey of 1300 school children aged 3-6 yrs from Moradabad City.Questionnaire were distributed to the mothers of school children and they were instructed to fill the questionnaire and return back the next day. Child temperament was assessed on the basis of five factors; namely, Sociability,Emotionality, Energy level, Attentivity and Rhythmicity using Malhotra Temperament Schedule MTS. A total of 1,053 parents (81%) responded to questionnaire and were retained for analysis. The correlation of feeding patterns studied with each parameter of temperament.Of the five Temperament factors energy score and rhythymicity was significantly associated with feeding patterns. No Corelation could be established with Sociability,emotionality and attentivity.To conclude, the children who were breast fed ever were found to be less sociable, less emotional, and less energetic, had fleeting attention and poor biological rhythms as compared to their counterparts.

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Temperament differences in boys and girls from 3 to 5 years old Cover Page

Examination of child, mother, and environmental factors associated with undernutrition in children less than five years old in a Maya community in Yucatán, Mexico.

The objective of this study was to examine child, mother, and environmental factors associated with undernutrition in children less than five years old in a Maya community in Yucatan, Mexico. This investigation was designed as a case-control study. All cases (n=42) of undernutrition were included, and a sample of 52 controls was randomly selected from the study population. The frequency of investigated exposure factors was compared between cases and controls by using logistic regression. Undernutrition was associated with child’s age (> 36 months old; OR = 3.53; 95% CI = 1.04, 18.40) and mother’s marital status (married; OR = 0.29; 95% CI = 0.09, 0.90). The odds of undernutrition were 2.81 times higher in children infected with Giardia spp, but this association was not significant (P = 0.18) after controlling for child’s age and mother’s marital status. In conclusion, child’s age and mother’s marital status were associated with child undernutrition in study subjects. Future studies on undernutrition in children should examine more carefully how mother’s marital status alone or in combination with other factors (e.g. socio-economic, psychological factors) can influence child nutrition.

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Examination of child, mother, and environmental factors associated with undernutrition in children less than five years old in a Maya community in Yucatán, Mexico.  Cover Page

Baptista J: Assessment of temperament at 13 and 24 months usingmaternal report: validation of the portuguese version of infant characteristics questionnaire


According to , the concept of temperament is applied when we refer to children, adolescents or adults, especially when we want to know more about a person's activity, mood or emotional responses. Thus, temperament is a set of individual traits, with biological origins, present from early childhood, showing some kind of continuity over time. Assuming that the assessment of temperament is informative of a child's functioning, it isrelevantto have valid instruments to collect this kind of data. The studies presented in this paper are part of a broader research project that aims to understand the development of children aged from 0 to 60 months. More specifically, the two studies generally aim to validate the Infant Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ1) for 13 and 24 months of age for the Portuguese population, using mothers as informants. The first sample consisted of 289 infants aged between 11 and 20 months (Study 1) and the second sample comprised 398 children aged between ...

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Baptista J: Assessment of temperament at 13 and 24 months usingmaternal report: validation of the portuguese version of infant characteristics questionnaire Cover Page

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Assessment of Child, Mother, and Environmental Factors Associated with Undernutrition in Children Less than Five Years Old in a Maya Community in Yucatan, Mexico Cover Page

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Relation of neonatal iron status to individual variability in neonatal temperament Cover Page