Les catholiques belges au XIXe siècle (original) (raw)
Intervention lors de la soirée de présentation de l'ouvrage de Christian DRAGUET, "Clément Bivort de la Saudée (1819-1875). Grand patron charbonnier. Catholique social", Cercle d'Art et d'Histoire de Jumet-Gohyssart, 2019. Cette soirée était organisée le 19 décembre 2019 en l'église de Jumet-Gohyssart à l'occasion du bicentenaire de la naissance de Clément Bivort.
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Sur les rites funéraires de la franc-maçonnerie belge du XIXe siècle
During the 19th century, death was a conflict between the Belgian Freemasonry and the Catholic Church. After the episcopal condemnation of 1837, Masons were denied the privilege to receive their last rites and have a religious ceremony at their funeral. As a result, they started to organize civil funerals, an attitude developed in parallel to spirituality, then in relation to the choice between agnosticism and atheism. The funerals that took place in the Masonic lodges accompanied this process. The Masonic funeral ritual simultaneously was identified as a healing ritual and a rite of passage. While the Masonic ritual was taking place during this century, the exegesis of the ritual dimension brought differing interpretations of such symbolic acts that had not registered any change. In the conflict over the death bed and funeral of the Masons, The Masonic ritual contributed to the development of anti-secular funeral culture in which the construction of an alternative was essential. Thus, the Catholic monopoly on these important aspects of everyday life would definitely be broken, both on the level of public acts, as well as the symbolic funeral.
Contribution à l'histoire comparée: les colporteurs belges et québécois au XIXe siècle
Histoire Sociale Social History, 1987
En 1966, Fernand Ouellet signaklit déjà/' importante fonction économique du colporteur rural au Québec, mais la pauvreté, /'extrême dispersion et le manque de fiabilité des sources empêchèrent les chercheurs d' approfondir cene idée. us colporteurs québécois, tout comme leurs collègues belges, restèrent en marge des travaux historiques; leur rôle socio-économique fut totalement négligé. La comparaison et la synthèse des résultats dégagés de deux études précédentes permet ici de dresser un portrait signifiant de ces commerçants oubliés en analysant /'adaptation de leur négoce à deux environnements géographiques, démagraphiques, politiques et socio-économiques très différents. Cene approche met en évidence les caractéristiques fondamentales de ce groupe professionnel et démantre son importance dans la diffusion des produits et des idées en Belgique comme au Québec.
Quelques aspects du libéralisme juif en Belgique au XIXe siècle
de la modification du culte-essentiellement en abordant la réforme de la liturgie, comme révélateur de l'ensemble-et ensuite ses aspects idéologiques. En assouplissant néanmoins les conceptions de Petuchowski, et en mêlant diachronie et synchronie.
Un métier oublié: le colporteur dans la Belgique du XIXe siècle
After dealing with the numerous problems in defining the term "hawker" this study focuses on the analysis of the national and local regulations on peddling, in order to demonstrate that in Belgium it is mainly the municipal authorities who decreed the strictest measures with regard to this small trade. From the numerous taxes and police-measures which — under all kinds of pretexts — were aimed at hampering this travelling type of commerce, the aversion of the local authorities to this sort of activities is quite obvious. This Situation clearly results from the pressures put on the elected local authorities by the established shopkeepers who complained bitterly about the competition of the hawkers and therefore put them in a very unfavourable light to support their allegations. The statistical analysis of a documentary material which is relatively diversified and very much scattered enables us to unnerve those simplistic stories told by shopkeepers and taken over by certain authorities. Our approach indeed brengs out the heterogeneous character of the situations in this complex word of the travelling merchants. Thus a great diversity in the ethnic and geographic origins of the tradesmen can be noticed and the same conclusions are reached with regard to their riches and their socio-economic backgrounds, even though poverty seems to have been the fate of most of them. In many instances this small trade was indeed carried on to get away from an even more miserable situation, which accounts for its characteristic great internal mobility. On the other hand, and in contrast with an accepted idea, this occasional activity was seldom an instrument of social promotion.
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