Geoinformation analysis of rabies spread in Vinnytsya region (original) (raw)

Analysis of the epizootic situation on the rabies in Chernihiv oblast in 2017

Bulletin "Veterinary biotechnology", 2018

В статті представлені результати моніторингу епізоотії сказу на території Чернігівської області в 2017 році. Матеріали подані в порівняльному аспекті відносно попереднього року. Перевірено припущення щодо розвитку епізоотичної ситуації, які зроблені в попередньому аналізі за 2012-2016 рр. Епізоотична ситуація характеризувалася незмінно високим антропургічним проявом захворювання за рахунок переважання у видовій структурі випадків серед собак і котів. Західні та центральні райони області залишалися стаціонарно неблагополучними, а також встановлено збільшення кількості випадків на північному сході. Ключові слова: сказ, епізоотія, просторово-часовий аналіз, Чернігівська область. * Науковий керівник-д-р вет. наук, професор, чл.-кор. НААН Ничик С.А.

Geographic Information System Analysis of Rabies Spread in Island Forest-Steppe of East Siberia

Fundamental and Clinical Medicine, 2019

Цель. Сравнить морфологию, минеральный и органический профиль магний-фосфатных бионов (МФБ) и кальций-фосфатных бионов (КФБ) для оценки пригодности МФБ как группы сравнения с целью тестирования специфичности эндотелиотоксического действия КФБ. Материалы и методы. МФБ и КФБ были искусственно синтезированы посредством перенасыщения имитирующей состав крови среды солями магния и кальция соответственно. Морфологические свойства МФБ и КФБ были изучены при помощи электронной и атомно-силовой микроскопии, элементный состав-посредством энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии, атомно-эмиссионной спектроскопии и CHNSO-анализа, функциональные группы-инфракрасной спектроскопией с преобразованием Фурье и спектроскопией комбинационного рас-сеяния света, формула входящих в состав бионов химических соединений-рентгеновской порошковой дифрактометрией. Белковый профиль МФБ и КФБ был исследован методом электрофореза в полиакриламидном геле с последующим окрашиванием нитратом серебра. Результаты. Как МФБ, так и КФБ представляли собой сферические частицы губчатой структуры диаметром 80-200 нм и средним диаметром около 120 нм, склонные к формированию кластеров из нескольких частиц. И МФБ, и КФБ состояли из углерода, кислорода, азота, водорода и фосфора, однако МФБ содержали магний и характеризовались минимальным содержанием кальция. МФБ и КФБ содержали фосфатные, карбонатные и гидроксильные группы, при этом МФБ состояли из магния фосфат гидрата и хантита, а КФБиз гидроксиапатита и карбонат-гидроксиапатита. Белковый профиль МФБ и КФБ был схожим.

Distribution trend rabies in cats in Ukraine

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2018

In recent decades, there has been a rapid increase in the incidence of rabies in cat population due to lack of proper vaccination among domestic and stray animals. In such conditions, the virus is approaching the humans due to the increase in the number of cases of attacks of these animals on humans. Therefore, our aim was to carry out a retrospective analysis of the prevalence of rabies virus in Ukraine, to study the trends of rabies virus spread among domestic carnivores in recent decades, to establish the reasons for an increase in the proportion of cats in epizootic and epidemic processes in Ukraine. Having conducted a retrospective analysis from 1950 to 2017, we found that in 1950–1954 rabies in cats in the epizootic situation constituted a small percentage – 1.58%. In 1975–1979 there was an increase in the number of cases of the disease up to 17%, which occurred as a result of the epizootic outbreaks of rabies among the foxes that were most in contact with cats, especially str...

Rabies in Russia, risk assessment. Бешенство в России. Оценка Риска

Представлен анализ данных о распространении бешенства в России. Оценен среднегодовой риск заболевания бешенством подверженных особей. Предложены мероприятия по контролю/наблюдению за заболеваемостью бешенством в популяциях животных. Оценка риска проведена количественным методом. Информационно-аналитический обзор адресован широкому кругу ветеринарных специалистов, научных сотрудников и аспирантов.

Rabies - epizootiological situation at the territory of Serbia and countries in the region from 2006. to 2012

Veterinarski glasnik, 2013

Rad primljen za {tampu 27. 12. 2011. godine ** Jelena Maksimovi} Zori}, Vesna Mili}evi}, Lj. Veljovi}, Nau~ni institut za veterinarstvo Srbije, Beograd, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Tama{ Petrovi}, Nau~ni institut za veterinarstvo Novi Sad, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Miroslav Val~i}, redovni profesor, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Branislav Plav{i}, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, {umarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, Srbija; N. Vranje{, Zavod za antirabi~nu za{titu -Pasterov Zavod, Novi Sad, Srbija imaju povoljniju epizootiolo{ku situaciju (samo dva slu~aja besnila u proteklih 7 godina). U periodu do 2010. godine na po`areva~kom, novosadskom, jagodinskom, pan~eva~kom, beogradskom i ni{kom epi-zootiolo{kom podru~ju se uo~ava postepeni pad broja pozitivnih slu~ajeva. Me|unarodni projekat oralne vakcinacije lisica protiv besnila koji se sprovodi na teritoriji Republike Srbije i okolnih zemalja uticao je na to da se broj prijavljenih slu~ajeva besnila u Srbiji drasti~no smanji. Klju~ne re~i: besnilo, epizootiolo{ka situacija, lisica, oralna vakcinacija lisica

Molecular Epidemiology of Rabies Virus in the Territory of the Russian Federation

Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention

In this study, we report the phylogenetic relationship of RABV circulating in Russia. A total of 81 new isolates obtained from different regions of Russia in 2008 - 2016 were partially sequenced. Evolutionary analysis based on 100 representative sequences of rabies virus N-gene fragments (1110 nt) with sample time span ranging from 1977 to 2016 was made by the Bayesian coalescent analysis. Temporal estimates for major evolutionary events were done. The division of steppe rabies virus group C to discrete subgroups was revealed. According to our data, this most widespread in the Russian Federation group emerged in the beginning of the 1940th. The presence of steppe rabies virus was detected in the Far East (Primorsky Krai). The most likely cause of this event is anthropogenic introduction.. For the first time, representatives of arctic rabies subgroup A2 were isolated in the north of European Russia and FranzJosef Land. Evolutionary analysis suggested relatively recent emergence of al...

Geography of rendzina in Western region of Ukraine

Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography

Geographic regularities of rendzina distribution in Western Ukrainian region were analyzed as well as their correspondence to a variety of relief elements and the way soil formation parent materials and vegetation effects on the morphogenetic properties of these soils. Key words: rendzina, relief, soil formation parent materials, vegetation, morphogenetic properties.

The history of rabies control in Ukraine from the time of Pasteur to the present day


Rabies remains the oldest viral zoonotic disease, which always ends in death and which is now widespread throughout the world and causes an annual death of about 60 thousand people. Since rabies eradication in Ukraine continues over 135 years, our goal was to remind about the problems and successes of providing control rabies in different periods of the epizootic process in the last century, to remind the main specific features of infection and show real problems today. Materials for the analysis were archival data of reports of regional sanitary-epidemiological agencies, LV Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Neuroinfections of IVM NAAS of Ukraine, as well as the reports of regional departments of veterinary medicine of the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine. It has been shown that epizootic peaks were observed in certain historical periods. During the first period of urban rabies (dogs), mass vaccinations of dogs in combination wit...

Materials from research of O. G. Shaposhnikova and D. Ya. Telehin in the Starobilsk district, Luhansk region (in Ukrainian with English resume)

Археологія і Давня Історія України

In 2016 during the inventory and transportation of the archaeological finds from temporary archaeological storage at Pheophania to the present-day storagefacility of the Institute of Archaeology, the materials of the excavations of the expeditions of 1980 and 1985 were selected and processed. The excavations and surveys were conducted by expeditions under the leadership of O. G. Shaposhnikova and D. Ya. Telehin on the territory of the Starobilsk district of the Luhansk region. The surveys in 1980 were conducted at only two locations located close to each other — the settlements of Aidar-Bila and Pidhorivka. Aydar-Bila. Because the location plan is missing (it is also missing from the 1986 report), it was not possible to locate the settlement on the map. However, it can be assumed that the multilayered settlement of Aydar-Bila is located in the eastern part of the village Pidhorivka of the Starobilsk district of the Lugansk region, on the low floodplain terrace of the right bank of the river Bila (the right tributary of the Aydar river). At the location of the settlement, the width of the valley of both rivers is 2.23 km. In 1986, additional research was conducted and the site was named Hyrlo Biloyi. In fact, this name is more common and widely used in the scientific literature. The settlement is multilayered, as indicated by the code on the finds. The largest number of finds is associated with layer 4. Given the vertical distribution of the finds, it can be assumed that there are at least three episodes of occupation in the history of the settlement, two of which, given the peculiarities of the finds, occurred in the Neolithic Period and one in the Late Bronze Age. Pidhorivka. The multilayered settlement of Pidhorivka is located on the off-shore terrace of the right bank of the Aydar River, at the point where the coast recedes to the west, thus forming a sufficiently wide floodplain, on which the depressions of the old-aged lakes are noticeable. In total, about 10 different settlements were found within the specified floodplain, 5 of which are known from the research of S. O. Loktushev in 1939. In 1963, the Pidhorivka settlement was investigated by V. M. Gladilin, however, no report or publication on the results of the research appeared, as correctly pointed out by Y. G. Gurin in 1998. It is only known that the expedition V. M. Gladilin cleaned up the coastline of the Aydar River, where the Neolithic materials were discovered. Some findings revealed by the expedition led by V. M. Gladilin appear in the monograph V. M. Danilenko as an example of the material culture of the Azov culture he identified. In 1980, the expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the direction of O. G. Shaposhnikova laid out an excavation area on the Pidhorivka settlement. The results of these studies are unknown (missing report, field documentation, and findings). In the same year, an expedition led by D. Y. Telegin excavated a trench with a total area of 5 m2. Later (in 1984), the site was explored by an expedition under the general guidance of K. I. Krasilnikov and Y. G. Gurin. The total number of findings revealed as a result of the research by O. G. Shaposhnikova reached 295 units. The material analysis demonstrates the settlement is multi-layered. The upper horizons with the Middle and Late Bronze Age materials being the latest. In the conditional horizon of 0.8/0.9 m, a rather informative fragment of the Late Copper Age vessel was found, and at the same time, it is accompanied by a flint complex, which has the appearance of the Early Copper Age or Neolithic. The artifacts found in the conditional horizons of 0.9/1.0—1.1/1.2 m appear to be relatively «pure» in that the cultural and chronological terms clearly define their affiliation with the Early Neolithic Period and allow them to be associated with the Lower Don culture/Nizhnedonska culture of the Mariupol Cultural and Historical Area. At the same time, the presence of earlier artifacts, such as a conical single-platform core and multiple-truncated burin, makes one more cautious to interpret the complexes. Both the core and the burin look more logical in the flint complexes of the lower horizons of the site. In this sense, it is important to pay attention to the description of the stratigraphic section of the excavation area 2 of the settlement Pidhorivka, presented by Y. G. Gurin in a monograph about the Early Copper age sites of the Siversky Donets Basin. It states that, at a depth of 1.7/2.0 m and below, the layer of floodplain alluvium contains «Mesolithic materials». Y. G. Gurin did not publish the materials themselves that he claimed were from the Mesolithic era. In 2006, O. F. Gorelik issued a publication dedicated to the interpretation of the materials of the lower layer of Pidhorivka. In this work, he linked the affiliation of the flint complex with the early stage of Donetsk culture, and considered the site one of the centers of the Mesolithic industries with the yanishlavitsa type of projectile points. This conclusion is based on the similarity of the materials of the lower layer of Pidhoryvka with the flint complex of the site Shevchenko hamlet, one of the features of which is the presence of a yanislavitsa type of projectile point. In 1999, the materials of the site Zelena Hornitsa 5 were published, which is located on the second floodplain terrace of the lake on the left bank of the Siversky Donets River. In the material culture of this site, even if there are multiple elements, they in no way affect the overall situation. The complex of projectile points of the site consists of trapezes, a yanislavitsa type, points with truncated edges, and so on. The presence of the collapse of the stucco vessel along with these flint products gave rise to criticism of the idea of O. F. Gorelik about the The mesolithic character of complexes with a yanislavitsa type of projectile points. Later V. O. Manko, in a moreь detailed form, questioned the theory of O. F. Gorelik. To the present day, we can state that there has been some stagnation in this issue. The surveys in 1985 were conducted at the valley of Aidar river from v. Lyman to v. Losovivka. In this area, sites lots have been found, which in chronological terms date back to the Paleolithic—Medieval times. For this reason, we believe that the introduction into scientific circulation of even a small amount of archaeological materials allows the creation of a more complete picture of the processes that took place in the basin of the middle stream of the Siversky Donets River during the Neolithic—Copper Age.