Analysis of the epizootic situation on the rabies in Chernihiv oblast in 2017 (original) (raw)
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Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Rad primljen za {tampu 27. 12. 2011. godine ** Jelena Maksimovi} Zori}, Vesna Mili}evi}, Lj. Veljovi}, Nau~ni institut za veterinarstvo Srbije, Beograd, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Tama{ Petrovi}, Nau~ni institut za veterinarstvo Novi Sad, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Miroslav Val~i}, redovni profesor, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija; dr sc. vet. med. Branislav Plav{i}, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, {umarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, Beograd, Srbija; N. Vranje{, Zavod za antirabi~nu za{titu -Pasterov Zavod, Novi Sad, Srbija imaju povoljniju epizootiolo{ku situaciju (samo dva slu~aja besnila u proteklih 7 godina). U periodu do 2010. godine na po`areva~kom, novosadskom, jagodinskom, pan~eva~kom, beogradskom i ni{kom epi-zootiolo{kom podru~ju se uo~ava postepeni pad broja pozitivnih slu~ajeva. Me|unarodni projekat oralne vakcinacije lisica protiv besnila koji se sprovodi na teritoriji Republike Srbije i okolnih zemalja uticao je na to da se broj prijavljenih slu~ajeva besnila u Srbiji drasti~no smanji. Klju~ne re~i: besnilo, epizootiolo{ka situacija, lisica, oralna vakcinacija lisica
Geoinformation analysis of rabies spread in Vinnytsya region
Naukovij vìsnik veterinarnoï medicini, 2020
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The history of rabies control in Ukraine from the time of Pasteur to the present day
Rabies remains the oldest viral zoonotic disease, which always ends in death and which is now widespread throughout the world and causes an annual death of about 60 thousand people. Since rabies eradication in Ukraine continues over 135 years, our goal was to remind about the problems and successes of providing control rabies in different periods of the epizootic process in the last century, to remind the main specific features of infection and show real problems today. Materials for the analysis were archival data of reports of regional sanitary-epidemiological agencies, LV Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Neuroinfections of IVM NAAS of Ukraine, as well as the reports of regional departments of veterinary medicine of the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine. It has been shown that epizootic peaks were observed in certain historical periods. During the first period of urban rabies (dogs), mass vaccinations of dogs in combination wit...
Distribution trend rabies in cats in Ukraine
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2018
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Rabies re-emergence after long-term disease freedom (Amur Oblast, Russia)
Veterinary Science Today
РЕЗЮМЕ Проведено описательное ретроспективное эпизоотологическое исследование в Амурской области (Дальний Восток России), где в 2018 г. выявлена вспышка бешенства, целью которого было проанализировать возможные пути заноса и особенности пространственно-временного распространения бешенства на территорию, которая оставалась свободной от этой инфекции с 1972 до 2018 г. В 2018-2021 гг. на бешенство были исследованы пробы головного мозга, полученные от 1416 животных. Подтверждено 47 случаев бешенства, доля диких животных (Vulpes vulpes, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canis lupus) составила 66%. Первые случаи выявлены на расстоянии до 30 км от государственной границы с Китаем. Определены нуклеотидные последовательности гена нуклеопротеина 3 изолятов вируса бешенства и установлена их принадлежность к генетической линии Arctic-like-2. Генетически наиболее близкие к ним изоляты вируса бешенства были выявлены в провинции Хэйлунцзян (Китай, 2011 и 2018 гг.) и Еврейской автономной области (Россия, 1980 г.). Для картографирования случаев бешенства использовали геоинформационные системы и открытые данные дистанционного зондирования Земли. После 2018 г. эпизоотия распространялась в пределах лесостепных ландшафтов Зейско-Буреинской равнины, где заболевания людей и животных регистрировалось в прошлом (до 1972 г.). Фронт эпизоотии распространялся в северо-восточном направлении со средней скоростью 59 (16-302) км за один эпизоотический год (цикл). Занос вируса бешенства наиболее вероятен по долине реки Амур из неблагополучных по бешенству районов России и Китая, расположенных ниже по течению. Ключевые слова: бешенство, пространственно-временной анализ, возвращающиеся инфекции, трансграничные инфекции, Arctic-like-2 Благодарности: Исследование частично выполнено за счет гранта Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации на реализацию отдельных мероприятий Федеральной научно-технической программы развития генетических технологий на 2019-2027 годы (соглашение № 075-15-2021-1054).
Abstract The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by ecological components such as: conditions of pastures and water reservoirs, weather and climate especially in current pasture season; therefore it is necessary to conduct the antiparasitic treatment. Keywords: forecast, epizootic situation, helminthosis. The epizootic situation on helminthosis in the period of 1990 - 2014 was changing slightly but over the years a strong tendency to its deterioration is registered according to veterinary reports data (Forms 4-Vet. 5-Vet.) as well as reports of the local veterinary institutions (Animal Diseases Control Stations, laboratories etc.), Central Scientific Veterinary Laboratory of RF and scientific-research institutes from different regions of Russia. The materials collected in 2006 – 2014 were systemized, analyzed and included in the storage database. The analysis of epizootic situation related to pasture helminthosis in animals shown that the pasture season in 2014 was unfavorable due to adverse environmental effects: abundant precipitation, extensive underflooding, quick snow melting. In European part of Russia, in Moscow region and contiguous areas, in livestock farms unfavorable for fasciolosis the essential number of mollusks infected with Fasciola larvae successfully overwintered. The similar fasciolosis epizootic situation in ruminants was observed in Kursk, Ryasan, Kaluga, Tver, Smolensk and other contiguous regions, especially in northwestern region of Russia that allows us to forecast the occurrence of helminthosis and fasciolosis in 2015 within the standard time limits. A constantly unfavorable epizootic situation was predicted in relation to farm ruminants: deer, elks, wild boars, especially in lower part of northwestern region of Russia, Northern Caucasus and irrigation areas. In the Far East, in underflooding zones in 2013-2014 the acute outbreaks of fasciolosis, paramphystomatosis, orientobilharziosis, opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis and other trematodosis whose intermediate hosts are mollusks and different types of fish are possible. According to information provided by VIGIS and other scientific research institutes in the southern part of Western Siberia, Yakutia, Tuva and in the Far East in zones of extensive underflooding and moisturizing as well as during floods in 2015 the epizootic situation on fasciolosis and paramphystomatosis will deteriorate, especially on paramphystomatosis in Yakutia where the infestation of more than 90% of livestock is predicted. There is still a tendency for increase of eurytrematosis infestation of livestock (South of Siberia, Tuva, Altai and the Far East) as well as of paramphystomatosis, opisthorchiasis and orientobilharziosis infestations in unfavorable regions of Khabarovsk Krai and the Far East. On dryland pastures, practically in all geographic regions of Russia, especially in South, incidence of dicrocoeliasis in livestock is not excluded. Abundant precipitation in summer season in European part of Russia in agricultural regions of Altai and Siberia may cause dictyocaulosis, mulleriosis and protostrongylosis in domestic and wild ruminants as well as horses. An increase of strongilata populations and pasture contamination create a potential threat for outbreaks of strongylatosis and livestock mortality. In different climate zones of Russia the deterioration of epizootic situation on cestodosis is expected (echinococcosis, taeniosis, coenurosis) because Echinococcus and Taeniasis infection in dogs in Nothern Caucausus and Lower Volga region was constantly at 100 % level over the last years. An increase of zoonotic parasite infections in ruminants is predicted. In regions suffered from droughts: in Southern Europe and Western Siberia helmintosis do not pose massive threat except of echinococcosis and coenurosis. Observations of epizootic situation in 1990-2014 on main helminthosis in animals allow to make a conclusion that the development of epizootic process at helminthosis is affected by ecological components: condition of pastures and water reservoirs, weather conditions (climate), number of intermediate and final hosts, food reserves for wild animals etc. A strong tendency for the prevalence of helminthosis especially in the previous pasture season is determined; therefore the antiparasitic treatment is required. The forecast of epizootic situation also depends on the fact that over the last years only isolated cases of larval cestodes in cattle were registered (according to Registration Form 1-Vet. cysticercosis was determined in 3 cattle heads, echinococcosis - in one head). Nevertheless, the common unfavorable tendencies in development of cestodosis persist, in particular, 80 to100% of cattle are infected with moniesiosis. Trematodes (fascioles) were registered annually in 1200 to 2500 head of cattle. Diagnostic examinations for cattle fasciolosis were conducted on more than 374000 head of cattle (the average infection with fascioles was 0,1%) Diagnostic examinations for trematodosis are carried out on more than 1,1 million head of cattle. According to the reports data on occurrence of nematodosis the dehelmitization of 1,4 million head of cattle is conducted. According to the data of 1-Vet. 800 to 1200 head of cattle get sick from coenurosis, dictyocaulosis and strongylatosis. Diagnostic examinations for nematodes in sheep are carried out on 827000 head of which more than 17000 head are infected. The Dictyocaulus infection is reported in 266000 head (0,1% of examined samples with larvae) Nematodosis of sheep is registered annually in more than 2100 head according to reports data for the years 2012 – 2013. Horses get sick mainly from strongylatosis. 4 to 7 thousand horses were infested. Helminth infections were detected in more than 4700 dogs on the territory of Russian Federation as well as in Moscow – in more than 1952 dogs. Since 1973 till present the annual stationary integrated research of fasciolosis epizootic process is conducted. We have studied some features of this disease in the farm “Kamenka” located in Dmitrov district of Moscow region. On the square 15x6 km three permanent pasture areas are provided where the continuous observations on biotope conditions, intermediate hosts (mollusk populations) as well as definitive hosts (cattle, mostly young stock) are performed. That allows us to conduct biological observations and carry out analysis of that disease which gives us an opportunity to perform forecasts and make conclusions on epizootology of fasciolosis.
Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections
The aim of the study was to improve epizootiological monitoring and increase the effectiveness of preventive (anti-epidemic) measures for camel plague control in Kazakhstan.Materials and methods. We used the data on epizootiological and epidemiological monitoring in natural plague foci of Kazakhstan, long-term measurements and indicators for the period of 2000–2020 of the anti-plague and veterinary services of the Republic for the analysis. To process the evidence, epidemiological, epizootiological, microbiological, and statistical research methods, as well as GIS technology were applied.Results and discussion. The number of camels has increased by 2.2 times in Kazakhstan over the past 20 years. Where there were 98.2 thousand heads in 2000, it amounted to 216.4 thousand heads in 2020. Over the past 10 years, 152 camels died of unknown causes in the focal area of the country, but laboratory tests for plague turned out negative. According to the hazard criteria, the territory of the ...
Molecular Epidemiology of Rabies Virus in the Territory of the Russian Federation
Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention
In this study, we report the phylogenetic relationship of RABV circulating in Russia. A total of 81 new isolates obtained from different regions of Russia in 2008 - 2016 were partially sequenced. Evolutionary analysis based on 100 representative sequences of rabies virus N-gene fragments (1110 nt) with sample time span ranging from 1977 to 2016 was made by the Bayesian coalescent analysis. Temporal estimates for major evolutionary events were done. The division of steppe rabies virus group C to discrete subgroups was revealed. According to our data, this most widespread in the Russian Federation group emerged in the beginning of the 1940th. The presence of steppe rabies virus was detected in the Far East (Primorsky Krai). The most likely cause of this event is anthropogenic introduction.. For the first time, representatives of arctic rabies subgroup A2 were isolated in the north of European Russia and FranzJosef Land. Evolutionary analysis suggested relatively recent emergence of al...