Analisis Teologis Gereja yang Reformatoris serta Implikasinya bagi Kekristenan Masa Kini (original) (raw)
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Teologi dari Perspektif Sejarah Gereja
Apa yang menarik dari topik ini? Adakah manfaatnya bagi kita yang hidup pada masa kini untuk memikirkan tentang: peristiwa-peristiwa, tokoh-tokoh, ide-ide dan karya-karya, serta tempat-tempat yang pernah ada pada masa ribuan tahun lalu? Mengapa topik ini penting untuk didalami, dan bagaimana caranya? Itulah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul ketika topik tersebut di atas dikemukakan. Harus diakui bahwa Sejarah Kekristenan (atau oleh beberapa ahli disebut juga dengan Sejarah Gereja) di Barat telah sering dipercakapkan, namun Sejarah Kekristenan di Timur tidak dikenal secara benar. Padahal benihnya sama, yaitu kabar baik tentang Yesus Kristus bagi seluruh dunia, yang disebut “Injil” oleh orang-orang Kristen. Namun Injil itu ditaburkan oleh penabur yang berbeda, ditanam di tanah yang berbeda, bertumbuh dalam selera yang berbeda, dan dikumpulkan oleh penuai yang berbeda. Penelitian dalam bidang Ilmu Sejarah Gereja memang belum banyak diminati oleh para pembelajar teologi di Indonesia. Me...
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Mencermati Teologi Reformed dan Gerakan Reformed Injili
TE DEUM (Jurnal Teologi dan Pengembangan Pelayanan)
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Tinjauan Teologis Tentang Gereja Sejati dan Aplikasinya Bagi Pelayanan Gereja Kontemporer
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The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described ...
Relevansi Pemahaman yang Benar Tentang Gereja Bagi Orang Percaya Masa Kini
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This wrong understanding of the church affects one's actions towards applying one's faith. The importance of proper and basic knowledge of the church is the need of every believer today—the need for a renewal of the correct understanding of the church. The need for a fundamental and biblical account of the church encourages the author to deepen the discussion of the church's doctrine. The problem in this research is: what are the misconceptions about the church? And what is the correct understanding of the church according to the Bible and its relevance for believers today? This study aims to discuss the knowledge of the church based on the perspective of the Bible and its significance for believers today. The method that the author uses is a qualitative-descriptive research method. The results of this study reveal that the church is not a building, denomination, or "me," but the church is more understood as an association of believers who have a goal to fellow...
Ritornera - Jurnal Teologi Pentakosta Indonesia, 2021
This journal examines the historical description of Ulrich Zwingli's thoughts on church reform, especially after Martin Luther. And the results of the research provide new thinking that was left behind towards the reforms at that time. Though doctrinal thought began to move away from the papal hierarchy, but there are still things that were maintained by the reformers, and until now in the modern era it seems to be running (held), namely the practice of infant baptism, and the concept of the relationship between church and state. It's just that the results of this research are not more there, because the focus is solely on searching. There are many other sources that review Zwingli's actions in his involvement in removing other groups of believers (read: Anabaptists) from the church decisions that he fought for after the reformation. Because the concrete evidence has not shown the accuracy of the event, the author only focuses on his thoughts, specifically confronting hi...
Berbagai Isu Kristologis: Tantangan Untuk Gereja Masa Kini
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