Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru PAI dalam Pembelajaran (original) (raw)
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The demand of the quality of educational system is increasing along with the development of Indonesian social condition. It cannot be separated with the figure of teacher as the educator. The high demand itself has strong impacts toward some actions taken by the headmaster of SMK Kesehatan Bakti Indonesia Medika Ngawi in order to upgrade the teacher's professionalisms. This study uses data collection method as follows: a) deep interview, b) participants observation, and c) documents analysis. Then the collected data through these three methodologies are organized, interpreted, and analyzed deeper to arrange concept and abstraction of the finding result. In the case of the headmaster's leadership efforts in the managerial aspects to increase the professionalism of the teachers, the writer found some plans of action done by the headmasters for example: conducting workshop and supervision programs, optimizing teachers' discussion forums (MGMP), and organizing family recreation for fun. For the realization, those plan of action are successfully conducted. The conclusions of the study are: a) examined from the academic qualification, the level of teacher professionalisms in SMK Kesehatan Bakti Indonesia Medika Ngawi are less appropriate since there are still 3.08% of teachers have diploma degree. b) From the class implementation according to the headmaster's supervisions there are some teachers that do not apply the standard sets of teaching equipments in their class implementations. More specific, the teachers do not really care about the student's preparation of learning process; sometimes they do not give some apperception in the beginning of class, the teaching method that are still monotone, they have not apply the teaching media yet, and there are no reflection and follow up toward these conditions.
Edukasi: Journal of Educational Research
This research is motivated by a phenomenon that shows a decline in quality in the world of education today. Many teachers lack mastery of pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence and social competence which are the basis of the learning process. The low quality of educators makes it difficult to achieve the desired learning objectives. To face these challenges, teachers must continuously learn in an effort to develop their competencies. Islam Tarbiyatul Falah and SMP PGRI Telukjambe?. (2) How is the Professional Competence of Teachers in Improving the Quality of Learning in Tarbiyatul Falah Islamic Middle School and PGRI Telukjambe Junior High School? (3) How is the Teacher's Personality Competence in Improving the Quality of Learning in Tarbiyatul Falah Islamic Middle School and PGRI Telukjambe Middle School? (4) How is Social Competence? Teachers in Improving the Quality of Learning in Tarbiyatul Falah Islamic Middle School and PGRI Telukjambe Midd...
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Development of competence of teachers of PAI is a basic requirement for institutional. Teachers have a variety of names in the perspective of Islam have extended the repertoire of Islamic values and the performance of teachers. Among the names in Islamic religious education is ustads, mu'allim, murabbiy, mursyid, mudarris and muaddib. Each name has a classification of values and functions that impact on the quality of teacher competence PAI. Competence for teachers in need of institutional management capabilities and its sub-systems within the institution. Management is a tool to develop alignment concept of competencies, values and appearance of the teacher. Teachers are part of the institutional system requires management to manage five competence of teachers. Five competencies that are personable, professional, pedagogical, social and leadership. The competence should be the strength of the weakness of teacher competence and competence development it into an opportunity rather than obstacles teachers face external challenges.
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Al-Fikr: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020
How to improve the competence of Islamic religious. The formulation of the research problem is education teachers in responding to distance learning? The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement efforts made by Islamic religious education teachers to improve their competence. Second: to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of teacher competency improvement. Third: to provide positive suggestions and input for Islamic religious education teachers to improve their competence. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a literature review approach and books which are the main reference of this research are Munir's Book, Distance Learning Based on Information and Communication Technology, Bandung: Alfabeta. The conclusion is that in an effort to improve the competence of Islamic religious education teachers, they formulate a strategic plan by paying attention to the objectives and utilization of learning resources, then carry out an interac...
The harshness in our education is more restless in the society. Some forms and designs caused the harshness action, starting from striking done by a teacher, the sexual despising and also fighting among students. The harshness in our education affects on the responses of society that the school is not a comfortable and safe place any more to educate students to become kind hearted, good attitude and have the character of nation. The disharmony relationship between school committee and teachers can cause a harshness in our education. Even, extremely, it can be stated that the students learn about harshness and disharmony relationship. The disharmony relationship between society who represented in school committee and school (teachers) must stop the embarrassing action to get the better future life. The good cooperation and communication between society and school to become a key of word to quit harshness in our education. Islamic teachers should be able to have a great role as Islamic figures and to become a good model in our education, so that the students become smart, good attitude and nation's character. It is meant with reorientation of Islamic teacher role in this essay.
Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran PAI bagi Generasi Z
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The current young generation or the so-called Z generation is a generation born after 2000 until now and is very attached to gadgets. The ease that they have in accessing media, unfortunately, is not accompanied by a strong filter ability to be able to sort and select the information they receive. Therefore, today's teachers need to prepare themselves by developing their competencies to handle it. The solution offered is the development of the competence of PAI (Islamic religious education) teachers to be able to understand their students, who generally come from Z generation so that the learning process of PAI becomes effective. This service activity aims to help teachers and prospective teachers in increasing their understanding, awareness, and strategies in creating a PAI learning process that is interesting for the Z Generation. The implementation of activities in the form of workshops related to effective communication between teacher and students, the urgency of PAI in sha...
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua as a favorite school in Bandung Regency has special demands on teachers to be able to improve student achievement. Therefore, pedagogic competence as one of the basic competencies of teachers must be owned by teachers. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the ability of PAI teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua in improving student achievement (2) to describe the abilities of PAI teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua in designing and implementing learning to improve student achievement (3) describing the abilities of PAI teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua. in designing and implementing learning evaluations to improve student achievement (4) describing the ability of PAI teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Cisarua in developing students' potential to improve student achievement. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive with content analysis approach. The source of the data obtained is based on the document, namely Permendiknas Number 16 of 2007 concerning Teacher Competence, active observations carried out for 2 times with PAI teacher informants in Class XII IPS and IPA. The results obtained are (1) PAI teachers master pedagogic competence in understanding students, it can be seen in student achievement in academics and character (2) PAI teachers master pedagogic competence in planning and implementing learning, as seen from the increase in student achievement that is conducive and active in participate in direct learning (3) PAI teachers master pedagogic competence in planning and implementing learning evaluations, seen in increasing student achievement, especially in character (4) PAI teachers mastering pedagogic competence in developing student potential, seen in the academic achievements achieved by students, alignment of the learning process with the school's vision, and improvement of student character.