Digital transformation: Challenges for companies in Serbia (original) (raw)

Digital transformation and Serbia

Ekonomika preduzeca

Nova digitalna ekonomija, kao ekonomska aktivnost koja proističe iz onlajn povezanosti više milijardi ljudi, biznisa, podataka, uređaja i procesa, kreirala je izuzetne mogućnosti pojedincima, kompanijama i zemljama da unaprede svoje strategije konkurentnosti zahvaljujući novim tehnologijama. Ovaj rad prikazuje izazove digitalne globalizacije sa kojima se kompanije suočavaju. Otuda i propozicija da kompanije moraju prilagoditi/promeniti svoje poslovne modele jačanjem svoje digitalne aktive i reklasiranjem stavki koje se nalaze na strani digitalne pasive. Ovaj rad takođe uključuje analizu inovacionog ekosistema Srbije i njegove pripremljenosti za sprovođenje digitalne transformacije. Pod pretpostavkom da država ostvari mnogo značajnije investicije u digitalnu infrastrukturu i pruži podršku za potreban pravni okvir i razvoj preduzetničkih i digitalnih kompetencija, rad ukazuje na mere koje je potrebno sprovesti u cilju unapređenja digitalne agende Srbije na putu ka svom društvenom i ekonomskom oporavku.

Izazovi odrastanja djece u digitalnom vremenu

Društvene devijacije, 2023

Rad ukazuje na izazove odrastanja djece u digitalnom vremenu koje nudi brojne pozitivne mogućnosti, ali i opasnosti vezane za njihov zdrav razvoj. Cilj rada je ukazati kako savremeni mediji utiču na vaspitanje i oblikuju razliĉite dimenzije ţivota djece i adolescenata, njihov identitet i odnose s roditeljima i vršnjacima. U radu se kroz teorijsku analizu i rezultate istraţivanja daje odgovor na tri grupe pitanja: Koji su izazovi odrastanja djece u digitalnom vremenu? Kakav je uticaj digitalnih tehnologija na porodicu? Kakav je odnos roditeljstva i digitalnog učenja? Polazeći od toga da su ključni zadaci odrastanja razvoj identiteta, autonomije i intimnosti, odnosno stvaranje prijateljstava i odnosa, sugeriše se potreba analiza uticaja moderne tehnologije na sve navedene aspekte. U radu su saţete spoznaje o tome kako moderni mediji oblikuju razliĉite dimenzije ţivota djece i adolescenata, pritom uvažavajući njihove mogućnosti i prednosti. Digitalni život može podržavati ili ometati razvoj identiteta. Na osnovu teorijske analize i rezultata istraživanja su razmatrani uticaji medija na kvalitet odnosa s vršnjacima, te ukazano i na negativne pojave (internet zavisnost, cyberbullying). Uz odnose su analizirani i drugi konstrakti kako koristiti prednosti koje nude mediji i smanjiti loše vaspitne uticaje, te kako roditelji mogu pomoći djeci da se uspješnije nose sa izazovima digitalnog vremena. Rezultati istraživanja impliciraju važnost obezbjeđivanja podrške roditeljima dok poduzimaju korake prema ostvarenju vizija za svoju djecu u digitalnom vremenu.

Digital Transformation – A Hungarian Overview

Economic and Business Review

Digital transformation is considered as an increasingly important process for organizations today, critical for the survival of companies. The spreading of digital technologies throughout our societies brings along various changes in organisational culture, people, business processes and business models. The perception of digital transformation's importance among the management of companies is lower in some European countries, among others in Hungary. Our research aims to provide an overview of digital transformation in Hungarian companies from the dimensions of strategy, technology and digital innovation capabilities. We discuss the objectives of digital transformation and the role of IT departments in digital transformation. The research is part of an ongoing research, in which IT-related practice of Hungarian organizations is explored on a yearly basis, starting in 2009. 167 organizations participated in our last study, in 2018. As our survey results revealed, there is a moderatestrong demand for digital transformation, but the consciousness and perception of how technology will change the nature of business varies among industries. Most of the questioned Hungarian companies deal with digitalization at the strategic level; however, there is still a large group of firms that manage digital transformation as an IT problem. Although the objectives of digital transformation are clear, organizations heavily lack preconditions for successful transformation.

Digitalna sredstva i svrha obrazovanja

Sa že tak: U za u zi ma nju vred no snog sta va pre ma sa vre me nim di gi tal nim me dij skim teh no lo gi ja ma mo gu se pre po zna ti dve ge ne ral ne ori jen ta ci je-"teh no op ti mi stič ka"i"teh no pe si mi stič ka".Autorseza la žeza sred njere še njeina sto jidapo ve žear gu men ta ci juhu ma ni stič kefi lo zo fi jeobra zo va njaite o ri jeme di ja.No vime di jiuti čunana šuper cep ci ju stvar no stiispo sob nostdatuper cep ci juar ti ku li še mo,iti meuob li ča va ju sa mu stvar nost. Obra zov ni si stem ob u hva ta no ve me di je "obra zo va njem za me di je" i nji ho vom pri me nom kao obra zov ne teh no lo gi je. Glav ne te ze sa op šte nja su: (1) da di gi tal ne me dij ske teh no lo gi je ni su svr ha,većsred stvouobra zov nompro ce su,(2)dasuonesred stvoko je me njaka rak te ri sti kesa mogtogpro ce sai dahu ma ni stič kishva će na svr haobra zov nogpro ce sani jeuki nu taupr kostimpro me na ma. Ključ ne re či: ra ču nar ski me di ji, me dij sko uob li ča va nje stvar no sti, reto ri ka me di ja, svr ha obra zo va nja SašaRadojčić UniversityofArts,FacultyofFineArts,Belgrade DIGITALTOOLSANDTHEPURPOSEOFEDUCATION Abstract

Digital Transformation Peculiarities in Bulgaria


A characteristic feature of modern business is that it functions in a new digital reality. It is progressively and irrevocably, as it changes not only our lives, but also, in the first place, forces the business to adapt to the new conditions, to innovate, to transform their business strategies according to the requirements and specifics of the digital economy. The idea is not to destroy the traditional business but to develop, improve and become more competitive with the help of digitization. The digital economy opens up a great deal but requires a deep understanding of what it is, what its specifics and principles of functioning, its positive and negative sides, how to use the opportunities provided to enable it realize and have a positive effect on the digital transformation of the business. In addition to this, important questions such as: What are the main areas of digital transformation? How to build the business strategy of digital transformation? What are its tools and metho...

Digital Transformation in Romania and Bulgaria

LUMEN Proceedings, 2022

Innovative approaches to and methods for designing successful business strategies have changed consumer requirements and habits. Traditional business processes have thus been adapted to a virtual environment and the process of digital transformation. Digitization is a process which can be defined as transforming business models and processes into digital ones. In most cases, they are a combination of different types of operations, such as e-commerce, Internet marketing or smart manufacturing. One of the major advantages brought by digitalisation is the improvement of workforce through the use of robots, CNC machines (digital software control), computers and mobile devices.

Digital Transformation of Slovenian Enterprises

2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2021

The emergence of disruptive digital technologies in the last decade has ushered in the era of digital transformation. Although digital technologies offer numerous opportunities, many enterprises still lag behind when it comes to building the necessary digital capabilities for successful digital transformation. To enable wider adoption of digital technologies and accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises, several measures are required. In order to create the necessary supporting ecosystems at both European and national level, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by enterprises. For this purpose, we created the questionnaire in cooperation with the University of Maribor, the Chamber of Commerce and Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia. The questionnaire was completed by 125 enterprises in Slovenia. In this paper, we present research results that illustrate the status of digital transformation among enterprises in Slovenia and provide guidance for developing appropriate measures to accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises.

O digitalnoj kulturi i obrazovanju


Nowadays more and more we feel the impact of Information and Communication Technology in all life areas of a society, in developed countries but also and in developing ones. Gradually is being created information society that determined by the degree of development of the country in the respective field and inextricably related to the digital divide. There's a light shining brightly on technology right now. This is a very exciting time to be alive and to be involved in technology and also education. During these year are growing generations where a strong impact have new technologies, but it also already observed in other generations. Born also another culture, digital culture that has become part of the general culture. These concepts shape the basis of treatment of the paper for the presenting, authors together with their vision and generalize from contemporary literature that emphazise the role of digital culture and education.

Software education and digital economy development in Serbia

Ekonomika preduzeća, 2017

Pojam digitalne transformacije, odnosno upotrebe tehnologije radi unapređenja učinka, proučava se u kontekstu održivog ekonomskog razvoja i tehnološke spremnosti Srbije. Autori se dodatno usredsređuju na ulogu obrazovanja u oblasti softverskog inženjerstva. Programeri su ključni nosioci procesa primene novih tehnologija, pružajući tehničku podršku stvaranju prilagođenih i novih poslovnih modela. Stoga članak razmatra rezultate prve studije tehničkih kompetencija, obrazovanja i uslova rada srpskih programera, koja je sprovedena u oktobru 2015. godine. Nalazi potvrđuju međunarodna istraživanja koja uočavaju udaljavanje od formalnog obrazovanja, delom zbog jaza između etabliranih nastavnih planova i potreba tržišta za agilnim programiranjem i upravljanjem projektima. Ovaj jaz treba popuniti ne samo učenjem inovativnog programiranja, već i netehničkim kompetencijama, što može da bude tema daljih istraživanja. Pored toga, treba proučiti razloge za nizak stepen prihvatanja digitalnih tehnologija u poslovnom sektoru u Srbiji, te ispitati ulogu evropskih integracija i stranih ulaganja u ovom procesu. Jedan značajan pozitivan trend u Srbiji predstavlja velika otvorenost programera prema preduzetništvu, što može da bude izvor novih inovacija. Dodatan izazov je kako spojiti programere sa tradicionalnim preduzećima da bi se omogućila šira digitalna transformacija i stvaranje istinske digitalne ekonomije.

Digital Transformation in Montenegro – Current Status, Issues and Proposals for Improvement

Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2021

WHAT IS Covid-19 teaching us? Chinese word CRISIS consists of two ideograms: the first means DANGER, the second means OPPORTUNITY. Most people perceive the coronavirus as a DANGER manifesting itself in its worst forms. It causes drastic behavior change, quarantine and social isolation. It creates panic, shortages and anxiety. It dramatically reduces economic activity, destroys stock markets and paves the way for recession. Schools, colleges, even kindergartens are closed. Sport events, concerts, competitions and championships are canceled. An overstretched health system is bursting at the seams. Borders are closed, traffic has stopped, and airlines, cultural institutions, tourism and the entertainment industry are suffering huge losses. Concerned heads of government hold press conferences on a daily basis to portray the murky reality, offer increasingly drastic measures and increasingly restrictive solutions. Immersed in such a deep crisis, is it at all possible to see the coronavirus as an OPPORTUNITY, as we try to do in this paper? First of all, we should stop and rethink. We should question our values and try to get rid of false myths we are surrounded with. We should also question personal priorities, the meaning of life, work and all our activities. We should better understand the risks of global connectivity and the complexity of all the consequences. We should better grasp the necessary balance between personal freedoms and restrictions that are imposed on us by the interest of common good. We should compare how a deep crisis is addressed by different political regimes and learn from the mistakes. Finally, we should draw lessons from all this by initiating faster and deeper reforms of the (global and local) political, educational, health, social and, of course, economic systems. Apart from these abstract and philosophical gains, there are a number of concrete positive consequences of the coronavirus crisis. The trend of teleworking will accelerate. The need for openness and transparency in media and political discourse will grow and the tendency to produce "fake news" will be reduced. Sensitivity for older and more vulnerable sections of the population who are neglected and marginalized will increase. The perception of "private space" will change and the overall hygiene habits will improve. The text that follows is based on a field research on Digital Transformation in Montenegro during the Covid-19 pandemic. It explores the current status, and deals with issues and proposals for improvement, focusing in particular on a set of recommendations and proposals for companies, enabling them to cope with the challenges.