A Hamiltonian approach to model and analyse networks of nonlinear oscillators: Applications to gyroscopes and energy harvesters (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2015
Modeling and bifurcation analysis of an energy harvesting system composed of coupled resonators using the Galfenol-based magnetostrictive material are presented. The analysis in this work should be broad enough to be applicable to a large class of vibratory-based energy harvesting systems since various types of vibratory harvesters share the same normal forms, e.g. magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials. A combined model of the mechanical and electrical domains of a single energy harvester is discussed first. Building on this model, the governing equations of the coupled system are derived, leading to a system of differential equations with an all-to-all coupling between the resonators. A bifurcation analysis of the system equations reveals different patterns of collective oscillations. Among the many different patterns, a synchronous state exists and it is stable over a broad region of parameter space. This pattern has the potential to yield significant increases in power out...
Dn Symmetric Hamiltonian System: A Network of Coupled Gyroscopes as a Case Study
The evolution of a large class of biological, physical and engineering systems can be studied through both dynamical systems theory and Hamiltonian mechanics. The former theory, in particular its specialization to study systems with symmetry, is already well developed and has been used extensively on a wide variety of spatio-temporal systems. There are, however, fewer results on higher-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with symmetry. This lack of results has lead us to investigate the role of symmetry, in particular dihedral symmetry, on high-dimensional coupled Hamiltonian systems. As a representative example, we consider the model equations of a ring of vibratory gyroscopes. The equations are reformulated in a Hamiltonian structure and the corresponding normal forms are derived. Through a normal form analysis, we investigated the effects of various coupling schemes and unraveled the nature of the bifurcations that lead the ring of gyroscopes into and out of synchronization. The Hami...
Dn Symmetric Hamiltonian Network of Coupled Gyroscopes
The evolution of a large class of biological, physical and engineering systems can be studied through both dynamical systems theory and Hamiltonian mechanics. The former theory, in particular its specialization to study systems with symmetry, is already well developed and has been used extensively on a wide variety of spatio-temporal systems. There are, however, fewer results on higher-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with symmetry. This lack of results has lead us to investigate the role of symmetry, in particular dihedral symmetry, on high-dimensional coupled Hamiltonian systems. As a representative example, we consider the model equations of a ring of vibratory gyroscopes. The equations are reformulated in a Hamiltonian structure and the corresponding normal forms are derived. Through a normal form analysis, we investigated the effects of various coupling schemes and unraveled the nature of the bifurcations that lead the ring of gyroscopes into and out of synchronization. The Hami...
Bifurcation, chaotic and hysteresis phenomena of broadband tristable energy harvesters
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
We analyze energy harvesting using a mechanical resonator with three potential wells. Nonlinear effects are leading to frequency broadband voltage response via bifurcations, multiple solutions and dynamical hysteresis. We show the characteristic features of the obtained solutions. In particular, basins of attraction of solutions are discussed.
Nonlinear characterization of a bistable energy harvester dynamical system
Topics in Nonlinear Mechanics and Physics: Selected Papers from CSNDD 2018, 2019
This chapter explores the nonlinear dynamics of a bistable piezo-magneto-elastic energy harvester with the objective of determining the influence of external force parameters on the system response. Time series, phase space trajectories, Poincaré maps and bifurcation diagrams are employed in order to reveal system dynamics complexity and nonlinear effects, such as chaos incidence and hysteresis.
Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcations and Patterns of Oscillations in Rings of Crystal Oscillators
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Symmetry is used to investigate the existence and stability of collective patterns of oscillations in rings of coupled crystal oscillators. We assume N identical crystal oscillators, where each oscillator is described by a two-mode nonlinear oscillatory circuit. We also assume the coupling to be identical and consider two different topologies, unidirectional and bidirectional, which lead to networks with Γ = ZN and Γ = DN symmetry, respectively. The whole system can be seen as an ε-perturbation of N uncoupled, two-mode oscillators. The spectrum of eigenvalues of the linearized system near the origin leads to expressions not amenable to analysis. To circumvent this problem, we apply the method of averaging and rewrite the model equations, via near identity transformations, in the socalled full-averaged equations. The truncation to the average part, expressed in complex coordinates, is O(2) × O(2) × Γ-equivariant. Then, we present new theoretical results linking symmetry and averaging theory to study the existence and stability of steady-states of the truncated averaged systems, and show that they persist as periodic solutions of the full-averaged system for small ε. A decomposition of the phase-space dynamics along irreducible representations of the symmetry groups ZN and DN leads to a block diagonalization of the linearized averaged equations. Direct computation of eigenvalues leads to the desired identification of periodic solutions that emerge via symmetry-preserving and symmetry-breaking steady-state bifurcations leading to the corresponding periodic solutions with spatio-temporal symmetries. Numerical simulations are conducted to show representative examples of emergent rotating waves. The motivation for this work is to aid future design and fabrication of novel precision timing devices.
Hopf Bifurcation in Symmetric Networks of Coupled Oscillators with Hysteresis
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2012
The standard approach to study symmetric Hopf bifurcation phenomenon is based on the usage of the equivariant singularity theory developed by M. Golubitsky et al. In this paper, we present the equivariant degree theory based method which is complementary to the equivariant singularity approach. Our method allows systematic study of symmetric Hopf bifurcation problems in non-smooth/non-generic equivariant settings. The exposition is focused on a network of eight identical van der Pol oscillators with hysteresis memory, which are coupled in a cube-like configuration leading to S 4 -equivariance. The hysteresis memory is the source of non-smoothness and of the presence of an infinite dimensional phase space without local linear structure. Symmetric properties and multiplicity of bifurcating branches of periodic solutions are discussed in the context showing a direct link between the physical properties and the equivariant topology underlying this problem.
2021 Iternational Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2022
Ambient dispersed mechanical vibrations are a viable energy source, that can be converted into usable electric power. Ambient vibrations are random process, that can be modeled by superposition of periodic signals. When most of the energy is concentrated in a narrow frequency band, a single periodic function may be a reasonable approximation. This work shows that circuit theory, complemented with nonlinear dynamics methods, are instrumental in designing efficient energy harvesters for ambient mechanical vibrations. It is also shown that the average extracted power can be maximized by a proper load matching, and that the introduction of nonlinearities results in a larger frequency bandwidth, increasing the efficiency of the harvester at frequencies close to the resonance. Even for the nonlinear harvester, the matched load boosts the performance by a large amount.
Nonlinear dynamics of asymmetric bistable energy harvesting systems
In this work, the nonlinear dynamics of an asymmetric bistable energy harvesting system is investigated numerically. The asymmetry is introduced in the equation of motion as a quadratic term with respect to the response. The nondimensional equations of motion are integrated numerically and the bifurcation diagrams are generated with excitation frequency and coefficient of quadratic nonlinearity as parameters. Bifurcation diagrams show existence of periodic and chaotic regions. Bifurcation diagrams are compared with that of symmetric bistable systems and conclusions were derived. It is found that the presence of asymmetry in the system can deteriorate the performance of the energy harvester. This study provides certain guidelines for the design of efficient energy harvesting systems in the presence of asymmetry.
Physica D-nonlinear Phenomena, 2010
Vibration energy harvesting research has largely focused on linear electromechanical devices excited at resonance. Considering that most realistic vibration environments are more accurately described as either stochastic, multi-frequency, time varying, or some combination thereof, narrowband linear systems are fated to be highly inefficient under these conditions. Nonlinear systems, on the other hand, are capable of responding over a broad frequency range; suggesting an intrinsic suitability for efficient performance in realistic vibration environments. Since a number of nonlinear dynamical responses emerge from dissipative systems undergoing a homoclinic saddle-point bifurcation, we validate this concept with a bistable inertial oscillator comprised of permanent magnets and a piezoelectric cantilever beam. The system is analytically modeled, numerically simulated, and experimentally realized to demonstrate enhanced capabilities and new challenges. In addition, a bifurcation parameter within the design is examined as either a fixed or an adaptable tuning mechanism for enhanced sensitivity to ambient excitation.