A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Related to Labour Process among Primigravida in selected Hospitals of Punjab and Haryana (original) (raw)

Knowledge and Anxiety Level on Labour Process among Primigravida Mothers in a Selected Hospital, Kamrup (M), Guwahati, Assam: A Descriptive Study

https://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR\_Vol.11\_Issue.9\_Sep2021/IJHSR-Abstract.025.html, 2021

Introduction: Many Indian women are unaware about the changes that occur in their body during pregnancy and labour, as a result many mothers suffer physiologically and psychologically, hence education is needed for mother especially to primigravida mothers. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is to assess the level of knowledge and level of anxiety on labour process among primigravida mothers who are attending antenatal OPD at a selected hospital. Methods and materials: A descriptive survey research design was used and purposive sampling technique was used for obtaining sample for the study. Study was undertaken on 100 sample primigravida mothers at Maternity and Child welfare Hospital of Guwahati, Assam. Results: The finding shows that majority i.e. 53% had inadequate knowledge, 44% had moderately adequate knowledge and only three (3%) had adequate knowledge on labour process, majority of the respondents i.e. 58% had moderate anxiety and 42% had severe anxiety. There was association between the knowledge level and selected demographic variables such as age, education, trimester of pregnancy and any prenatal counselling given. Also with anxiety and selected demographic variables such as education, occupation and any types of prenatal counseling attend. There was moderate negative correlation (-0.310) between knowledge and anxiety scores on labour process among primi gravida mothers. Conclusion: This study shows that primigravida mothers had lack of knowledge and moderate anxiety on labour process. Therefore health personnel need to conduct the education programmes to improve the level of understanding as to reduce the level of anxiety on labour process.

Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge and Reducing Anxiety about Labor among Primigravidae in Selected Hospitals of Belgaum, Karnataka

Journal of SAFOG, 2010

Objectives: To assess the knowledge and anxiety level of primigravidae about labor in both experimental and control group, evaluate the effectiveness of the planned teaching program on knowledge and reducing anxiety about labor among primigravidae in the experimental group as compared to the control group. Methods: The research approach used for the study was the evaluative approach. The study was conducted using pre-test post-test, control group, a quasi experimental design. The study was conducted on 60 primigravidae (30 experimental and 30 control group) attending antenatal OPD'S at KLE'S Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belgaum using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by using a structured knowledge questionnaire and standardized Zung self-rating scale. The data was tabulated and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The results showed that knowledge score mean difference (MD) in experimental group was 16.8 and in control group it was 0.6. Therefore planned teaching program was effective method to gain knowledge about labor among primigravidae. The anxiety score MD was 37.6 in experimental group and in control group it was 0.16. Hence planned teaching program helped in reducing anxiety about labor and study findings showed that there was positive correlation between knowledge and reducing anxiety in experimental group (r xy = 0.1). Therefore planned teaching program helped to gain knowledge and reduce anxiety about labor in primigravidae. Conclusion: Anxiety is common in life. It is more among primigravida mothers during labor and delivery. Mothers experience anxiety during their labor and delivery in hospitalization. Identification of anxiety and stress, helps nurses to plan provide holistic care which helps mothers to have smooth hospitalization and minimizes anxiety. Providing psychological support is one of the most important needs during their labor and delivery on the labor table. The study suggests the need for education, guidance and counseling which are essential for the primigravida mothers when they are under stress and anxiety during pregnancy and labor. It was also found that there is need to improve the awareness and encourage the mothers to participate in anxiety and stress management program to prevent further problems.

Relationship between Knowledge Level and Anxiety Facing Childbirth in Primiparous Mothers at Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul

Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU), 2023

anxiety, which for laboring mothers creates tension, vasoconstriction in uterine blood vessels, pain, reduced uterine contraction, and delayed cervical opening so that childbirth takes longer. Long childbirth or partus can increase mothers' and babies' morbidity and mortality rates. This research aimed to identify the correlation between Knowledge Level and Anxiety Facing Childbirth in Primiparous Mothers at Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul. This study was quantitative research with a descriptive-analytic design using the cross-sectional approach. The population in this research consisted of 145 primipara mothers, with purposive sampling of 59 respondents. The data were collected with a questionnaire and analyzed with the Spearman Rank Correlation Test. The respondents' knowledge level belonged to the 'good' category, 96.6%, while the anxiety level among the primipara mothers belonged to the 'moderate' category, 79.7%. The analysis of the correlation between the knowledge level and the anxiety level among Primipara mothers in Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul resulted in a p-value = 0.001 with a Rho-Spearman correlation value of-0,415. There was a moderate correlation between knowledge and anxiety levels among primipara mothers in Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul. Healthcare providers can promote the seven essential power education models of childbirth ("Power," "Passage," "Passenger," "Psyche," "Position," "Pain," and "Patience") in maternity nursing practice so that nurses can pay attention to the complexities of care holistically for women who give birth

Characteristics Associated With Anxiety in Primigravida Mothers Facing Labor in Cianjur District

KnE Medicine

Anxiety in primigravida mothers can arise in the third trimester and can harm pregnant women and their babies by leading to stunted fetal growth, weakening of uterine muscle contractions, increased risk of giving birth to premature babies, and affecting the growth and development of children. High levels of anxiety in pregnant women can be caused by several factors including the characteristics of the mother. Midwives must know the causal factors and how to overcome them. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of anxiety in primigravida mothers in the third trimester in the face of childbirth and the factors that influence this. An analytic observational design was used with a cross-sectional approach. The sample included 35 pregnant women in the third trimester, recruited by consecutive sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires. The univariate data analysis looked at the frequency distribution and the bivariate analysis used the Chi-square test. The results show...

Role of Health Workers Related to Anxiety Level of Third Trimester Pregnant Women in Face the Birth Process in Maternity Room Anutapura Palu General Hospital

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016

Pregnancy is a dramatic episode of the condition of the biologicals, psychological changes and adaptations of a woman who never experienced it. Since during pregnancy, the mother has been experiencing anxiety. Anxiety increased towards birth, especially in the third trimester. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of health workers related to anxiety levels of third trimester pregnant women in face the birth process in maternity room Anutapura Palu General Hospital. The type of study was analytic survey used cross sectional approach. Sample total was 35 respondents with the sampling technique used purposive sampling method. The analysis in this study were univariate and bivariate. The results showed that with the good role of health workers, more respondents were at the mild anxiety level. Otherwise with the not good role of health workers, more respondents were at the moderate and severe anxiety levels. This study showed there was a relationship between the role of he...

First Time Mothers ; Knowledge Regarding Coping Strategies During Labour Process


Pregnancy and child birth are actions of huge expectation in women’s life. Labor is much more than a purely emotional event, women should have sufficient information about labor to ensure proper perceptive of changes that labor will bring.1 Proper teaching during antenatal period may augment the coping with changes throughout labour. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge regarding coping strategies during labour among primigravida mothers with a view to develop self instructional module. A quantitative approach with non-experimental descriptive design was used for the present study. Data was collected by using the structured questionnaire. The study was conducted in the Gynecology OPD of the Jubilee Memorial hospital. 60 primigravida mothers were selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. Majority of the primigravida had just average level of knowledge 35 (58.33 %), whereas 22 (36.67 %) primigravida mothers had very poor knowledge regarding coping str...

The relationship between preparation for gentle birth and the degree of anxiety of first pregnant women in facing labor at PMB Mutiara Medan Sunggal

Priviet Social Sciences Journal

Psychological changes make pregnant women experience anxiety in facing the delivery process, including the conditions that occur during the delivery process. To overcome this anxiety, the benefits of Gentle Birth are needed so that mothers can give birth in peace, free from fear and anxiety. Purpose: This study was to determine the relationship between preparation for gentle birth and the degree of anxiety of first pregnant women in facing labour. Method: the research used was a quantitative approach using a cross-sectional design which was carried out at PMB Mutiara Medan Sunggal in October 2022. The total population used as the research sample was 30 respondents using the total sampling technique. The data collection method uses a questionnaire with an ordinal scale. Results: 19 people (79,2%) did a good gentle birth preparation with low anxiety, 5 people (20,8%) had high anxiety. Meanwhile, there were 2 respondents (33,3%) who did not prepare for gentle birth with a low degree of...

Assessment of Birth Preparedness in Terms of Knowledge and Practices among Primigravida Mothers in Selected Hospitals of Ambala, Haryana

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2016

A co-relational descriptive study was conducted with the aim to assess birth preparedness in terms of knowledge and practices among primigravida mothers in selected hospitals of Ambala, Haryana. Objectives: The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge, practice, determine the correlation between knowledge and practice score of primigravida mothers and to determine the association of knowledge and practices with their demographic variables regarding birth preparedness. Sample: Purposive sampling is used to collect data from 100 primigravida mothers. Setting: Setting of the study was Civil Hospital Ambala, Haryana. The data was collected by administering the structured knowledge questionnaire and express practice checklist. Results: More than half of primigravida mothers (52%) had below average knowledge and majority of primigravida mothers (99%) had good level of expressed practices. There is a negligible positive non significant co-relation between the knowledge and practic...

Assess the knowledge about new-born care among the primi mothers at a selected hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022

The postnatal period has been termed as fourth stage of labour. It has three distinct but continuous phases.1 postnatal period begins after the third stage of labour and includes first six weeks after delivery. During this time women's reproductive organs gradually returns to the normal size and shape. Postnatal period is a crucial period in woman's life and lot of physiological changes used to occur. They are in need of special care during pregnancy, at the time of labour as well as after delivery of child in order to prove safe motherhood and healthy living. The postnatal period is a critical transitional time for a woman and her new born physiologically, emotionally, and socially.2 postnatal mothers used to have physical and emotional discomforts, lack of sleep due to new born baby, visitors, noise, and discomfort with episiotomy. Due to child birth, mother becomes tired and weak. However, taking care of hygiene is also important for all postnatal mothers. Hygiene includes self care as well menstrual care Method: The Parul Sevashram Hospital in Vadodara served as the study's location. A practical simple random sampling procedure was used to select 60 primi mothers in total. Multiple choice questions and a checklist were included in the questionnaire used to gather the data. Age, religion, degree of education, place of residence, and other socio-demographic characteristics were taken into account when formulating the questions. For this examination, a quantitative descriptive research design was adopted. Results: In this study, the majority of participants, Regarding age of the mother 11(22%) are the age group of 18-25 years, followed by in the age group of 26-30 years17(34%) and most of them were in the age group of 31-36 years 22(44%), no mother belongs to the age group of 36 and above. The results indicated that age of the mother and educational status are significant at the p0.05 level, socio-demographic variables like the mother's age, residence, employment status, family monthly income, marital status, family type, parity are not significant at that level. Conclusion: It is important to give primi mothers regarding newborn care knowledge and practice after delivering the planned teaching programme.