Les platonismes de l'Antiquité tardive : interactions philosophiques et religieuses (original) (raw)

(ed.) Héritages platoniciens et aristotéliciens dans l’Orient et l’Occident (IIe–XVIe siècles)

Scrinium Friburgense 54, 2021

The aim of bringing together these works in this volume is to explore, through specific studies, the reception of certain aspects of Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism in Patristics and the philosophy of Late Antiquity, in medieval Latin thought and in medieval Georgia (especially with Ioane Petritsi), as well as with certain Renaissance authors. This volume thus provides new and stimulating insights to broaden our understanding of the impact of the two great currents which mark Western philosophy.

"ÉPHREM, BARDESANE ET ALBINUS SUR LES INCORPORELS Une confrontation entre le platonisme et le stoïcisme en milieu syriaque", Philosophie antique 17, 2017, p. 169-204

Le Discours contre le Discours « De Domnus » rend compte d'un triple débat, dans lequel trois personnages interviennent sur la question des « incorporels », point difficile de la doctrine stoïcienne. La polémique rédigée par le stoïcien Bardesane, en réaction aux positions du platonicien Albinus, a été examinée par Éphrem le Syrien, chrétien et polémiste antibardesanite. Il est l'auteur du Discours et notre seule source d'information sur cette controverse. Or, la manière dont Éphrem aborde la question litigieuse est spontanément platonicienne, parfois proche du stoïcisme, mais fondamentalement, il s'agit d'une étonnante lecture théologique d'un thème qui fait débat entre les écoles philosophiques. Summary. The Discourse against the Discourse 'De Domnus' is a three-part debate, in which three theologians discuss the question of « incorporeals », which is a difficult point of the Stoic doctrine. The polemic with the views of the Platonist Albinus, written by the Stoic Bardesan, was examined by Ephrem the Syrian, a Christian and an anti-Bardesanite polemicist, who is the author of the Discourse and our only source of information about this controversy. Ephrem addresses the contentious issue in a spontaneously Platonic manner, sometimes close to Stoicism, but fundamentally his Discourse is an astonishing theological reading of a theme that stirred debate between the two philosophical schools.

Tradition néo-platonicienne et hermétique au XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Le passage du Moyen Âge à la révolution scientifique ne s'est pas réalisé sans conséquences. Frances A. Yates 1 le signale dans ses travaux sur Copernic et Newton. Cette recherche offre à l'étude de la démarche de la science un regard très éclairant qui perce encore plus les semblants qui soutiennent les dérives scientistes au XXIe siècle. Copernic dessine un diagramme qui représente le soleil au centre avec la terre et d'autres astres en révolution autour de lui. Nous pouvons lire au-dessus de son diagramme les mots suivants 2 :"Au centre de tout réside le soleil. Qui, en effet, dans ce temple splendide (l'univers) pourrait placer ce grand luminaire en un lieu autre ou meilleur que celui d'où il peut tout illuminer à la fois? Ainsi, ce n'est pas improprement que certains l'appellent la lampe du

Carpocrate et Epiphane : chrétiens et platoniciens radicaux


According to ancient authors, Carpocrates and his son Epiphanes were considered to represent a little-known Gnostic doctrine characterised by strong links with Platonic philosophy and libertine morality. Carpocrates became famous as the author of an specific interpretation of the theory of metempsychosis, while Epiphanes – as the exponent of collectivity of goods and women. In spite of their significant differences, both doctrines share a lot of similarities, as they are concerned with the same issues – mainly those discussed by Plato in his “Republic”. The article shows tight connections between Carpocrates and Epiphanes and Christianity, apparent in their usage of Jesus’ logia and of radical expressions derived from the letters by Paul of Tarsus.

These_Intro_Un platonisme original au XIIe siècle : Métaphysique pluraliste et théologie trinitaire dans le De unitate d’Achard de Saint-Victor

The main goal of this dissertation is to describe how Achard of Saint-Victor uses Medio and Neoplatonic doctrines in his treatise De unitate et pluralitate creaturarum in order to answer the question about unity and plurality of God and his creatures. This will lead to a better comprehension of the role of platonic metaphysics in the doctrine of the school of St. Victor despite the weak presence of Plato’s heritage in the XIIth century. In the first part of the thesis, I introduce Achard’s philosophy and the paleographical and philological problems posed by the only manuscript of the De unitate. Then I consider the elements of the treatise (questions, doctrines, notions) which were borrowed from Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism. The two other parts are dedicated to the examination of the possibility of a plurality in God (persons and reasons in the Word of God) and in the world (as it is conceived by God through form-prototypes). In each part, I examine the way that main thinkers of Late Antiquity and High Middle Ages (Apuleius, Augustin, Chalcidius, Boethius, Erigena) and the Victorins (Hugues and Richard) absorbed the platonic doctrines described in the first part of my dissertation. At the end of each part, I propose the reconstruction of Achard’s development of those doctrines. This dissertation contributes to two problems of the history of philosophy: what Platonic doctrines and sources were received in the XIIth century and what is the place of the Platonic heritage in Victorin thought. The philosophical problems of the multiplication of intelligible and sensible objects, of the definition of things and of the identity of beings are also addressed.

Aristote, "Métaphysique" A, 1-2: un texte "éminemment platonicien"?

Elenchos, 2011

Based on the study of two polemical allusions to platonic dialogues in the first two chapters of Aristotle's Metaphysics, the present article aims at showing that they both introduce to the sharp criticism of Plato's theory of Ideas which Aristotle develops at length in the later part of Book A. Indeed, both references to Republic ii 379 c-d and Gorgias 448 c, while being very allusive, betray a clearly ironical tone and reveal how polemical Aristotle's purpose is when he quotes Plato in these pages. A new interpretation of the opening of Book A is thus proposed: this paper suggests that, far from being an``outstandingly platonic'' text despite of its being deeply imbued with platonic references, the very beginning of Aristotle's Metaphysics already conveys subtle but systematic criticism against Plato, which derives precisely from Aristotle's peculiar use of platonic references. Finally, on the ground of textual details related to the main subject of this paper, a hypothesis is made regarding the role of platonic circles in the ancient transmission of Aristotle's Metaphysics.

2021- 2022 - Projet "Platonisms of Late Antiquity: Philosophical and Religious Interactions - Program

Program 2021-2022 : The research project "Platonisms of Late Antiquity: Philosophical and Religious Interactions" aims to create a regular meeting place for scholars working on the interactions between philosophical and religious thought during the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity. It seeks to better understand, on the one hand, the impact of religious thought on the emergence and construction of Neoplatonic philosophies and, on the other hand, to identify the philosophical sources of religious thought, in particular those found in the Gnostic, Hermetic and Chaldean Oracles texts. It takes over a previous collaborative project, "Plotinus and the Gnostics", broadening its field of research in terms of chronology (before and after Plotinus) and in terms of the corpus studied (Medioplatonic, Hermetic, etc.), and is directly linked to the theme of the database https://platonismes.huma-num.fr/ To receive the zoom link for this session and the future ones, please send a message to sympa@services.cnrs.fr from the address you want to subscribe to the list. In the subject line of your message, type in: subscribe lesplatonismes. Leave the message body blank. You will receive a confirmation e-mail. Mercredi 15 Décembre 2021 : Aeons, Fullnesses, and Lesser Gods Workshop animé par Dylan Burns et George Karamanolis Vendredi 11 Février 2022 : Plotin, les Gnostiques et les Chrétiens Jean-Marc Narbonne : L’hypothétique ‘Grand traité de Plotin (30-33)’ : un état de la question. Izabela Jurasz : L’âme composée à partir des éléments (psukhê ek tôn stoikheiôn) dans la critique de Plotin (33 [II 9] 5, 16-19). Une nouvelle hypothèse. Vendredi 18 Mars 2022 : Le Traité 10 de Plotin et les Gnostiques Workshop animé par Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete, Anna van den Kerchove, Jean-Daniel Dubois et Daniela Taormina Vendredi 1 Avril 2022 : Divination and Theurgy Andrei Timotin : Trois théories antiques de la divination : Plutarque, Jamblique, Augustin. Crystal Addey : Platonic Philosopher-Priestesses and Female Theurgists. Mardi 10 Mai 2022 : Hermeticism, Mithraicism and Neoplatonism Christian Bull : The Hermetic Sciences in the Way of Hermes: Worldview and Practices. Andreea-Maria Lemnaru-Carrez : Mithra dans l’Antre des Nymphes de Porphyre.