The Effect of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction in Pt. Subang Jaya Lestari Baru (original) (raw)

The Impact of Service Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction (A Study on Indihome Bandung 2015)


Service has become the most important factor in service companies. One of important part of service is service quality. Service quality is measure of how well the service level delivered matches customer expectations. IndiHome is telecommunication product of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Tbk (Telkom Indonesia). Telkom Indonesia is telecommunication company and network service provider in Indonesia. IndiHome’s customer in Bandung increasing every month with 10,007 in first 9 months. The aim of this research is to examine the impact of service quality towards customer satisfaction. An online survey has been published and 400 valid at of questionnaires has been analyzed. Quantitative-Descriptive analysis, causal study, and multiple regression analysis have been used during the study. This research found that service quality hassignificant positive impact to customer satisfaction partially, and Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy has significant positive imp...

The Impact Of Product Quality And Service Quality On Consumer Satisfaction At Kedai Falsafah Ngopi Bogor, Indonesia

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management

In the current era of globalization the business world is growing day by day so companies will not be separated from competition and are required to provide a good marketing system. The problem of product quality, service quality and customer satisfaction is the determining factor so it needs to be investigated. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total sample of 60. The data collection technique used a questionnaire that had been tested for validity, reliability test, and classical assumption test. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, and coefficient of determination analysis. A hypothesis test was also conducted using the F test method and the t test. The results showed that simultaneously and partially product quality, service quality had a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. It is recommended to evaluate to find information that makes consumers comfortable and satisfied.

The Effect of Service Quality on Indihome Customer Satisfaction at Pt. Telkom Akses Malang

International Journal of Economics and Management Research

This study aims to determine the effect of Service Quality on Indihome Customer Satisfaction at PT. Telkom Access Malang, and how much influence the Service has on Indihome Customer Satisfaction at PT. Telkom Access Malang. The factor tested in this study is service quality as an independent variable. While customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The research method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study are IndiHome Malang provider customers. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling, where the sample was selected based on certain considerations with a sample size of 100 people. While the analytical method used in this study is linear and multiple regression analysis at a significance level of 5%. The program used in analyzing the data uses the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Ver. 18.00. The test results show that physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy par...

The Effect of Service Quality on Building Customer Saticfaction (Alfamart Theritorial of Retail Industrial in Bekasi)

Journal of Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship, and Business (JEMEB), 2022

The purposes of this study are determine whether service quality is related to customer satisfaction. This type of research is descriptive with a questionnaire as a data source. The population in this study is the number of consumers who buy basic necessities for 3 months totaling 590 people. The sample in this study was 85 respondents, the sampling technique used was accidental sampling, namely the technique of determining the sample based on chance, namely anyone who coincidentally met a researcher who was buying goods which was used as a sample. The analytical tool in this research is simple linear regression. The next stage of the questionnaire data was analyzed by simple linear regression assisted by the SPSS version 17 computer program. The results showed that based on the results of the correlational test the relationship between the service quality variable (X) and customer satisfaction (Y) was 0.244 because the two variables had a significance value greater than 0.05, namel...

The Effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction at Roya Café Mantingan

BISNIS : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam

Quality assurance becomes the main priority for the company. The quality of the product is closely related to the ability of the product to carry out its functions, with the good quality of the product will make the consumers satisfied and trust. Customer satisfaction is something that needs to be considered by the company. Another factor that can affect customer satisfaction is the quality of service as an effort to fulfill the needs and desires of consumers and the provision of delivery in keeping up with consumer expectations. This study aims to determine the influence of product quality and service quality partially and simultaneously on customer satisfaction at Roya Café. The research method uses a type of quantitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation. The research instrument uses questionnaires distributed to Roya Café consumers. The sample was taken by 226 respondents, using Non-Probability Sampling technique with Incidental Sampling approa...

Customer Satisfaction Is Effected By The Quality Of Service: A Case Study Indonesian

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 2021

This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of service quality indicators in measurement using Tangible, Emphaty, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Assurance on Banking Customer Satisfaction in Indonesia.This research uses quantitative methods that are descriptive and tends to analyze using an inductive approach. This type of research uses Explanatary Research, the study population uses banking customers. The data collection method in this study is to spread questions with the right target, the questionnaire in this study has requirements that must be met: The questions are factual, the questions are opinion, the questions are self-perception.The findings in this study explain that service quality affects customer satisfaction, the results of statistical tests with t test can be concluded that service quality has an influence on banking customer satisfaction.

Effect of Promotion and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction at PT. Surya Karya Prima in Jakarta

Jurnal Ad'ministrare, 2020

Fulfillment of customer desires becomes very important in determining the quality of service, because what determines whether or not the quality of service is not producers or companies but consumers. This study aims to determine the effect of promotion and service quality on customer satisfaction at PT. Surya Karya Prima in Jakarta. The method used was explanatory research with a sample of 100 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study have a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 38.7%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 48.5%, the hypothesis test obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Promotion and quality of service simultaneously have a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 56.0%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05.

The Effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and brand loyalty in Garuda Indonesia


The importance of service quality for any business performance has been recognized in the literature through the direct impact on customer satisfaction. The paper studied the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in commercial Bank of Ethiopia Adama city. SERVPERF model by Cronin and Taylor's (1992) is used to identify the effect and the relationship. Quantitative means of data collection method is employed to collect the data through questionnaire. This study used descriptive and causal research design and both primary and secondary data. The sample consists of 398 respondents selected based on convenience sampling procedure. The collected data was analyzed with the help of SPSS version 20.Correlation and multiple regressions were used to investigate the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The finding of this study indicates that customers were most satisfied with the assurance dimensions of service quality and dissatisfied with network quality dimension. The findings of the study also indicated that there are positive and significant relationships between seven service quality dimensions and customer's satisfaction. And also except responsiveness all service quality dimensions have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, 72.8% of the variation in customer satisfaction is explained by service quality dimensions in commercial bank of Ethiopia Adama city. The study recommends that the bank should improve the service quality dimensions especially network quality, responsiveness, empathy and security in order to satisfy customers.

The Effect of Quality of Service on Customer Satisfaction


This research was conducted with the aim to: (1) Knowing how much influence is generated by the dimension of service quality in this case tangible, realibility, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on customer satisfaction in PT. Bosowa Berlian Motor (Mitsubishi) Makassar: (2) Knowing the most dominant factors affects the dimension of service quality to customer satisfaction. The method carried out in this study is a descriptive analysis that basically wants to test the truth of a hypothesis that collects data on the ground to predict and explain the relationship or influence of one variable on other variables. Many of the samples studied were 100 samples of respondents who were customers at PT. Bosowa Berlian Motor (Mitsubishi). Based on the study concluded that testing doubles the value of F-calculated = 25.443 greater than F-estimated = 2.3113. This shows that variables of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy simultaneously positively affect cust...

The Effect of Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction\_Vol.7\_Issue.8\_Aug2020/Abstract\_IJRR0026.html, 2020

Customer loyalty is an important aspect of business that needs special attention so that business continuity is maintained. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and product quality on customer loyalty through scaffolding tenant customer satisfaction at PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. This research used quantitative method and type of research is descriptive quantitative. The object of this research is the customers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. Populations were consumers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan totalling 106 consumers, using incidental sampling techniques. Service quality measurement uses a service quality questionnaire, product quality measurement uses a product quality questionnaire, customer satisfaction measurement uses a customer satisfaction questionnaire, and customer loyalty measurement uses a customer loyalty questionnaire. This study uses path analysis to analyze quantitative data. This study revealed that service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction had a significant effect on customer loyalty, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction, and product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.