The Effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction at Roya Café Mantingan (original) (raw)
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
In the current era of globalization the business world is growing day by day so companies will not be separated from competition and are required to provide a good marketing system. The problem of product quality, service quality and customer satisfaction is the determining factor so it needs to be investigated. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total sample of 60. The data collection technique used a questionnaire that had been tested for validity, reliability test, and classical assumption test. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, and coefficient of determination analysis. A hypothesis test was also conducted using the F test method and the t test. The results showed that simultaneously and partially product quality, service quality had a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. It is recommended to evaluate to find information that makes consumers comfortable and satisfied.
Journal of Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship, and Business (JEMEB), 2022
The purposes of this study are determine whether service quality is related to customer satisfaction. This type of research is descriptive with a questionnaire as a data source. The population in this study is the number of consumers who buy basic necessities for 3 months totaling 590 people. The sample in this study was 85 respondents, the sampling technique used was accidental sampling, namely the technique of determining the sample based on chance, namely anyone who coincidentally met a researcher who was buying goods which was used as a sample. The analytical tool in this research is simple linear regression. The next stage of the questionnaire data was analyzed by simple linear regression assisted by the SPSS version 17 computer program. The results showed that based on the results of the correlational test the relationship between the service quality variable (X) and customer satisfaction (Y) was 0.244 because the two variables had a significance value greater than 0.05, namel...
Black Coffee Shop Customer Satisfaction Based on Product Quality and Service
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship, 2021
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the level of customer satisfaction at the Black Coffee Shop business in the city of Banda Aceh. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The sampling technique was simple random sampling, where each sample was taken randomly without looking at the strata. By using the Slovin formula, the number of samples in this study was 80 consumers. Analysis of research data using multiple linear regression analysis model which is used to see the effect between product quality and service variables (independent variables) on customer satisfaction (dependent variable). The results of the partial calculation of the variable product quality and service quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Between product quality and service quality, the more dominant quality is product quality. The results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination show that the variables of...
The Effect of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction in Pt. Subang Jaya Lestari Baru
European Journal of Business and Management, 2020
The purpose of this study is to analyze how service quality can affect customer satisfaction. The dimensions of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are dimensions of service quality. The dimensions of customer satisfaction are attribute related to product, attribute related to service , attribute related to purchase. To answer the problems and research objectives, data were collected from 100 respondents which were research samples where all respondents were consumers of PT. Subang Jaya Lestari Baru. Samples were selected using a total sampling technique. This research is a causal associative type of research using a questionnaire that is measured with a semantic differential scale. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using SEM AMOS analysis. The results showed that the dimension of service quality that has the strongest relationship is assurance with a value of 0.800, while the dimension of customer satisfaction is the attribute associated with purchase of customer satisfaction with the strongest relationship value of 0.878. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence on Service Quality on customer satisfaction of PT.
Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences
A B S T R A C TThis study was aimed to analyse the effect of product quality, price, promotionon customer satisfaction and the effect of customer loyalty at You Coffee andResto Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Indonesia. 125 sample were selected by purposivesampling in You Coffee and Resto. Data were collected by questionnaires andStructural Equation Model (SEM) were applies as an analysis technique. Theresults analysis showed that product quality, price, promotion have positive andsignificant effect on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.productquality, price and promotion need to be increased in order to improve satisfactionand loyalty Customer.
TRJ Tourism Research Journal
This study aims to determine product quality and satisfaction on customer loyalty. This research uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach and multiple regression analysis methods. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The population is all customers who come to Pempek 888 Taman Kenten Palembang Restaurant, while the total sample is 98 respondents based on the Slovin formula. The results showed that product quality and satisfaction partially had a significant effect on customer loyalty. It is hoped that Pempek 888 Taman Kenten Palembang Restaurant will continue to maintain and improve product quality from color, appearance, portion, shape, temperature, texture, aroma, level of maturity, and taste offered, up to the halal guarantee provided must be maintained and improved so that customers continue to feel satisfied and do not move to another place. Keywords: Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (Case Study of Café Grind & Pull Makassar
The lifestyle of drinking coffee is currently becoming a trend among people in the millennial era. This is the reason for the growth of the domestic coffee shop industry.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, price on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition to testing the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and testing the role of customer satisfaction in mediating the effect of service quality, price (price) on customer loyalty. This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory method, namely in the research being conducted is to explain the symptoms that arise in a research subject. The data analysis technique of this study used Amos' SEM, where the findings of this study were that service quality and price had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty at Grind & Pull, Makassar.
Binus Business Review
Along with the increasing number of fast food restaurant (FFR), the level of competition has also increased. Business owners and managers of FFR are required to provide quality services and products to maintain their existence. Product and service quality and customer satisfaction have a close relationship with company profits. Customer satisfaction is determined by customers’ perceptions regarding product or service performance to meet customer expectations. The research aimed to determine the factors that influenced customer satisfaction of the FFR. The research was conducted in FFR in Jabodetabek using a descriptive approach with survey methods and convenience sampling techniques. Using the Structural Equation Model (SEM), the researchers analyzed several factors that influenced customer satisfaction: service and product quality. The results illustrate that service quality affects customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers will revisit the FFR. However, product quality has no dir...
The Influence of Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction at Mitra 10 in Depok
Jurnal Office, 2020
This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction at Mitra 10 in Depok. The method used was explanatory research with a sample of 96 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study product quality have a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 41.6%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 42.7%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Product quality and service quality simultaneously have a significant effect on customer satisfaction by 52.3%, hypothesis testing obtained significance of 0,000 <0.05.
The Effect of Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction\_Vol.7\_Issue.8\_Aug2020/Abstract\_IJRR0026.html, 2020
Customer loyalty is an important aspect of business that needs special attention so that business continuity is maintained. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and product quality on customer loyalty through scaffolding tenant customer satisfaction at PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. This research used quantitative method and type of research is descriptive quantitative. The object of this research is the customers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan. Populations were consumers of PT. Dutaraya Sejati Medan totalling 106 consumers, using incidental sampling techniques. Service quality measurement uses a service quality questionnaire, product quality measurement uses a product quality questionnaire, customer satisfaction measurement uses a customer satisfaction questionnaire, and customer loyalty measurement uses a customer loyalty questionnaire. This study uses path analysis to analyze quantitative data. This study revealed that service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction had a significant effect on customer loyalty, service quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction, and product quality had a significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction.