Analysis of Student’s Basic Ability in Solving Physics Problems at State Senior High School 7 Banda Aceh (original) (raw)
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Lensa: Jurnal Kependidikan Fisika
This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, which aims to describe the ability of junior high school students to solve physics problems in various forms of problem representation. The subjects in this study were the IX grade junior high school students in six Palu city schools. Respondents for interviews in the study amounted to 4 people for each form of problem representation, with the criteria of students who answered right, students who answered ± 50% correct, students who answered incorrectly, and who did not answer. The instrument used was a test of problem solving skills and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively including data reduction, presenting data and verification while descriptive analysis was performed by calculating the total score, calculating the percentage and categorizing problem solving abilities. The results obtained by the average ability of junior high school students to solve physics problems in various forms of probl...
The 21st century is a century with education system that refers to 2013 curriculum which requires teachers to apply learning that is directed at finding out information so that it can help students to have deeper mastery of concepts. The low value of the National Exam (NE) proves that many students have difficulty in working on questions. Therefore, research was carried out to identify problematic physics concepts on NE questions at Senior High School (SMAN) in Pesisir Selatan District. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Population of data in this study was all SMAN that held the NE in Pesisir Selatan District which consisted of 21 schools. Sampling was carried out using Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The sample of this study was 6 schools that held the NE in SMAN in Pesisir Selatan District. The data in this study were taken from 2018 and 2019 Physics NE data at SMAN in Pesisir Selatan District in education center data (2018) with ...
This study aims to develop physics problem solving survey utilized to obtain students' attitude and approach while solving physics problem. Several steps are conducted to develop the survey: validating, computing reliability, and testing. This research involves Physics Education students-Tanjungpura University who study at Fourth and Sixth semester. Furthermore, after questionnaire administered to the students, data are analysed through determining average score of the students and computing average percentage of students who are agree, neutral, and disagree based on semester and gender. The results show that the sixth semester students' responses are more expertlike than those of the fourth semester students and female students are less expert than those male students. Based on semester and gender, majority of students have the same attitudes and approaches while solving problems. Students and experts have different attitudes about the role of mathematics in problem solving. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan angket yang digunakan untuk mengetahui sikap dan pendekatan mahasiswa pada saat menyelesaikan soal fisika. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam mengembangkan angket tersebut adalah melakukan validasi, menghitung reliabilitas, dan mengujicoba. Penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika semester IV dan VI – Universitas Tanjungpura. Setelah angket tersebut diberikan kepada mahasiswa, analisis data dilakukan yaitu menghitung skor rata-rata mahasiswa untuk setiap item dan secara keseluruhan, menghitung persentase rata-rata mahasiswa yang sesuai, netral, dan tidak sesuai dengan sikap dan pendekatan ahli berdasarkan semester dan jenis kelamin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa semester VI lebih sesuai dengan sikap ahli atau lebih berpengalaman dibanding dengan mahasiswa semester IV dan sikap mahasiswa laki-laki lebih sesuai dengan sikap ahli dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa perempuan dalam menyelesaikan soal. Kemudian, ditinjau berdasarkan semester dan jenis kelamin, sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki sikap dan pendekatan yang sama dengan ahli dalam menyelesaikan soal. Mahasiswa dan ahli memiliki sikap yang berbeda tentang peran matematika dalam mengerjakan soal.
Students’ Ability Level and Their Competence in Problem- Solving Task in Physics
This study was carried out on students' ability level and their competence in problem-solving task in physics. The study used for the study was selected randomly from four Secondary School in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State. A total of two hundred (200) randomly selected SSS Physics students in Kosofe Local Government Area served as the subject for the study. Three null hypothesis were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance to find student's ability level and their competence in problem-solving task in physics. The instrument used for the study was students' questionnaire and students' achievement test. The data collected were analysed using simple regression analysis. The results of the findings showed that students' ability have significant influence on problem-solving task are discussed.
Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Yang Berpusat Pada Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika
JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains), 2017
The aims of this research was developing an assessment instrument based on student center on physics learning. The development of this assessment used 4D models and has been implemented in students of Xth grade at Sejahtera Senior High School using One Shot Case Study design. The research revealed that the development of assessment instrument has validity with category deserves to use; the questions in the cognitive test has high reliability; the difficult of the questions get in proportion; and the sensitivity of the questions include sensitive. The correlation of assessment between student and teacher in cognitive test, skills of science process test, honesty and cooperation characters were in high corelation. Students also gived positive responses to this instrument. Based on those findings, it could be concluded that the assessment instrument based on student center deserves to use in physics learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen asesmen berpusat pada s...
Profile of Cognitive Ability Students in Application of Newton’s Law About Motion Topic
This study is survey research that aims to describe the cognitive abilities of students in grade X MIPA MAN 2 Makassar. The domain of cognitive abilities studied included the ability of knowledge (C1), comprehension (C2), application (C3), analysis (C4), synthesis (C5), and evaluation (C6). The variables in this study are the cognitive abilities of students. The research subjects were students of grade X MIPA MAN 2 Makassar, which numbered 269 people. Data obtained from research results by giving cognitive ability tests. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the results and discussion, there are 149 students insufficient category with a percentage of 55,4%. Thus, from this article can be concluded that our students quite trained in working on questions in the form of the application of physical formulas and cognitive abilities of students in grade X MIPA MAN 2 Makassar are more dominant in female students compared with male students.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika (JRPIPM)
Research on profiles of mathematical problem solving ability in junior high school students on the opportunities material in terms of learning styles aimed to obtain a description of the mathematical problem solving skills based learning styles of students, that learning styles were visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This type of research was a qualitative descriptive. The subject of research were nine students, each type of learning style consisted of 3 students. The results showed that mathematical problem solving ability of students with the type of visual learning style was superior than the students with the type of auditory and kinesthetic.
We report the results of an analysis of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills ͑TAKS͒ designed to determine whether the TAKS is a valid indicator of whether students know and can do physics at the level necessary for success in future coursework, STEM careers, and life in a technological society. We categorized science items from the 2003 and 2004 10th and 11th grade TAKS by content area͑s͒ covered, knowledge and skills required to select the correct answer, and overall quality. We also analyzed a 5000 student sample of item-level results from the 2004 11th grade exam, performing full-information factor analysis, calculating classical test indices, and determining each item's response curve using item response theory. Triangulation of our results revealed strengths and weaknesses of the different methods of analysis. The TAKS was found to be only weakly indicative of physics preparation and we make recommendations for increasing the validity of standardized physics testing.
Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2019
Low math skills of students can be seen from the understanding and the assignment of students to a material. One of the clues to determine the extent to which students master the material is to analyze student's mistakes in working on. The study aims to describe the kind of conceptual errors and procedural errors in the student answered question on the three-dimesional material. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. This research subject is class XII IPA SMAN 1 Bengkalis. Techniques of data collection using interviews and documentation written test. The object of this study was grade XII IPA 1 SMAN 1 Bengkalis which amounted to 26 students. This research result is the kind of mistake that most people do students is a conceptual mistake in working on the three dimensional material is 52%. While its procedural errors as much as 48%. Conceptual errors and procedural errors occurred because of the low ability of abstraction and visual abilities in students in answering the questions that are hard to describe and determine the distance to a point on the field of three dimensional material. Low math skills of students can be seen from the understanding and the assignment of students to a material.
Deskripsi Keterampilan Proses Sains Dasar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Materi Cermin Cekung
PENDIPA Journal of Science Education, 2020
The aim of this study was to describe the science process skills of grade VIII students of SMP (junior high school) Negeri 12 Muaro Jambi district by carrying out physics practicum activities on concave mirror material. The type of the research was descriptive quantitative. the sample used was 30 students of SMP (junior high school) Negeri 12 Muaro Jambi. The instrument used in this research was observation sheet that has been validated by the validator. The data were collected using a total sampling technique which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The indicators used were 6 indicators of basic science process skills, namely; observation, communication, classification, prediction, measuring, and concluding activities. The results showed that the students were good and skilled in observing, communicating, classifying, predicting, measuring, and concluding. The percentage results obtained were; observation indicators with average value of 22.7 (Good), communication indicators were 5.67 (Good), classification indicators were 3.03 (Good), predictive indicators were 2.76 (Good), measuring indicators was 8.63 (Good), and the concluded indicator was 16.67 (Good).