Dependence of e-cloud on the longitudinal bunch profile: studies in the PS & extension to the HL-LHC (original) (raw)
Related papers
Analysis of the Electron Cloud Observations with 25 ns Bunch Spacing at the LHC
Electron Cloud (EC) effects have been identified as a major performance limitation for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) when operating with the nominal bunch spacing of 25 ns. During the LHC Run 1 (2010 - 2013) the luminosity production mainly used beams with 50 ns spacing, while 25 ns beams were only employed for short periods in 2011 and 2012 for test purposes. On these occasions, observables such as pressure rise, heat load in the cold sections as well as clear signatures on bunch-by-bunch emittance blow up, particle loss and energy loss indicated the presence of an EC in a large portion of the LHC. The analysis of the recorded data, together with EC build up simulations, has led to a significant improvement of our understanding of the EC effect in the different components of the LHC. Studies were carried out both at injection energy (450 GeV) and at top energy (4 TeV) aiming at determining the energy dependence of the EC formation and its impact on the quality of the proton beam.
Electron Cloud Effects in the CERN SPS and LHC
Proceedings of …, 2000
Electron cloud effects have been recently observed in the CERN SPS in the presence of LHC type proton beams with 25 ns bunch spacing. Above a threshold intensity of about 4 × 1012 protons in 81 consecutive bunches, correspond-ing to half of the nominal 'batch' intensity to be ...
Electron cloud buildup and related instability in the CERN Proton Synchrotron
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2002
The beam-induced electron cloud buildup is one of the major concerns for the SPS and the design of the future LHC. During the 2000 run, this effect has also been observed in the PS with the nominal LHC-type beam. The electron cloud induces a baseline distortion in electrostatic pickup signals, both during the last turns in the PS, when the full bunch length is reduced to less than 4 ns, and in the transfer line between the PS and the SPS rings. In the year 2001, modifications in the rf hardware allowed us to study the properties of the beam instability related with the electron cloud phenomenon for a total bunch length of about 10 ns. The complete set of experimental observations carried out in the PS machine is presented and discussed in detail.
E-Cloud Effects on Singe-Bunch Dynamics in the Proposed PS2
One of the options considered for future upgrades of the LHC injector complex entails the replacement of the PS with the PS2, a longer circumference and higher energy synchrotron. Electron cloud effects represent an important potential limitation to the achievement of the upgrade goals. We report the results of numerical studies aiming at estimating the e-cloud density thresholds for the occurrence of single bunch instabilities.
First electron-cloud studies at the Large Hadron Collider
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, 2013
bunch spacing, important electron-cloud effects, like pressure rise, cryogenic heat load, beam instabilities, or emittance growth, were observed. Methods have been developed to infer different key beam-pipe surface parameters by benchmarking simulations and pressure rise as well as heat-load observations. These methods allow us to monitor the scrubbing process, i.e., the reduction of the secondary emission yield as a function of time, in order to decide on the most appropriate strategies for machine operation. To better understand the influence of electron clouds on the beam dynamics, simulations have been carried out to examine both the coherent and the incoherent effects on the beam. In this paper we present the methodology and first results for the scrubbing monitoring process at the LHC. We also review simulated instability thresholds and tune footprints for beams of different emittance, interacting with an electron cloud in field-free or dipole regions.
Direct Numerical Modeling of E-Cloud Driven Instability of a Bunch Train in the CERN SPS
The simulation package WARP-POSINST was recently upgraded for handling multiple bunches and modeling concurrently the electron cloud buildup and its effect on the beam, allowing for direct self-consistent simulation of bunch trains generating, and interacting with, electron clouds. We have used the WARP-POSINST package on massively parallel supercomputers to study the buildup and interaction of electron clouds with a proton bunch train in the CERN SPS accelerator. Results suggest that a positive feedback mechanism exists between the electron buildup and the e-cloud driven transverse instability, leading to a net increase in predicted electron density. Electron clouds have been shown to trigger fast growing instabilities on proton beams circulating in the SPS and other accelerators. So far, simulations of electron cloud buildup and their effects on beam dynamics have been performed separately. This is a consequence of the large computational cost of the combined calculation due to la...
The observation of a significant dynamic pressure rise as well as measurements with dedicated detectors indicate that an electron cloud develops in the CERN PS during the last stages of the RF manipulations for the production of LHC type beams, especially with 25 ns bunch spacing. Although presently these beams are not degraded by the interaction with the electron cloud, which develops only during few milliseconds before extraction, the question if this effect could degrade the future high intensity and high brightness beams foreseen by the LHC Injectors Upgrade project is still open. Therefore several studies are being carried out employing both simulations and measurements with the electron cloud detectors in the machine. The aim is to develop a reliable electron cloud model of the PS vacuum chambers in order to identify possible future limitations and find suitable countermeasures.
Electron cloud effects in the CERN PS
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268), 2001
The beam-induced electron cloud build-up is one of the major concerns for the SPS and the design of the future LHC. Recently, this effect has been observed also in the PS with the nominal LHC-type beam, consisting of a batch of 72 bunches of 1.110 11 p/b spaced by 25 ns. The electron cloud induces baseline distortion in electrostatic pickup signals that is observed, both in the last turns of the PS when the full bunch length is reduced to less than 4 ns, and in the transfer line between the PS and the SPS rings. Experimental observations are presented and compared to simulation results and predictions from theory. Furthermore, possible cures, such as variation of the bunch spacing, inserting gaps in the bunch train and applying weak solenoidal fields, are also discussed.
Electron cloud observation in the LHC
Operation of LHC with bunch trains at different spacings has revealed the formation of an electron cloud inside the machine. The main observations of electron cloud build up are the pressure rise measured at the vacuum gauges in the warm regions, as well as the increase of the beam screen temperature in the cold regions due to an additional heat load. The effects of the electron cloud were also visible as instability and emittance growth affecting the last bunches of longer trains, which could be improved running with higher chromaticity or larger transverse emittances. A summary of the 2010 and 2011 observations and measurements and a comparison with models will be presented. The efficiency of scrubbing to improve the machine running performance will be briefly discussed.
Benchmarking Headtail With Electron Cloud Instabilities Observed in the LHC
After a successful scrubbing run in the beginning of 2011, the LHC can be presently operated with high intensity proton beams with 50 ns bunch spacing. However, strong electron cloud effects were observed during machine studies with the nominal beam with 25 ns bunch spacing. In particular, fast transverse instabilities were observed when attempting to inject trains of 48 bunches into the LHC for the first time. An analysis of the turn-by-turn bunch-bybunch data from the transverse damper pick-ups during these injection studies is presented, showing a clear signature of the electron cloud effect. These experimental observations are reproduced using numerical simulations: the electron distribution before each bunch passage is generated with PyECLOUD and used as input for a set of HEADTAIL simulations. This paper describes the simulation method as well as the sensitivity of the results to the initial conditions for the electron build-up. The potential of this type of simulations and their clear limitations on the other hand are discussed.