Knowledge and Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding omong Mothers of Dani Tribein Sub-District Angkasa , Jayapura Diyah (original) (raw)

Experience of Breastfeeding Mothers in Providing Exclusive Breastfeeding in Lambangsari Village, Bojonegara District


Breast milk can provide a better life for babies, breast milk will protect babies from various types of diseases or viruses. Information on the coverage of infants aged less than 6 months who receive exclusive breastfeeding in Banten Province in 2020 is 68.84%. However, this data has not been able to reach the government program target of 80%. The purpose of this study was to find out the experiences of breastfeeding mothers in providing exclusive breastfeeding in Lambangsari Village, Kec. Bojonegara. The design of this research is analytic observational research. Researchers observed and looked for the relationship between the variables of husband's support, support from health workers and knowledge, to exclusive breastfeeding. The research approach used in this study is cross-sectional. The population in this study were breastfeeding mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months in Lambangsari Village, Bojonegara District, totaling 424 people. The required sample is 81 respondents. ...

Related Factors to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Ketaping of Padang Pariaman District

Journal of Ultimate Public Health, 2018

Background: Exclusive breastfeeding means solely breastfeeding infants and not giving them additional foods, whether fluid or solid. Breast milk is the best food for babies because it is complete and perfect in nutritional terms and also supplies antibodies and anti-infectious substances that offer protection from various diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of Ketaping Health Center, Padang Pariaman. Methods: The study used the survey method with a cross-sectional study design on an infant population aged 4 to 12 months. The sample comprised 93 babies' mothers, and the study was conducted from August 15 to 25, 2004, using a questionnaire. After the data had been collected, manually processed, and computerized, it was presented in a distribution table and cross table and subjected to statistical tests (chi-squared). Results: The results showed that the levels of knowledge, education, employment status, and family support of the babies' mothers were quite low: less than 50%. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01), education and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.04), work status and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01), and family support and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.01). Conclusion: Infants' mothers need intensive counseling and to be encouraged at the family level. So cooperation from City Health officers is necessary for information delivery about exclusive breastfeeding.

Relationship of Knowledge of Breastfeeding Mothers with Breast Milk in Perlis Village, Langkat Regency

Proceedings of the 6th Batusangkar International Conference, BIC 2021, 11 - 12 October, 2021, Batusangkar-West Sumatra, Indonesia, 2022

Breastfeeding is the ideal way of giving food to babies aged 0-6 months. Breast milk has a balanced composition that is good for growth and meets the nutritional demands of newborns. This study aimed to evaluate the association between breastfeeding moms' knowledge about breastfeeding and breastfeeding. This study is a cross-sectional observational analytic study. Breastfeeding moms with kids aged 4 to 12 months comprised the study's sample. Based on the study results, it was found that breastfeeding mothers had good knowledge of breastfeeding by 45.7%, exclusive breastfeeding by 68.6%, and mothers who had low education and gave exclusive breastfeeding by 60.8%. There was a significant association between a mother's nursing knowledge and breastfeeding and breastfeeding (sig. < 0.05). Breastfeeding mothers have various educational backgrounds and different levels of knowledge, but the majority practice exclusive breastfeeding.


Data and information from Ministry of Health (2013) showed the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 months according to the province, exclusive breastfeeding in South Kalimantan amounted to 58.7%. Based on the results of a preliminary survey in the Loktabat Utara Village exclusive breastfeeding coverage is only 43%. Low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding was caused by working status of the mothers where the demands of the job so that less time is available to provide breast milk to their babies. The purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between knowledge and attitude of working mothers with exclusively breastfeeding practice. This research is quantitative with cross sectional approach. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using ch-square test. Results showed there was no correlation between knowledge (p=0.597) and attitude (p=0.572) of working mothers with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Expected to government, policy makers and health sector further enhance efforts to improve the coverage exclusive breastfeeding through counselling directly to the target audience and provide breastfeeding rooms in the workplace. It is also necessary motivation from the family and the people around to nursing mothers for increase exclusive breastfeeding practice.

Breastfeeding practices in mothers: a qualitative study

Paediatrica Indonesiana, 2014

Background Despite the WHO and UNICEF recommendations, the well-known breastfeeding benefits, and the efforts to promote and support breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding by Indonesian mothers remains low and contributes to high infant mortality rates. Objective To elucidate the factors that influence mothers' choices for infant feeding Methods This qualitative study was conducted as part of a nationincluding general practitioners, pediatricians, and midwives. This rural and urban areas of 4 provinces in Indonesia. Results We found that most mothers intended to breastfeed and had positive perceptions of breastfeeding. However, mothers faced many challenges in the practice of exclusive and proper breastfeeding. Additionally, the perceived definition of exclusive breastfeeding varied among the participants, leading to non-exclusive breastfeeding attitudes. The most frequent reasons for mothers to introduce additional milk formula or food were the perception of an inadequate milk supply, infant dissatisfaction or fussiness after feeding. Different perceptions were also demonstrated in different regions and the varying levels of socioeconomic status. Health care practitioners (HCPs) were the most reliable source for giving adequate information, but unfortunately, they were not easily accessible and provided inconsistent information. Consequently, closely-related family members were the major contributors of information to a mother's choice of infant feeding, because they were easily accessible. Conclusion Factors influencing mothers in their breastfeeding practices are their basic knowledge, demographic and socioeconomic status, as well as the availability of support from closelyrelated family members, friends, and HCPs. [Paediatr Indones. 2014;54:35-41.].

Effect of Knowledge from Mother on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Infants Aged 6 to 9 Months in Langsa City\_Vol.7\_Issue.12\_Dec2020/Abstract\_IJRR0047.html, 2020

In line with the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs), breastfeeding is one of the first steps for a human being to get a healthy and prosperous life. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this. In several developed and developing countries including Indonesia, many carrier mothers do not breastfeed exclusively. It was found in Indonesia that almost nine out of ten mothers had given breast milk (ASI), but the IDAI study found that only 49.8 percent gave exclusive breastfeeding for six months as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The research objective was to describe the mother's knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. This type of research is analytic observational with a case control research design (case control). Subjects consisted of cases and controls with a ratio of 1:1. The sample consisted of 74 cases and 74 controls. The case sample is mothers who have babies aged 6 to 9 months and give exclusive breastfeeding and the control sample is other mothers who give non-exclusive breastfeeding. The results of the bivariate test with chi square obtained a significant effect on the knowledge of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding. It is suggested for the government agencies of the Health Service to make this research the basis of policy formulation regarding the knowledge of mothers about breastfeeding that can be further improved through counseling and public service advertisements so that it will increase the knowledge of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding and it is hoped that behavior changes will occur.

The Effect of Mother's Knowledge and Profession on the Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding in the Working Area of Puskesmas Suranenggala, Cirebon District, Year 2021

International Seminar of Gender Equity Maternal and Child Health, 2021

Introduction : According to the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in regencies and cities in West Java, the lowest coverage of exclusive breastfeeding for infants 0-6 months is 20.34% in Bandung Regency, while the highest coverage is exclusive breastfeeding in Tasikmalaya Regency 113.11%. Meanwhile, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Cirebon Regency is 32.79%, with the fifth lowest in regencies and cities in West Java. Methods: Analytical research with 1: 1 case control technique, the population in this study were mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months with a population of 269 people. The samples used in this study were 30 in the case group and 30 in the control group. Collecting data by dividing the case group and the control group, namely the proportional random sampling technique in the control group and the total sampling in the case group. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data analysis of this research used univariate and bivariate. Results: In the univar...

Factors Affecting the Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Breastfeeding Mothers in Child’s Poly of DKT Gubeng Pojok Hospital, Surabaya

Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan

Background. The survival of children to grow and develop and get good care is needed to achieve a healthy generation. The success of exclusive breastfeeding in infants 0-6 months in Indonesia still does not meet expectations due to a poor knowledge of the importance Exclusive Breastfeeding and their perception of infant formula is better than breast milk. The low achievement of breastfeeding (ASI) exclusively due to several factors, namely low knowledge of the mother of the importance of breastfeeding, the sex of the baby, birth weight or premature birth, culture that does not support, families that do not support, and social change that happening in the community.Objective. This study aimed to examine predictive factors toward the success of exclusive breastfeeding among breastfeeding mothers in Child’s Poly DKT Gubeng Pojok Hospital, Surabaya.Methods. The design of this study is a cross-sectional study. The variables studied were age, occupation, level of education, family support...

Attitudes and Practices Associated with Exclusive Breast Feeding (EBF) of Nursing Mothers in Bolgatanga Municipality


This study investigated the attitudes and practices of nursing mothers on exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in the Bolgatanga municipality using a qualitative approach. A total of 12 nursing mothers recruited from the Antenatal clinic of the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital were interviewed on their attitudes and practices on EBF. Results indicated that participants did not appropriately and effectively practice EBF. Results include late initiation of EBF, inappropriate positioning of babies during breastfeeding and inadequate feeding frequency. Recommendations based on the findings included teaching mothers not only to exclusively breastfeed but the details of EBF practice.

A study to evaluate breastfeeding practices among lactating mothers: a community based study in rural anganwadi centers in field practice area of government medical college, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016

Under any circumstances, breast milk is the ideal food for the infant. No other food is required by the baby until 6 months after birth. Feeding the baby exclusively on breast milk, without any other source of nutrition for a period of 6 months is called exclusive breast feeding. 1 A child who is breast fed has greater chances of survival than a child artificially fed. The data suggests that infant mortality rates in developing countries are 5-10 times higher among children who have not been breast fed or have been breast fed for less than 6 months. 2 Despite the ABSTRACT Background: Feeding the baby exclusively on breast milk, without any other source of nutrition for a period of 6 months is called exclusive breast feeding. A child who is breast fed has greater chances of survival than a child artificially fed. The data suggests that infant mortality rates in developing countries are 5-10 times higher among children who have not been breast fed or have been breast fed for less than 6 months. Despite the marked advantages of breast feeding, its popularity has declined significantly in many parts of the world including India. The main objectives were (1) to assess breastfeeding practices prevalent amongst lactating mothers; (2) to identify misconceptions regarding failure to adopt exclusive breast feeding and weaning; (3) To counsel and motivate mothers for exclusive breastfeeding. Methods: Mixed methods study (qualitative cum quantitative). 60 lactating mothers were interviewed and their knowledge and awareness on breast feeding was assessed through a pre-designed, semi-open questionnaire. Focused Group Discussions (FGD) were also conducted among Lactating Mothers, their Mothers or Mother in laws at Anganwadi centers of selected sites. Results: 63.34% mothers did colostrum feeding. Only 45% of them breastfed exclusively. 48.33% gave prelacteal feeds like honey and water. LSCS was major cause of delayed initiation of breastfeeding. Many agreed regarding non supportive attitude from family. Majority of mothers had poor knowledge regarding proper positioning and attachment while breastfeeding. Conclusions: Proper counseling and training of mothers must be done at the time of delivery by the doctors and the nursing staff regarding breastfeeding practices. Anganwadi workers must also actively counsel the mothers regarding exclusive breast feeding. Supporting women who are self-employed or who work in the informal economy is required.