Pervasive service platform (PSP): Facilitating pervasive services (original) (raw)

Services in Pervasive Computing Environments: from Design to Delivery


SUMMARY The work presented in this thesis is based on the assumption that modern computer technologies are already potentially pervasive: CPUs are embedded in any sort of device; RAM and storage memory of a modern PDA is comparable to those of a ten years ago Unix workstation; Wi-Fi, GPRS, UMTS are leveraging the development of the wireless Internet.

Lessons learned in building pervasive platforms

The purpose of pervasive applications is to be invisible and to require a minimal amount of user attention. But invisibility raises lots of hard challenges, blocking the longawaited pervasive era to emerge. The device heterogeneity and volatility, security enforcement and context-awareness are just some of the issues a developer must tackle inside the application code. To industrialize such development, we propose to use an application server dedicated to the pervasive environment. Thanks to this server, developers focus on the application, delegating to the server most of the pervasive constraint management. However, providing such a platform is a very difficult task. The pervasive environment constraints must be handled by this server in a consistent way, while being flexible enough to support the different applications. This paper describes the requirements of the pervasive applications and how our platform, named iCASA, deals with them.

Developing a Pervasive System for a Mobile Environment


The problem of personalised context aware service selection and composition is an important research area that is addressed within the pervasive service platform being developed by the Daidalos project. This paper briefly outlines the scenarios used and the overall platform architecture that underpin this development. It then describes the approach used to select service components and compose them to produce a composite service that satisfies an individual user's needs and takes account of changing context. It also discusses the interaction between personalisation and context management,. These ideas have been extensively tested and demonstrated with the scenarios. In the second phase of Daidalos, the developments will be generalised and subjected to wider testing.

Service Provision for Pervasive Computing Environments

Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce

The fast development on microelectronics has promoted the increase on the computational power of hardware components. On the other hand, we are facing a significant improvement on energy consumption as well as the reduction of the physical size of such components. These improvements and the emergence of wireless networking technologies are enabling the development of small and powered mobile devices. Due to this scenario, the so-called pervasive computing paradigm, introduced by Mark Weiser in 1991 (Weiser, 1991) is becoming a reality. Such a paradigm envisions a world where environments are inhabited by computing devices, all of them seamlessly integrated into peoples’ lives, and effectively helping to carry on their daily tasks.

PICO: A middleware framework for pervasive computing

IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2003

ervasive computing can change the way we use computing devices and broaden the Internet's applications enormously. Several universities and research organizations have embarked on exciting new projects in pervasive computing. Mark Weiser predicted pervasive use of computing devices and laid the foundation for research work in this area. 1 He imagined that computing hardware and software will disappear into the background and that users will take them for granted. In the same vein, we are working on a community computing concept where users interface with services, and computing hardware and software is transparent. The pervasive information community organization is a middleware framework that enhances existing Internet-based services. 2 PICO's objective is to meet the demands of time-critical applications in areas such as telemedicine, the military, and crisis management that demand automated, continual, unobtrusive services and proactive realtime collaborations among devices and software agents in dynamic, heterogeneous environments. PICO creates mission-oriented dynamic computing communities that perform tasks for users and devices. It consists of autonomous software entities called delegents (or intelligent delegates) and hardware devices called camileuns (or connected, adaptive, mobile, intelligent, learned, efficient, ubiquitous nodes). PICO's objective is to provide "what we want, when we want, where we want, and how we want" types of services autonomously and continually. The PICO concept extends the current notion of pervasive computing-namely, that computers are everywhere. The novelty of this initiative lies in creating communities of delegents that collaborate proactively to handle dynamic information, provide selective content delivery, and facilitate application interface. In addition, delegents representing lowresource devices can carry out tasks remotely. A case for PICO Mahadev Satyanarayanan has identified four new areas of research-effective use of smart spaces, invisibility, localized scalability, and masking uneven conditioning. 3 In PICO, mobile and static delegents representing camileuns in communities try to use resources as effectively as possible. PICO's layered architecture attempts to mask the heterogeneity among devices and associated software. Service-provisioning communities allow a high degree of transparency between users and applications on one hand and the infrastructure on the other. Randy Katz, in his keynote address at the Per-The pervasive information community organization is a framework for creating mission-oriented dynamic communities of autonomous software entities that perform tasks for users and devices. PICO's telemedicine example scenario demonstrates its potential as a simple, unique, and versatile middleware framework for pervasive computing.

The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems


Here we present the overall objectives and approach of the SAPERE ("Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems") project, focussed on the development of a highly-innovative nature-inspired framework, suited for the decentralized deployment, execution, and management, of self-aware and adaptive pervasive services in future network scenarios. © Selection and peer-review under responsibility of FET11 conference organizers and published by Elsevier B.V.

Service-Oriented Architectures for Pervasive Computing

International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2010

The vision of pervasive computing is to create and manage computational spaces where large numbers of heterogeneous devices collaborate transparently to serve the user tasks all the time, anywhere. The original utility of a computer is now changing from a stand-alone tool that runs software applications to an environmentaware, context-aware tool that can enhance the user experience by executing services and carrying out his/ her tasks in an efficient manner. However, the heterogeneity of devices and the user’s mobility are among the many issues that make developing pervasive computing applications a very challenging task. A solution to the programmability of pervasive spaces is adopting the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm. In the SOA model, device capabilities are exposed as software services thus providing the programmer with a convenient abstraction level that can help to deal with the dynamicity of pervasive spaces. In this chapter the authors review the state of the...

Towards service orientation in pervasive computing systems

Information Technology: Coding and …, 2005

The emergence of the service-oriented computing paradigm has opened the possibility of using dynamic binding of application requirements to the resources needed to fulfill application tasks. Especially in pervasive computing that is characterized by disconnected operation and mobility, the process of using service specifications and dynamic binding becomes critical. In this paper, we summarize our ongoing work in the area of integrating service orientation into pervasive computing using the notion of specifying service requirements and using these specifications to bind to the available resources dynamically instead of hardwiring them statically. We term these specifications programmable requirements since they can be interpreted at run time to bind to a resource satisfying those specifications. Interestingly this approach also satisfies the basis for two key types of adaptation prevalent in pervasive computing systems -functional and architectural -as we show in this paper.

State of the art on Pervasive Service Computing

Proc. International Workshop on Ubiquitous Healthcare and Welfare Services and Supporting Technologies, 2010

Abstract-Pervasive Service Computing (PSC) is proposed as a Web services-based solution to pervasive computing in our ongoing international joint project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Academy of Finland. This paper presents the state of the art on the project. The state of the art consists of two parts. Part 1 collects the latest results achieved by Finnish partner, including a generic user activity model, conceptual modeling of service collaboration and peer coordination, a reference model for Pervasive ...