Automated Repair of Internationalization Presentation Failures in Web Pages Using Style Similarity Clustering and Search-Based Techniques (original) (raw)

Detecting and Localizing Internationalization Presentation Failures in Web Applications

2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2016

Web applications can be easily made available to an international audience by leveraging frameworks and tools for automatic translation and localization. However, these automated changes can distort the appearance of web applications since it is challenging for developers to design their websites to accommodate the expansion and contraction of text after it is translated to another language. Existing web testing techniques do not support developers in checking for these types of problems and manually checking every page in every language can be a labor intensive and error prone task. To address this problem, we introduce an automated technique for detecting when a web page's appearance has been distorted due to internationalization efforts and identifying the HTML elements or text responsible for the observed problem. In evaluation, our approach was able to detect internationalization problems in a set of 54 web applications with high precision and recall and was able to accurately identify the underlying elements in the web pages that led to the observed problem.

Automated repair of layout cross browser issues using search-based techniques

Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis

A consistent cross-browser user experience is crucial for the success of a website. Layout Cross Browser Issues (XBIs) can severely undermine a website's success by causing web pages to render incorrectly in certain browsers, thereby negatively impacting users' impression of the quality and services that the web page delivers. Existing Cross Browser Testing (XBT) techniques can only detect XBIs in websites. Repairing them is, hitherto, a manual task that is labor intensive and requires signi cant expertise. Addressing this concern, our paper proposes a technique for automatically repairing layout XBIs in websites using guided search-based techniques. Our empirical evaluation showed that our approach was able to successfully x 86% of layout XBIs reported for 15 di erent web pages studied, thereby improving their cross-browser consistency. CCS CONCEPTS •So ware and its engineering →So ware testing and debugging; Search-based so ware engineering; KEYWORDS Cross-browser issues; automated search-based repair; web apps.

Finding HTML presentation failures using image comparison techniques

Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated software engineering, 2014

Presentation failures in web applications can negatively affect an application's usability and user experience. To find such failures, testers must visually inspect the output of a web application or exhaustively specify invariants to automatically check a page's correctness. This makes finding presentation failures labor intensive and error prone. In this paper, we present a new automated approach for detecting and localizing presentation failures in web pages. To detect presentation failures, our approach uses image processing techniques to compare a web page and its oracle. Then, to localize the failures, our approach analyzes the page with respect to its visual layout and identifies the HTML elements likely to be responsible for the failure. We evaluated our approach on a set of real-world web applications and found that the approach was able to accurately detect failures and identify the faulty HTML elements.

XFix: an automated tool for the repair of layout cross browser issues

Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - ISSTA 2017, 2017

Di erences in the rendering of a website across di erent browsers can cause inconsistencies in its appearance and usability, resulting in Layout Cross Browser Issues (XBIs). Such XBIs can negatively impact the functionality of a website as well as users' impressions of its trustworthiness and reliability. Existing techniques can only detect XBIs, and therefore require developers to manually perform the labor intensive task of repair. In this demo paper we introduce our tool, XF , that automatically repairs layout XBIs in web applications. To the best of our knowledge, XF is the rst automated technique for generating XBI repairs. CCS CONCEPTS •So ware and its engineering →So ware testing and debugging; Search-based so ware engineering; KEYWORDS Cross-browser issues; automated search-based repair; web apps.

Automated Repair Tool for Usability and Accessibility of Web Sites

Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces V, 2007

The need for checking both usability and accessibility of Web sites is widely recognized, approved and recommended by several official organizations. What should really be more recognized or addressed is an equal need for repairing the usability and accessibility defects that have been detected. Within the DESTINE suite, we developed a tool allowing to repair the HTML source code of a page with user interaction. Thanks to an improved version of the Guideline Definition Language (GDL), the accessibility guidelines are not hard-coded, so that our tool can deal with any existing or future standards.

Automated Repair of Asymmetric Web Pages during Resolution of Mobile Friendly Problems


In software development, software usability is an important aspect to ensure the end-user does not strain or encounter problems with the use of a product or website’s user interface. Mobile friendly problem (MFP) causes the low quality of the website visibility and has a potential risk to decrease usability for a mobile user. The existing solutions to mobile friendly problems do not address symmetrical structure of web pages. To address this limitation, we have proposed an automatic repair technique that generates symmetric mobile friendly patches by tuning the symmetric criteria of a web page. The empirical evaluation shows that this approach gets better structure on the basis of symmetry in 90.7% of the evaluated websites. Moreover, A survey based evaluation shows that 88%, out of 54 websites, have been considered as more preferable than the previous version by the users.

Fixing Web Sites Using Correction Strategies

2nd International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV'06), 2006

The development and the maintenance of Web sites are difficult tasks. To maintain the consistency of everlarger, complex Web sites, Web administrators need effective mechanisms that aid them in fixing every possible inconsistency. In this paper, we present an extension of a methodology for semiautomatically repairing faulty Web site which we developed in a previous work. As a novel contribution, we define two correction strategies with the aim of increasing the level of automation of our repair method. Specifically, the proposed strategies minimize both the amount of information to be changed and the number of repair actions to be executed in a faulty Web site to make it correct.

Towards a taxonomy of errors in HTML and CSS

Proceedings of the ninth annual international ACM conference on International computing education research, 2013

As part of a larger research agenda to explore web development as a context for learning computational literacy skills, we investigate errors people make while writing code in HTML and CSS. We report on a lab-based study in which 20 participants were video recorded as they completed coding tasks. We have applied the skills-rules-knowledge framework to segment this data by the cognitive causes of errors they made, and present a taxonomy of these errors. Our findings demonstrate how the skills-rulesframework can be used to analyze coding errors, provide insight about the origins of these errors, and suggest ways that the design of web development tools can be improved to support learning and practice with HTML and CSS.

Webdiff: Automated identification of cross-browser issues in web applications

Software Maintenance (ICSM), …

issues are prevalent in modern web based applications and range from minor cosmetic bugs to critical functional failures. In spite of the relevance of these issues, cross-browser testing of web applications is still a fairly immature field. Existing tools and techniques require a considerable manual effort to identify such issues and provide limited support to developers for fixing the underlying cause of the issues. To address these limitations, we propose a technique for automatically detecting cross-browser issues and assisting their diagnosis. Our approach is dynamic and is based on differential testing. It compares the behavior of a web application in different web browsers, identifies differences in behavior as potential issues, and reports them to the developers. Given a page to be analyzed, the comparison is performed by combining a structural analysis of the information in the page's DOM and a visual analysis of the page's appearance, obtained through screen captures. To evaluate the usefulness of our approach, we implemented our technique in a tool, called WEBDIFF, and used WEBDIFF to identify cross-browser issues in nine real web applications. The results of our evaluation are promising, in that WEBDIFF was able to automatically identify 121 issues in the applications, while generating only 21 false positives. Moreover, many of these false positives are due to limitations in the current implementation of WEBDIFF and could be eliminated with suitable engineering.

Transforming web pages to become standard-compliant through reverse engineering

Proceedings of the 2006 international cross-disciplinary workshop on Web accessibility (W4A) Building the mobile web: rediscovering accessibility? - W4A, 2006

Developing Web pages following established standards can make the information more accessible, their rendering more efficient, and their processing by computer applications easier. Unfortunately, more than 95% of the existing Web pages today are not "valid" in that they do not follow some of the recommendations (standards) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Fixing any Web page to make it standardcompliant is a major undertaking. There is now an open-source tool called HTML Tidy which will attempt to fix the invalid HTML code automatically. However, Tidy often changes the Web page's appearance after processing. It is not an effective tool to transform existing Web pages to make them standard-compliant. In this paper we report the design and implementation of PURE, a tool that cleans up an HTML document through reverse engineering. PURE starts with the rendering result of a given Web page and generates valid HTML code and CSS automatically to produce the same appearance. It is found to be effective for many existing Web pages. A prototype is now available for public testing and comments.