Detecting and Localizing Internationalization Presentation Failures in Web Applications (original) (raw)
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International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, 2018
Internationalization enables companies to reach a global audience by adapting their websites to locale specific language and content. However, such translations can often introduce Internationalization Presentation Failures (IPFs)distortions in the intended appearance of a website. It is challenging for developers to design websites that can inherently adapt to varying lengths of text from different languages. Debugging and repairing IPFs is complicated by the large number of HTML elements and CSS properties that define a web page's appearance. Tool support is also limited as existing techniques can only detect IPFs, with the repair remaining a labor intensive manual task. To address this problem, we propose a search-based technique for automatically repairing IPFs in web applications. Our empirical evaluation showed that our approach was able to successfully resolve 98% of the reported IPFs for 23 real-world web pages. In a user study, participants rated the visual quality of our fixes significantly higher than the unfixed versions.
Finding HTML presentation failures using image comparison techniques
Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated software engineering, 2014
Presentation failures in web applications can negatively affect an application's usability and user experience. To find such failures, testers must visually inspect the output of a web application or exhaustively specify invariants to automatically check a page's correctness. This makes finding presentation failures labor intensive and error prone. In this paper, we present a new automated approach for detecting and localizing presentation failures in web pages. To detect presentation failures, our approach uses image processing techniques to compare a web page and its oracle. Then, to localize the failures, our approach analyzes the page with respect to its visual layout and identifies the HTML elements likely to be responsible for the failure. We evaluated our approach on a set of real-world web applications and found that the approach was able to accurately detect failures and identify the faulty HTML elements.
Webdiff: Automated identification of cross-browser issues in web applications
Software Maintenance (ICSM), …
issues are prevalent in modern web based applications and range from minor cosmetic bugs to critical functional failures. In spite of the relevance of these issues, cross-browser testing of web applications is still a fairly immature field. Existing tools and techniques require a considerable manual effort to identify such issues and provide limited support to developers for fixing the underlying cause of the issues. To address these limitations, we propose a technique for automatically detecting cross-browser issues and assisting their diagnosis. Our approach is dynamic and is based on differential testing. It compares the behavior of a web application in different web browsers, identifies differences in behavior as potential issues, and reports them to the developers. Given a page to be analyzed, the comparison is performed by combining a structural analysis of the information in the page's DOM and a visual analysis of the page's appearance, obtained through screen captures. To evaluate the usefulness of our approach, we implemented our technique in a tool, called WEBDIFF, and used WEBDIFF to identify cross-browser issues in nine real web applications. The results of our evaluation are promising, in that WEBDIFF was able to automatically identify 121 issues in the applications, while generating only 21 false positives. Moreover, many of these false positives are due to limitations in the current implementation of WEBDIFF and could be eliminated with suitable engineering.
Machine Translation and Technicalities of Website Localization
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies,, 2019
Machine translation tools are widely used by companies. The tools are on an increasing demand. Translators need to equip themselves with the knowledge and the mastering of these tools. This study explores two machine translation tools involved in website localization. These tools are Alchemy Catalyst and Trados Tageditor. The study adopts an evaluative methodology to shed light on the intricacies and technicalities of these two localization tools. It discusses some of the cultural issues that localizers come across in the process of localization. In addition, it delves into the technical issues, mainly focusing on localizing into Arabic with a special focus on string, text, lexis, and orthography. The study concludes that the process of localization requires teamwork and involvement of computer engineers, and both localization tools are valuable in achieving a localization task.
Localisation Focus. The International Journal of Localisation, 2012
As researchers in web localisation, web accessibility and controlled-language (CL) software, we have noticed a gap in the way the three can be brought together in mutually advantageous ways. Localisation in general has shown little awareness of accessibility matters. The different accessibility checkers that are available are seldom used by localisers and web accessibility regulatory bodies and assessment tools have traditionally been very vague about language-related requirements. In this paper, we explore a linguistic approach based on semiotics and communicative value to help localisers analyse the accessibility needs of web content (and, in particular, nonverbal elements such as images) by means of an evaluation methodology based on controlled-language rules integrated in a content authoring tool.
Translation Challenges in the Localization of Web Applications
espanolEste estudio preliminar tiene como objetivo explorar la naturaleza de los desafios a los que los traductores se enfrentan cuando se embarcan en un proyecto de localizacion de una aplicacion web. Dado que la localizacion es una actividad condicionada por tiempo, procesos y recursos economicos, los traductores tienen que poner en marcha todas sus competencias para superar los muchos desafios impuestos por el texto fuente y por el proceso de localizacion en si. En este estudio, se ha utilizado un corpus monolingue ad hoc en ingles compuesto por mensajes de la interfaz de aplicaciones web. Puesto que en este tipo de proyecto de localizacion existen diferentes tipos de desafios, este articulo se centra en aquellos relacionados con las practicas de internacionalizacion y con la segmentacion de las memorias de traduccion. A pesar de que la localizacion es un ambito de considerable madurez y de que los creadores de contenido y los desarrolladores de herramientas tienen a su disposici...
Language identification in web pages
Abstract This paper discusses the problem of automatically identifying the language of a given Web document. Previous experiments in language guessing focused on analyzing" coherent" text sentences, whereas this work was validated on texts from the Web, often presenting harder problems. Our language" guessing" software uses a well-known n-gram based algorithm, complemented with heuristics and a new similarity measure.
Towards Higher Quality Internal and Outside Multilingualization of Web Sites
The multilingualization of Web sites with high quality is increasingly important, but is unsolvable in most situations where internal quality certification is needed, and not solved in the majority of other situations. We demonstrate it by analyzing a variety of techniques to make the underlying software easily localizable and to manage the translation of textual content in the classical internal mode, that is by modifying the languagedependent resources. A new idea is that volunteer final users should be able to contribute to the improvement or even production of translated resources and content. For this, we have developed a PHP piece of code which naive webmasters (not computer scientists nor professional translators) can add to a Web site to enable internal multilingualization by users with enough access rights: in management mode, these users can edit the texts of titles, button labels, messages, etc. in text areas appearing in context in the Web page. If Web site developers follow some recommendations, all textual interface elements should be localizable in this way. Another angle of attack, applicable in all cases where navigating a site though a gateway is possible, consists in replacing the problem of diffusion by the problem of access in multiple languages. We introduce the concept of iMAG (interactive Multilingual Access Gateway, dedicated to a Web site or domain) to solve the problem of higher quality multilingual access. First, by using available MT systems or by default morphological processors and bilingual dictionaries, any page of an elected website is made instantly accessible in many languages, with a generally low quality profile, as through usual translation gateways. Over time, the quality profile of textual GUI elements, Web pages and even documents (if accessible in html) will improve thanks to outside contributors, who will post-edit or produce the translations from the reading context. This is only possible because the iMAG associated to the website stores the translations in its translation memory (TM) and the contributed dictionary items it its dictionary. The TM has quality levels, according to the users' profiles, and scores within levels. An API will be proposed so that the developers of the elected website can connect their to its iMAG, retrieve the best level translations, certify them if necessary, and put them in their localized resources. At that point, external localization meets internal localization.
Methods for Automatic Web Page Layout Testing and Analysis: A Review
IEEE Access
Methods for automatic analysis of user interfaces are essential for a wide range of applications in computer science and software engineering. These methods are used in software security, document archiving, human-computer interaction, software engineering, and data science. Even though these methods are essential, no single research systematically lists most of the methods and their characteristics. This paper aims to give an overview of different solutions and their applications in the separate processes of automatic analysis of user interfaces. The main focus is on the techniques that analyze web page layouts and web page structure. Web pages' style, type of content, and even structure constantly (often drastically) change, as do methods that analyze them. The fact that most methods use very different datasets and web pages of various complexities are some of the reasons that the direct comparison of methods is difficult, if not impossible. Another fact is that the vast applications of methods practically solve similar problems. With these facts in mind, in the paper, we surveyed relevant scientific articles, categorized them, and provided an overview of how these methods have developed over time.