Financial crises, credit ratings, and bank failures : emerging market instability - do sovereign ratings affect country risk and stock returns? (original) (raw)

2002, The World Bank Economic Review

Changes in sovereign debt ratings and outlooks affect financial markets in emerging economies. They affect not only the instrument being rated (bonds) but also stocks. They directly impact the markets of the countries rated and generate cross country contagion. The effects of rating and outlook changes are stronger during crises, in nontransparent economies, and in neighboring countries. Upgrades tend to take place during market rallies, whereas downgrades occur during downturns, providing support to the idea that credit rating agencies contribute to the instability in emerging financial markets.

Assessment of the Impact of Trade Partner’s Cross-Country Sovereign Rating on the Financial Market of Selected Emerging Market Economies


In recent years, credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, S&P and Fitch either upgraded or downgraded countries when their economies were either blossoming or in a chaotic state. There is general consensus that credit rating agencies’ actions have triggered substantial financial unrestrained behaviour that resulted to the recent financial meltdown in 2008. To what extent does a sovereign ratings upgrade or downgrade of the major trade partners of an emerging market economy impact trade both domestically and internationally? This research is done using data from 10 emerging countries between 2000-2011to investigate the cross-country impact of either an upgrade or downgrade of an emerging economy’s principal trade partners on its financial market. In addition we analyse the impact prior and after the 2008 financial crisis. The ramifying impact on emerging economies due to sovereign grade change given a 10 days event window prior and after the event is investigated. We use both a pooled...


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