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Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
The goal of sustainable design is to find thouse constructive solutions, which are reflected in the construction features, which will ensure on the one hand the welfare and on the other hand the coexistence of the three groups that make up the global ecosystem (inorganic elements, living organisms and people). Achieving sustainable design goal is through education in a conceptual framework that has three levels: principles, strategies and methods. They correspond to the three objectives of architectural education regarding the environment: the creation of care towards the environment, explaining the building ecosystem and learning how buildings can be designed in the concept of sustainable development. Each of this principles includes a unique set of strategies, whose study leads to a better understanding of the interaction with the environment. This creates the premise for analyzing the specific methods that both builders together and architects together with other professionals can apply to reduce the impact of buildings they made with the environment.
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
Paul BOR TNOVSKI " A �� # � � U41N'f-t'� 11 Florica lchim.: Prima Î ntrebare pe care vreau să v-o pun nu are nici o legă tură cu creaţia dumneavoastră. Vi s-a spus vreodată " tovarăşe " ? V-a spus cineva vreodată " tovarăşul Bortnovski? "
Colecția "BiblioLeader", inițiată de către Biblioteca Națională în anul 2020, urmărește scopul de a scoate în prim-plan și de a promova personalități care își dedică viața Bibliotecii, Informației, Cărții, Educării oamenilor prin lectură. Pe lângă cele câteva titluri din această colecție, editate deja, Biblioteca Națională a elaborat, în anul 2021, volumul aniversar "In honorem Lidia Kulikovski" – cercetător, profesor, manager, bibliotecar de elită, numele căreia este echivalent cu acțiune, fapte și idei de succes, învățare permanentă, comunicare efi cientă. Volumul aniversar este o culegere de articole științifi ce, o platformă de idei, analize și sinteze, experiențe în biblioteconomie și științe ale informării, de refl ecții și evocări, ce conturează portretul profesional și personal al protagonistei volumului.
Reprezentări Ale Maladivului La M. Blecher Și Thomas Mann
Lucian Blaga Yearbook
The present paper focuses on the ailments of modern man, whether we consider the physiological aspect, or whether we refer to the metaphorical, ontological dimension, and performs a comparative analysis between the work of M. Blecher and the novel The Enchanted Mountain by Thomas Mann. Illness - the overarching theme of the novels - receives numerous valences, from the most noble to the most detestable, but what remains common to these texts advanced for analysis is the existential crisis, the inner void that the characters experience acutely. The universe that both the Romanian and the German author create is permeated by the specter of death, which, without being tragically experienced, rather gives off a strange fascination, and ends up creeping into the thoughts, habits and belongings of the characters, becoming a kind of obsession that convulsively controls everyone, but which they paradoxically ignore, with just as much indifference. On a macro level, the smoldering malaise ca...
Diaspora Românească - Realitate Proeminentă Şi Provocare Misionară
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015
One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.
Revista Romana de Sociologie, 2011
In Northern Bulgaria, along the Danube River, between Lom and Sishtov, there are groups of villages, communes and towns inhabited by a majority population of Romanian origin. However, as they do not benefit from minimum minority-specific rights at the beginning of this 21 st century (education and religious service in their native language), the members of this population now move away from their mother tongue, adopting Bulgarian as their language and asserting themselves as Bulgarians. This article aims to present the ethnocultural and historical situation of these Romanian communities located in the cross-border cooperation area on the right shore of the Danube River.
Relaţii Internaţionale Plus, 2015
Rezumat. În era globalizării, un rol important în dezvoltarea oricărei economii naţionale îi revine comerţului. Potrivit conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă a societăţii, comerţul are o importanţă majoră în dezvoltarea echilibrată şi durabilă a sistemelor economice şisociale din orice ţară. Respectiv, comerţul este un sector de activitate complex, în cadrul căruia un rol important îl joacă importul şi exportul. Abstract. In the globalization era, trade has an important role in the developmement of every economy. Folowing the concept of sustainable developmement of an economy, the trade has a major importance for a balanced and valuable developmement of the economic and social systems of every country. Respectively, the trade is a very complex activity where the import and export are relevant.
Nicola Nicolau: an Intellectual with an Unfair Posterity: This is the first in a series of three articles discussing the life and work of Nicola Nicolau (1762-1837), a Romanian merchant and scholar from the Transylvanian town of Brașov (Kronstadt, in the Habsburg Empire). Its chapters deal with Nicolau’s family and life, the books published by him, the question of their authorship, their sources, their circulation, and, finally, with Nicolau’s teaching activity. While settling, on the basis of primary sources, a number of earlier hypotheses and debates, it proposes some new hypotheses, which should be checked against further primary evidence.