Enhancing Learning on Information Security Using 3D Virtual World Learning Environment (original) (raw)

The Effectiveness of a proposed system Based on desktop virtual reality to promote the basic concepts of Computer security

Teaching information security faces a lot of problems because, it has many abstract concepts which are difficult to understand and imagine in the traditional methods of teaching. In this paper, we have designed a proposed system based on desktop virtual reality to promote the basic concepts of computer security using animated visualization 3D objects. That helps students to understand and simulate. The study was conducted to observe the effectiveness of the proposed system. The students were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Computer security concepts were taught via the proposed system in the experimental, and via the traditional lecture method in the control group. The statistical analysis of the students' results showed that the experimental group had a significantly greater increase in academic's achievement than the control group. It was conducted that the system had been significantly beneficial on student's learning.

Game-based learning using a 3D virtual world in computer engineering education


This paper presents an on-line three-dimensional virtual world learning environment that has been developed aiming to contribute to the improvement of Information Security issues awareness. This learning environment simulates a number of information security threat scenarios, presented to users as games, selected by users as the most interesting ones. The environment enables students to experience the risks, be educated about them and combine skills and knowledge to overcome them, without exposing themselves and their data to real risk. This paper provides insight and focuses on the learning process and the learning outcomes of using this threedimensional virtual world learning environment into a formal university education process for computer engineering students.

3D Virtual Learning Environment

International journal of engineering and advanced technology, 2019

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is the learning through electronic media where teachers and students are not in the same place, but the gap is bridged by the use of technologies. The aim of this study is to develop a 3D virtual learning environment (3D VLE). The three objectives of this study are (i) to gather the requirements of 3D VLE, (ii) to design the 3D VLE, and (iii) to develop the 3D VLE. The method consists of five phases; (i) literature review, (ii) requirement gathering, (iii) design, (iv) development and (v) evaluation. The prototype is developed by using Open Simulator, SLOODLE and Moodle. Future work includes enhancement for 3D VLE such as using gesture recognition to control the avatar movement.

A web-based learning environment exploiting 3D Virtual Worlds


There is no doubt that during the last few years the learning process has been greatly affected by the rapidly evolving era of information and technological development. The continuously increasing pace in computer power advancement in conjunction with new Internet technologies have led to the extensive usage of multimedia and 3D graphics, resulting to new forms of visualization, distribution and presentation of training material. The objectives of this work are to present an integrated view of interactive 3D virtual worlds used in the implementation of learning activities through the web and to analyze and design an e-learning system based on the exploitation of multimedia technologies, the Internet and 3D virtual worlds. The proposed system provides learners with an interactive 3D virtual learning environment thus enabling them to participate virtually in studying and performing simulated lab experiments for a course in Computer Graphics. Some of the aforementioned system's highlights include the increased management and security capabilities of the virtual environment along with additional features offering simulation of various laboratory exercises.

Design and Development of Virtual Learning Environment Using Open Source Virtual World Technology

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010

Today's digital era, dynamic teaching and learning in higher education has moved from traditional class room, face-to face learning environments to more interactive and collaborative environments, due to a demand for onlinedistance learning from students, and the desire from academic institutes to promote and deliver courses across the globe. Advancement in open source virtual learning platforms technology, enables the development of flexible online learning environments to exist that can be accessed anywhere, anytime and in anyplace by students, hence enabling academics and academic institutes to teach and increase their market across the globe. Authors of this paper had the opportunity to work on the design and development of a flexible virtual learning environment within the dentistry sector part of the IVIDENT (virtual dental school) UK Higher Education Funding Council project at Kings College London. This paper will focus on the design and the development of virtual learning environment for the IVIDENT project, using advanced technological open source virtual world platforms.

Information Security Awareness through a Virtual World: An end-user requirements analysis

International Conference on Information Society, 2015

Living in the digital era, computers and the Internet became important tools used by people to support significant parts of their everyday life such as work, education, socializing, entertainment, communication, etc. However, there are certain risks involved in using ICT technologies, and thus all ICT users should be aware of the basic principles of information security and data protection. No matter how much expertise is put into securing information assets and networks (e.g. firewalls, encryption) the human factor always remains a vulnerability. Our vision is to aid towards the development of information security awareness culture by using a 3D Virtual World Learning Environment that will simulate real-life security threat scenarios, examples and counterexamples in a way that different groups of users will experience the risks and combine critical skills, knowledge and collaboration to overcome them, without exposing their organization to real risk. In this paper we provide the results of the end user requirements collection and analysis in order to define and develop the specifications of the aforementioned 3D Virtual World Learning Environment and the specifications of the in-world activities.

A High School Educational Platform based on Virtual Worlds


Virtual Worlds, through their three-dimensional or two-dimensional graphical environments, have become a very popular kind of software application that has been used in different fields, from games to simulation or education. They allow individuals to interact with others through their avatars and with objects in the environment. Virtual Worlds provide new education opportunities where collaboration and cooperation among users can be easily achieved. This paper presents an innovative educational approach that can be applied to different educational areas, and levels, from basic to higher. Initially it has been oriented to teach computer science to high-school students. The paper analyses how the current virtual world platforms should be modified so that they can be used in education. It also describes the main issues and problems that need to be solved in order to develop an operative educational platform for undergraduate students. Finally, a usability evaluation study of several existing technologies (3D virtual world platforms, development programming environments, etc.) performed by several (high school) students is presented.

The use of 3D virtual learning environments in the learning process


Several research works in literature refer to the use of 3-D virtual environments in distant learning (Kirriemuir, 2008; Kahiigi et Al., 2008; de Freitas, 2006; de Freitas, 2008) .Researchers, educational institutes and organizations confirm the usefulness of such an educational environment, either by developing 3-D environments tailored to their needs, or by exploiting existing infrastructure and platforms. This paper presents an overview of modern 3-D platforms and examines whether and to what extent they can enhance the learning process in secondary education. Moreover, in order to achieve a better understanding of the possibilities offered by these environments and of the difficulties hidden in the successful integration into the educational process, we run a course using an open source 3-D platform as the main collaborative distant educational environment. More specifically, we design two versions of the same course: one that takes advantage of the new environment in order to a...

Using 3D Virtual Environment as an Educational Tool in a Middle Eastern University

Journal of Computer Science

A virtual environment can be anything the users desire it to be; it is their personal, virtual life. Many people cannot physically attend college to undertake their degrees. Even though many educational institutions are providing online courses and degrees, these are still not as interactive as in real life. By using a 3-D virtual environment for educational purposes, users can interact via their own graphical and humanoid selfrepresentations, known as 'avatars'. The virtual world Second Life is used in this research as instructors can use SL to communicate with students and to create objects that can be used to teach course content and skills. The idea of using a virtual environment for educational purposes will involve building a virtual land for the Faculty of IT at one of the universities in Jordan (Petra University). This will enable anyone to virtually access and communicate with the faculty from anywhere in the world. This virtual campus will help solve students' problems, providing details about the content and services the faculty provides, support the social awareness of students and increase communication and discussions on a wide scale.