Floristic-Structural Characterization and Successional Group of Tree Species in the Cerrado Biome of Tocantins State, Brazil (original) (raw)
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Floristic, Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Tree Species in a Dry Forest in Southern Brazil
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2017
This study was conducted in a fragment of deciduous seasonal forest (DSF), located between the municipalities of Piratuba and Ipira, Santa Catarina. The objective was to evaluate the floristic composition and the successional stage through the ecological groups, the Shannon diversity index (H') and the dispersal syndromes of species, also using the H' and the McGinnies index (IGA) to determine the pattern of spatial distribution of species. 14 transects were installed, each with 1,000 m 2 , considering all trees with Diameter at Breast Hight (DBH) ≤ 4.0 cm. In total, 2,125 individuals were sampled, belonging to 113 species and 34 families. Myrtaceae and Fabaceae were the families with the highest species richness, with 14.2% and 11.5%, respectively. Euphorbiaceae and Lauraceae added approximately 25% of the individuals. The most abundant species were Actiniostemon concolor (Spreng.) Müll. Arg (6.9%) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (6.7%). The ecological group of the pioneers totaled 40% of the individuals and 36.3% of the species. The zoochoric syndrome accounted for just over 60% of individuals and species. The H' was 3.92 nats. ind-1 and the Pielou evenness (J) was 0.82. The IGA revealed that only over 40% of the species and 60% of the individuals showed a clumped dispersion pattern. The community is on successional transition phase, from the initial to the intermediate stage. In this scenario, management measures adopted for the microscale could be implemented in order to preserve this important repository for diversity. The application of McGinnies index can be of great use in conservation and forest management, as its interpretation may contribute to the development of restoration methods of degraded areas, enrichment of forest remnants, germplasm conservation and other activities.
Revista Brasileira De Biociencias, 2009
Seasonal Forest remnant, Chiapetta, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil). In a patchy landscape, the forest remnants are important to the conservation of wild species. A phytossociological study of tree component in a remnant of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest site namely Mato do Silva (27º55'26'' S, 53º53'15'' W, 290 ha) was accomplished aiming to obtain data of plant community structure and its conservation status, comparing with other Seasonal Forest sites. A sample of 508 trees (DBH ≥ 5.0 cm), belonging to 31 families and 63 species, was attained through the point-quarter procedure. The outstanding families in terms of richness were Fabaceae (eleven species), Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindaceae, Lauraceae and Euphorbiaceae (four species each one). The species with the highest importance value were Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J.E.Mill. (35.5), Diatenopteryx sorbifolia Radlk. (32.3) and Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urban (19.1). The dead trees presented a relative density of 4.9%. The majority of the species (65%) and individuals (55%) were zoochoric. Otherwise, the anemochory presented higher relative coverage (55%). The species with the higher IV values were mainly early secondary and anemochoric. The Shannon index of diversity (H') was 3.68 and the Pielou's evenness index (J') was 0.89. These values are among the highest values observed in Seasonal Forests of South Brazil. The floristic inventory counted 117 tree species.
Floristic Analysis and Phytosociology in an Area of Caatinga, Brazil
Annual Research & Review in Biology, 2019
Studies on the composition and structure of vegetation can provide important information for decision-making and the application of forest-management techniques. The aim of this research was to analyse an area of Caatinga using vegetation characterisation and forest inventory in the Rocha Eterna Community, in the district of São João do Piauí, Brazil. Simple Random Sampling was used, installing 17 sampling units of 20 x 20 m. The phytosociological parameters of the horizontal and vertical structure, the floristic diversity of the species and the timber production in the area were evaluated. Fabaceae was the most representative family. The three most representative species in the area were Senna acuruensis (Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem. & Schult.) T. D. Penn. and Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') for the area was 1.74 nats.ind-1. The estimated basal area for the area was 8.68 m².ha-1. The estimated actual vo...
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2007
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Diversity, floristic and structural patterns of cerrado vegetation in Central Brazil
Plant Ecology, 2004
The cerrado has been identified as one of the richest and most threatened biomes of the world, but few phytogeographical studies have been undertaken in the region. A total of 70 land systems based on climate, landscape and soils have been identified in the region, but it remains to be seen if the distribution and structure of the plant communities support these divisions. The aim of this work was to compare the floristic and structural similarity of cerrado sensu stricto within and between three physiographic units, named Pratinha, Veadeiros and São Francisco, which contain six land systems in central Brazil and cover 10 degrees of latitude and five degrees of longitude. The woody vegetation of 15 selected sites of the cerrado sensu stricto physiognomy was surveyed under a standardized methodology. The number of species per site varied from 55 to 97, with most sites having around 60 to 70 species, and Shannon´s diversity indices ranged from 3.44 to 3.73, with most sites around 3.5 suggesting high alpha diversity. Sørensen´s floristic similarity index was high, with all Figures above 0.5 between the sites in the same land system in each physiographic unit but low between sites in different land systems in the Veadeiros. Czekanowski similarity indices were lower than Sørensen’s in the comparisons due to a high structural differentiation between the sites. There is a large overlap in species occurrence in the sites but the size of their populations is very different at each site. Therefore, the high beta diversity is mostly due to differences in abundance of species between sites. The sites were separated by physiographic units, considering the first three divisions of TWINSPAN classification. The first axis of DCA ordination showed a gradient going from the cerrado on deep soils in Pratinha, through to those on sandy soils in São Francisco and ending on the shallower soils of the Veadeiros. Land systems conformed well with the floristic and structural variations of the vegetation, indicating their potential use in designing a network of conservation areas in the cerrado region and as a basis for decision-making on management.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
The main objective of this study is to characterize the floristic richness, phytosociological structure, and classify the ecological groups of the adult tree component species in an area of ecological tension (Seasonal Forest and Caatinga) in Pernambuco - Brazil. The study was conducted in Atlantic Forest stretch in Pernambuco – Brazil, from April 2019 to February 2020. Methods adopted for this study includes the allocation of 20 plots, with dimensions of 10 m x 25 m, spaced in 25 m. Each adult individual, with a circumference at breast height (CBH 1.30 m) ≥ 15 cm, was identified in the field. The softwares Mata Nativa version 2 and Excel 2019 were used to process the collected data. Sample sufficiency, classification of ecological groups, diversity and phytosociology were analyzed. As a result of the research, the density of the adult tree component in the fragment was 1,888 indha-1 and the dominance was 21.64 m².ha-1. These values are following the standards of other studies in At...
Revista Árvore, 2011
In order to produce useful knowledge to the initiatives of protection and management of forest fragments, more specifically for tropical dry forests which suffer with frequent anthropic activities, and due to the lack of specific studies, this article aimed describe the structure and the floristic similarity among three areas of dry forest with different management histories. The study was developed in Capitão Enéas municipality, Northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, where three fragments were evaluated, being one in regeneration for 30 years, another submitted to occasional fire and the third with selective cut in small scale. The sampling was developed through the point quarter method considering all the alive phanerophyte individuals with circumference at breast height (CBH) > 15 cm. In the three fragments, 512 individuals, distributed in 60 species, 47 genera, and 23 families were sampled. The most representative families were Fabaceae (26), Anacardiaceae (4), Bignoniaceae (3) and Combretaceae (3). However, fourteen families were represented by only one species. Only eight species were common to all fragments-Myracrodruon urundeuva standed out with 26.9% of all sampled individuals-while a great number of species were exclusive of each fragment. The floristic and structural differences between the fragments are possibly related to the history and intensity of management in each area besides the topography variations and the presence or absence of limestone outcrops. These results show the importance of each fragment, indicating that the loss of anyone would cause negative impacts on the regional flora and consequently to the associated biodiversity.
Ciencia Florestal, 2021
Comparative studies between different strata of forests in ecological succession are important to understand the forest dynamics. The study evaluated floristic, phytosociological and ecological aspects between the tree and regenerating strata of an urban fragment of semideciduous forest, in Jataí, Goiás state. In the last decades, the vegetation that was typically savanna has become a forest. Trees (diameter at breast height, DBH ≥ 5 cm) were sampled in 12 permanent 200m2 plots. In each of them, 25m2 subplots were sampled for the regenerant stratum, which comprised individuals with DBH <5cm and height ≥ 1m. Regenerants had greater richness (31 species), with two more species than adults. There was low floristic and structural similarity between the strata, indicating a replacement of species over time. Shannon’s diversity was significantly lower for the tree stratum (t test), since it presented low equability, with ecological dominance of few species. Both strata had a high propo...