Generation borderline: Insecurity of family bondings and the world of addiction (original) (raw)

Generazione borderline. Precarietà dei legami familiari e mondo tossicomane

Il testo approfondisce la psicopatologia della tossicodipendenza, ponendo in rilievo la fenomenologia borderline. L " attenzione viene focalizzata sulla configurazione dei legami familiari nei soggetti tossicomani. In particolare viene studiato il dispositivo antropologico del trauma, che si presenta come il nucleo centrale su cui fondare il lavoro terapeutico. The article concerns of the psychopathology of drug addiction, with an emphasis on the phenomenology of borderline personality disorder. The attention is focused on setting up of family ties in subjects with substance abuse disorders. In particular the anthropological frame of trauma is studied which presents itself as the core on which the therapeutic work is based. Introduzione Le riflessioni che propongo scaturiscono dalla mia pratica clinica e trovano ancoraggio nell " incontro quotidiano con i pazienti tossicomani della comunità terapeutica dove lavoro. I concetti di cui parlerò fanno parte di una valigetta degli attrezzi che uso per orientarmi nel lavoro clinico.

The parental bonding as predictive factor for the development of adult psychiatric disorders

Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 1997

SUMMARYObjective — To asses the capacity of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) to discriminate between normal subjects and clinical samples and between with different psychiatric diagnosis. Design — The present paper analyzes the studies published between 1979 and 1995, which have used the PBI in normal subjects and clinical samples and have reported the respective means and standard deviations obtained on the two PBI dimensions: affection and control. Multiple comparisons were carried out between the mean scores of affection and control of: 1) samples with the same psychiatric diagnosis (intragroup comparison); 2) samples with different psychiatric diagnoses (intergroup comparison); 3) normal subjects and clinical samples. Results — Of the 46 studies with normal and clinical subjects, 23 studies were selected for the analysis, reporting means and standard deviations and specifying the diagnostic criteria. Samples with the same psychiatric diagnosis had similar affection and cont...

Millennial Kids. Growing Up in a Boundless World.

Il report illustra i risultati di una ricerca sul rapporto fra Millennial Kids (bambini fra i 4 e i 14 anni) e media che ha coinvolto 70 bambini e le loro famiglie condotta con una metodologia multisituata di carattere qualitativo e realizzata nel 2010 da OssCom - Centro di ricerca sui media e la comunicazione dell'Università Cattolica con MTV LAB.

Famiglie al confine


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MeTis, 2022

Da Sofocle a Hegel, passando per le rielaborazioni del Post- strutturalismo, i codici della parentela hanno tracciato la fondativi- tà del discorso sociale e dell’ordine simbolico, con tutte le contrad- dizioni e le aporie che, soprattutto dal punto di vista psicopedago- gico, tale (pretesa) fondatività si è portata dietro i suoi modelli a- priori. Nel corso del Seminario VII (1960), Jacques Lacan tratta la figura sofoclea di Antigone come emblema del rapporto dialettico tra il soggetto e il codice sociale e come archetipo del conflitto tra queste due sfere all’interno dei percorsi di soggettivazione. È proprio all’interno della questione psicopedagogica della pa- rentela – che per Lévi-Strauss è alla base della produzione di civiltà in senso universale – che Judith Butler rilegge l’Antigone lacaniano come nuovo paradigma di famiglia. Può esserci famiglia senza l’appoggio e la mediazione dello Stato? E può esserci lo Stato sen- za la famiglia che funga da sostegno e mediazione? Nel presente contributo indagheremo questa domanda per rispondere ai nuovi quesiti che riguardano le sfide della formazione del soggetto con- temporaneo.

Unaccompanied minors, biological families and socia l workers: Which relationship?

Our paper aims at problematizing the relationship between unaccompanied minors, biological families and some social workers belonging to Roman residential care services. Considered as experts of the phenomenon, three social services’ managers’ representations have been investigated with narrative interviews. Relationship with biological family, very little explored by psycho-social literature, appears to be fundamental. From our analysis of social workers’ representations, family emerges not only as an interlocutor of the emigrational process, but also as the real dealer. Therefore, our exploratory contribution aims at rai sing the problem of the relationships between social workers and unaccompanied minors, due to the peculiar “presence” of their biological families.

Future-capable bonds: from the intersubjective bases of personal development to the experience of "being" in relationship. Attachment, trust, desire and care in interpersonal relationships

Ethics in Progress, 2017

Many conceptual analyses of the structure and mode of operation of the contemporary society outline a worrying and discouraging framework. They describe the decadence of values and they depict a world populated with individuals who are narcissistically self-oriented, looking for the satisfaction of their own desires, unable to desire, build and keep stable, continual and deep relations and affects. Nevertheless, recent psychological research, supported by the evidence of neuroscientific research, has evidenced that the origins of the psychic development of the individual are connected to the domain of the relational experience. New-borns become persons in and thanks to the context of relations where they live and grown up. Thus, relations are an essential feature and a fundamental and peculiar experience for the human being. This is evident if we try to analyse aspects and dimensions, such as attachment, trust, desire and care. Attachment allows not only the survival but also the internalization of relational patterns which are necessary for life. The trust experience in the primal relations allows the vital energy to be addressed towards the world and to build ties thanks to the experience of faith in the other. Experimenting satisfaction and frustration, possibility and limits in the interpersonal relations fosters the development of desire and of the capability of wait, renounce, choice, care, as well as the necessity/opportunity of recognizing/knowing the other. Feeling himself or herself understood by a caring other prepares the ground for the experience of personal safety and thanks to some special pedagogical reinforcements, it opens to the possibility of taking care of someone else, in a structure of mutual exchanges and material, affective and spiritual support which is necessary for any human being. Significant socio-cultural changes occurred in the last decades have influenced those fundamental experiences and contributed to produce new relational styles and models which are characterised by precariousness and discontinuity. It is thus of primary importance to promote and sustain a reflection and education on these themes with the aim of fostering our needs and relations, whose expression is essential for the wellness and selfrealization of individuals and communities. And this is not only in order to achieve a harmonic development of growing-up subjects but even for adults who want to fully accomplish their life and the related needs of sharing, intimacy and generativity. These results have to be achieved by taking into consideration the peculiarity of modern life and by searching for creative solutions thanks to which, at least partially, we can try to combine the new claims with the essential experience of “being” in a relation.