GROUPWARE - Modern information managerial method (original) (raw)
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Groupware: a strategic analysis and implementation
Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1999
The term groupware is widely used but not clearly defined. Owing to ongoing rapid developments, a consistent definition of the term has proved elusive. However, there is a good reason to view groupware as a technology that addresses the vast areas of collaboration, human‐computer interaction, and human‐human interaction through digital media to bring substantial improvement and transformation to organizations. This paper analyzes the definitions, implementation, and management of groupware. The focus is on the strategic considerations rather than technical solutions. Factors that contribute to the future development of groupware are also discussed.
Evolution of Groupware: A Boon for Business in Group Environment
1. Introduction Business is a set of complex activities which is performed by coordinating the tasks of different persons of the same group or people of different groups. The intelligent execution of business needs accurate and timely information for decision making. Business activities involve meeting, discussion, scheduling of tasks, communication, managing work flow etc. There is traditional way of doing these activities in business which is time consuming and in situations where members are situated at different locations cannot be performed. Information Technology has extended its help and support in doing these complex activities efficiently and always possible even when people are not physically available at the central place of execution or at the time of execution of the particular activity. Groupware is the term used to denote a type of software that supports group tasks. The commercially available Groupware are the set of software tools having capability to support many group activities. Our research reveals that the Lotus Notes was the first commercially available groupware. Today, we have large number of groupware and some of them are available as open source. The application of Groupware in group environment has improved the quality of group tasks in terms of time saving, efficiency, effective communication and coordination. The present paper is an effort to trace the evolution of groupware and its early use in group work environment. This paper includes defining the Groupware (the digital collaborative tool), evolution of various tools, Groupware as part of CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) research, Scope of Groupware current status of groupware in groupware, findings and suggestions. Literature has been reviewed to find the initial efforts that has resulted in development of groupware technology. The paper tried to scan the literature to reveal the process of development in the technology and its application in business process improvement. Important tools of groupware have evolved over the years to meet the increasing requirement in group work environment.
Groupware comes to the Internet
ACM SIGMIS Database, 1999
Early experiences with Web-based groupware point to new collaboration opportunities within and between organizations. We report the results of a study of more than 100 organizations that have used Web-based groupware to understand better how they are using it and what advantages and disadvantages they have experienced. We then use these data to develop a framework for analyzing and assessing
Groupware comes to the Internet: Charting a new world
ACM Sigmis Database, 1999
Early experiences with Web-based groupware point to new collaboration opportunities within and between organizations. We report the results of a study of more than 100 organizations that have used Web-based groupware to understand better how they are using it and what advantages and disadvantages they have experienced. We then use these data to develop a framework for analyzing and assessing the fit of groupware systems to organizational needs. We close with a discussion of the evolution and future of groupware.
Implementation of Groupware Technology in a Large Distributed Organization-Lessons Learned
This paper deals with implementation of groupware technology. Based upon an extensive empirical study of the introduction and use of a groupware application – Lotus QuickPlaceTM – in a large Scandinavian financial organization we discuss implementation issues of groupware. Lotus QuickPlace was introduced to support collaboration between geographically dispersed organizational units and groups working together in a newly merged company (called Summa in this paper).
IRJET-A Review on Progression of Groupware Systems
In today’s world most of the business activities are carried out in groups. The groups can be in the same place or spread across the geography. To make the group work more effective we need to have proper collaboration and coordination among the group. The development of Information technology has paved way for the improvement of group activities in terms of the collaboration and effective management. The business can be carried out successfully only if we are able to identify and effectively use the various tools provided by IT. The tools such as meeting systems, co-authoring tools, computer conferencing software, process coordination tools, and communication tools are some of the tools which can be used for supporting and managing the group activities. In case were the members can’t respond at that time to some message with the help of groupware tools they can respond later on some messages. The organizational objectives can be achieved only when the group activities can be carried out effectively.
Groupware in Practice: An Interpretation of Work Experience
Observers have identified a potential for major improvements in organizational productivity made possible through the use of personal computers serving as a means to link people into task-oriented teams. The study we conducted, given in overview form here, offers an early examination of how people are using personal computers for such electronic exchanges via networking. Our interviews of 223 people who were using several "groupware " systems in a sample of 25 enterprises indicate how they employ these software tools to support their group work. We conclude that complex interactions of social and technical factors affect the use of groupware systems in organizations. We outline issues which both the developers of systems and the managers implementing groupware systems must understand in order to facilitate the design, introduction, and use of these systems. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to acknowledge the many individuals who agreed to be interviewed, and interacted w...
Toward a taxonomy of groupware technologies
Abstract. The rise of the global marketplace and the advancing of the World Wide Web have given impetus to rapid advances in groupware. Hundreds of products now exist in the groupware marketplace, and more appear monthly.