Vicisitudes de la labor docente en un contexto de violencia por el crimen organizado (original) (raw)
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Colloquium Humanarum, 2020
The objective of the investigation into the violent events in the daily environments of the students of a secondary school in Mexico was to reveal them as part of a training process for their teachers. From the conception that social and school violence are inherent to the social order and are expressed in bodies and things, our interdisciplinary approach was based on a mixed methodology, using qualitative techniques, through observation, pedagogical planning , common reflection and evaluation with teachers, and quantitative techniques, with the preparation and application of an interview of teachers to 429 students of the three grades of secondary school, in the morning and evening shifts, to relieve the network of violence, with emphasis on the school, andthe subsequent creation of a database for its systematization and analysis. This methodological strategy made it possible to unravel the moral judgment of students and adults in correspondence with the acts of violence experience...
Student Violence against Teachers in Secondary Schools, Colima, Mexico
Pensamiento Educativo: Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana, 2014
This article is part of the project Acciones y estrategias que utilizan maestros de educación secundaria para combatir la violencia en escuelas de educación secundaria en Colima (Actions and strategies used by secondary school teachers to combat violence in secondary schools in Colima), Project 789/12, Round 13-2012 of the
El papel del profesorado en la prevención de la violencia en los centros educativos
The observatory of violence in schools (OVE) bases its work on the consideration that the responsibility for analysing, interpreting and deciding upon educational activities to prevent violence in schools is that of all society but that it is teachers that have the ideal context for implementing systematic intervention as part of the professional commitment they have to the educational institution. This action requires teamwork in order to benefit a change of view that can shift the focus away from interpretations related to individual problems in order to analyse the relational dynamics of the group and modify them to benefit pupils as a whole (Comellas & Lojo 2008). This research study focuses its analysis on group relationships on the basis of the demands and perceptions of the pupils themselves in order to promote the participation of teachers in working to improve group cohesion. The difficulties and opportunities are analysed along with factors of relational vulnerability in order to generate the conditions in which all of the pupils can feel that they belong to the group and the school institution. The study also includes an evaluation by teachers of the methodology used and the opportunities for improving their teaching work in relation to the class group and the prevention of school violence through the leaning about coexistence that is so implicit in the processes being proposed, and that are more closely related to the everyday life of the school institution than to a specific programme.
Based on data from the Commission on Human Rights and Violence Combat and the Directorate of Accessibility of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as on the data from the Directorate of Affirmative Actions and Institutional Image Directorate of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, this article aims to analyze and discuss the violence in the relationship between teachers and students from an omnilectic perspective (SANTOS, 2013). We start from a literature review on the general theme of classroom violence in higher education and, next, through the case study methodology (YIN, 2010), we analyzed two occurrences in the years 2015 and 2017 at UFRJ and UFJF respectively. The results point to the urgency of the promotion of institutional cultures, policies and practices to combat violence in the institutions investigated.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
In the following paper we will offer several arguments for the inclusion in the training programs for future teachers the topic of the complexity of the violence generated by the school system. For this purpose we will put forward the concepts of symbolic violence and institutional violence in order to analyse how school environment is affected through mechanisms generated by school itself. Thus, imposing the values of the dominant culture could bring to a disadvantage a certain category of students by not acknowledging socio-cultural particularities, through inequalities or even through exclusion to education. On the other hand, even the paideutic act can be perceived as violent, through the organization of the educational process, through the mechanisms generated by school evaluation, through labelling and discrimination or through the manner in which the teacher establishes authority. It is important for adults training for a career in education to be aware of the mechanisms that make the school system to be perceived as a form of symbolic violence by certain students and parents.
Professores e Alunos: o engendramento da violência da escola
Educação & Realidade, 2018
Teachers and Students: the enge ndering of school violence. The school violence engendering is partially analyzed, considering the violence production in the school environment. This is a bibliographic research with quantitative and qualitative approach. Sources: 77 theses and 15 dissertations carried out in Brazil (2007 to 2012). Data collection and organization: Content Analysis. Main reference: Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu. Results: the sources showed that Brazilian teachers participate effectively in the school violence engendering, contributing to violence production in the school environment. The students are the main victims. The teacher is less affected by physical and verbal violence. The symbolic power is the most perpetrated by the teacher against the student. The school also plays a major role in it.
Violence and Types of Violence in Northern Mexico University
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
In current times were violence affects different populations and social and religious groups, universities are having various manifestations of internal violence. This cross sectional study was designed to identify the amount and type of violence that exists in a university from the north of Mexico. A likert survey with 120 reagents was applied in a representative sample of 545 students from the faculties. The prevalence of violence was above twenty percent, social rejection is the most common type of violence, followed by verbal violence and direct physical assault.
School Violence: Subjective Theories of Academic Advisory Board Members From Six Chilean Schools
Se estudiaron las teorías subjetivas acerca de la violencia escolar de seis docentes directivos de seis establecimientos educacionales de la comuna de Coquimbo (Chile), tres de escuelas municipales (públicas) y tres de colegios particula res. El estudio fue de tipo cualitativo y la estrategia de recolección de datos utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada de aplicación individual, seguida por un instrumento de auto-reporte. Los resultados fueron analizados, organizados e interpretados en base a la teoría fundamentada, lo que permitió reconstruir las explicaciones que los directivos han construido acerca de la violencia escolar. Los resultados indican que todos los participantes con ciben la violencia escolar como un problema social importante pero poco común en sus instituciones educativas. Además, asumen que la violencia se origina fundamentalmente por influencias externas que provienen de la sociedad en su conjunto, tales como el tipo de estructura fami liar y los procesos de socialización en el hogar, la cali dad de la educación recibida y la influencia de los medios de comunicación. Cuando piensan en variables del propio sujeto, usualmente atribuyen la violencia a una baja autoestima. En esta concepción, al dejar de lado la participación del in-dividuo como un agente racional que discierne y elabora juicios morales para guiar la acción, los directivos asumen una visión pasiva del sujeto como meramente respondiente a las influencias ambientales. Los hallazgos del estudio se discuten principalmente enfatizando sus implicaciones para la educación, específicamente para la educación moral y la prevención de la violencia.
O educador e as situações de violência vividas por seu aluno
Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCampinas), 2015
Domestic violence is a dilemma for educators, and child protective services do not always effectively contribute to addressing violent situations in school or outside of school. By analyzing 721 field diaries written by psychologists working in public schools, this study seeks to identify the actions taken by educators to address situations of domestic violence experienced by their students. This study is a constructive and interpretive analysis, drawing on the investigated categories in the field diaries. The results showed seven coping strategies: (1) notification and a search for networking, (2) referrals or sharing the suspected cases with other professionals, (3) focused interventions with the family and the child in the school context, (4) reluctance to seek information regarding the child's life, (5) resistance to contacting the family, (6) anonymous accusations, and (7) the welfare perspective. We concluded that violence and the strategies with which to address this phenomenon should be considered from social, political and economic perspectives.
The article aims to identify school violence among students of the 36 normal schools of the State of Mexico. The writing is part of a broad investigation and in this space the findings of the violence are shown from the typology used in integral peace that studies and measures the existing violence and also the subjectivities classified in structural, cultural, symbolic and direct violence. The results reveal the main school violence as a benchmark of the growing wave of violence in society in general. It is concluded that violence at school has multiple social and cultural causes that find their origin in various manifestations of intolerance to cultural diversity.