Juicio Moral De Estudiantes y Maestros Ante Hechos De Violencia en Una Escuela Secundaria Pública en México (original) (raw)
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Student Violence against Teachers in Secondary Schools, Colima, Mexico
Pensamiento Educativo: Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana, 2014
This article is part of the project Acciones y estrategias que utilizan maestros de educación secundaria para combatir la violencia en escuelas de educación secundaria en Colima (Actions and strategies used by secondary school teachers to combat violence in secondary schools in Colima), Project 789/12, Round 13-2012 of the
El papel del profesorado en la prevención de la violencia en los centros educativos
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The article aims to identify school violence among students of the 36 normal schools of the State of Mexico. The writing is part of a broad investigation and in this space the findings of the violence are shown from the typology used in integral peace that studies and measures the existing violence and also the subjectivities classified in structural, cultural, symbolic and direct violence. The results reveal the main school violence as a benchmark of the growing wave of violence in society in general. It is concluded that violence at school has multiple social and cultural causes that find their origin in various manifestations of intolerance to cultural diversity.
School Violence in Mexico: Exploring its Dimensions and Consequences
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O educador e as situações de violência vividas por seu aluno
Estudos de Psicologia (PUCCampinas), 2015
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School Violence: Subjective Theories of Academic Advisory Board Members From Six Chilean Schools
Se estudiaron las teorías subjetivas acerca de la violencia escolar de seis docentes directivos de seis establecimientos educacionales de la comuna de Coquimbo (Chile), tres de escuelas municipales (públicas) y tres de colegios particula res. El estudio fue de tipo cualitativo y la estrategia de recolección de datos utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada de aplicación individual, seguida por un instrumento de auto-reporte. Los resultados fueron analizados, organizados e interpretados en base a la teoría fundamentada, lo que permitió reconstruir las explicaciones que los directivos han construido acerca de la violencia escolar. Los resultados indican que todos los participantes con ciben la violencia escolar como un problema social importante pero poco común en sus instituciones educativas. Además, asumen que la violencia se origina fundamentalmente por influencias externas que provienen de la sociedad en su conjunto, tales como el tipo de estructura fami liar y los procesos de socialización en el hogar, la cali dad de la educación recibida y la influencia de los medios de comunicación. Cuando piensan en variables del propio sujeto, usualmente atribuyen la violencia a una baja autoestima. En esta concepción, al dejar de lado la participación del in-dividuo como un agente racional que discierne y elabora juicios morales para guiar la acción, los directivos asumen una visión pasiva del sujeto como meramente respondiente a las influencias ambientales. Los hallazgos del estudio se discuten principalmente enfatizando sus implicaciones para la educación, específicamente para la educación moral y la prevención de la violencia.
Ánfora, 2021
Objective: despite the plentiful academic discussion about violence, forms of violence, actors, effects, among other things, a question emerges almost permanently: what do we talk about when we talk about violence? This article makes a reflection on the definition and analysis of the concept of violence from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in order to answer the question: what is meant by violence? Methodology:some approaches from Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, Research for Peace, Criminology and Public Health were considered. Results: it was found that most of the research considers violence as an element that delimits social interactions rather than an irrational or instinctive act. And, these studies establish the degree of cultural, symbolic, institutional influences and the normative in its management and reasoning, depending on the perspective of analysis. Conclusions: a review of advantages and disadvantages of the analytical expediency of the transition from the term violence into the expression of violences was concluded. It considers an interdisciplinary approach that not only focuses on physical manifestations, but addresses the multidimensionality of violence and the matter created by different scales of interaction and affectation by making the violence a changeable and complex social phenomenon.
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For those of us who work in the field of education, expressions of violence with the school as the backdrop have become a constant subject of reflection and analysis. The concept of violence itself is the subject of debate, its being a multi-causal, political phenomenon. However, there is general consensus as to the role the school plays not only as a producer and reinforcer of violent behavior, but also as a reproducer of the violent situations which surround it. That is, the school acts as a generator of situations of violence or as a vicious sounding board of the surroundings. Within this apparently desolate scene, the solution resides in finding possibilities of change, improving education, reinventing the sense of educational community, thinking of school from the standpoint of esponsibilities, but above all from the point of view of possibilities which are put forward by the task of educating every day.
Reflections on School Violence from A Psychosocial Perspective
Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology
The main objective of this article is to provide conceptual elements reflection on the new discourses of school violence from a psychosocial perspective, to think interpersonal relationships emerging in the world of school. The methodology was the documentary analysis. The results show how the logic of the discourse of violence in educational institutions is strongly supported by the discourse of science and technologies of the self. The findings indicate that control production and docile subjectivities are not only possible but even proposed as desirable for the world of school.