The Study of Documents Counterfeit Procedures by Analyzing the Security Elements (original) (raw)

Forensic Expertise of the Paper Support of Counterfeit Documents

Materiale Plastice

The paperwork presents the results of the examination of the paper support from travel documents, by analysing the composition of the biodata page, which where differently falsified. For this purpose, the computer analyzed the composition of the tab, which is usually through various kinds counterfeit. By taking very small fragments of these pages, we can get useful information about the methods and techniques used by counterfeiters. The comparative analysis highlights the forgeries and certain connections with the original document. Therefore, there were obtained some data on their scientific investigation and highlighted the method used by forgeries.

Analysis of False Documents Detected at the Border Control of European Union Member States and the Prospective Methods for the Detection of Counterfeits


The subject of the paper "Analysis of False Documents Detected at the Border Control of European Union Member States and the Prospective Methods for the Detection of Counterfeits" is topical, as the verification of the authenticity of travel documents is the cornerstone of border controls; also, the interrelations between the techniques of producing false documents discovered in the EU Member States and the practical application of technologically new methods of document reproduction has not been extensively reviewed and evaluated in EU scientific literature and current information materials. Identity fraud is expensive: from bank accounts opened with false names to money laundering and all kinds of smuggling and terrorism. The endless variety of criminal activities gives false documents a high value. In addition, for 3 billion travelers worldwide, identity verification needs to be fast, unproblematic and effective. Due to the pressure on borders (time constraints and an i...

Selected aspects of document forgery in the context of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Studia Prawnicze KUL

One of the tasks of the state specified in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 is to ensure security of its citizens. The aim of the study is to show a relationship between crimes against document credibility listed in Chapter XIX of the Penal Code and the security of citizens. The main con­clusion resulting from the analysis of the selected topic was that forgery of travel documents is a significant factor threatening citizen safety. The above results from the fact that documents very often serve as both an object and a tool in many crimes. Therefore, they constitute an activity of a preparatory nature before commit­ting further criminal acts, as well as a way of hiding traces of other crimes. It should be emphasized that the use of false documents, and thus their introduction into legal circulation, means that a person illegally using such documents legally acquires many rights.

What Defines Counterfeiting? A Timeline Analysis of the Definition

Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies

Though addressed widely by academicians and researchers across the globe, the subject of counterfeiting dates back to historical times of 27BC. In academic literature, the discussion on counterfeit(ing) began a century back when researchers started to define its boundaries through their understanding. Ranging from the classical descriptions on counterfeit, counterfeiting, counterfeit trade and counterfeit product(s), this article intends to use text analysis technique to provide the reader with a summary of the existing academic literature on the aforementioned subjects. It summarizes key definitions from the respective area with a broader aim to bridge the gap in the existing counterfeiting and counterfeit product-related literature by providing a brief (yet ample) list on counterfeit(ing). Moreover, it also identifies the key similarities exiting in the definition set. The article concludes with authors own definition of counterfeiting and counterfeit product(s) based on the concep...

Criminalistic Research of the Forged Documents


ABSTRACT: Following the research and the studies carried out over time, the writing criminalistic expertise was divided in several categories according to the specificity of each case. The final purpose was that of identifying the perpetrator of a fake based on the acknowledgements and conclusions established by the criminalist expert. It is considered that, during the drafting, the documents have a real, objective and exact objective because the persons drafting them do not foresee late on that they are to be used as evidence in court. These types of expertise are used both in the criminal as well as in the civil trial, having as objective the confirmation of the authenticity of a document. KEYWORDS: false, documents, criminalistics, expertise, research

Materials for Security Elements Used in Protected Documents , Optical Examination Methods . A Review


Each protected document contains a set of security elements, such as paper, inks, stamps, diffractive elements etc., which ensures its protection. It means a complex document protection features, made by special technology and visual features that allow unequivocally establishing authenticity and involves all materials, processes, methods, that allow achieving concrete protective effect, observable, or by using specialized equipment. When talking about physical and chemical methods of protection of the document, we usually refer to optical properties of materials that manifest itself in different regions of the spectrum, the various kinds of luminescence, the ability of absorption, reflection, refraction, diffraction and the magnetic properties of the security elements and pigments. The article briefly analyses representative materials the physical and optical properties of the security elements of the protected documents, characterization methods used and some results of measuremen...

The new Directive related to counterfeiting

Tudományos képzés műhelyeinek támogatása a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen 2015 pályázat támogatásával valósult meg. m PÉCSI TUDOMÁNYEGYETEM UNIVERSITY OF PÉCS A kötet tanulmányait lektorálták: Bencsik András (74-82.) Bereczkei Tamás (212-222.; 223-236.) Czéh Boldizsár (95-101.) Fazekas Csaba (66-73.) Fischerné Dárdai Ágnes (37-44.) Gergely András (17-27.) Gőzsy Zoltán (119-127.) Gyuris Norbert (7-16.) Hardi Péter (317-323.) Kaponyi Erzsébet (193-201.) Kiss Szabolcs (87-94.) Kocsor Ferenc (137-145.) Kondor Tamás (83-86.) Korsósné Delacasse Krisztina (165-172.) Kovács Krisztina (237-243.; 263-270.) Kőhalmi László (324-331.) Lábadi Beatrix (306-316.) Lévai Csaba (128-136.; 332-344.) Makkai Béla (202-211.) Márton Zsolt (290-305.) Nagy Mariann (102-110.) Námesztovszki Zsolt (56-65.; 146-153.) Pétervári Erika (28-36.; 111-118.; 244-252.) Pilkhofl'er Mónika (253-262.) Révész György (280-289.) Schnell Zsuzsa (271-279.) Szabó Zsolt Péter (173-183.) Székely Gábor (184-192.) Veszelszki Ágnes (45-55.) Visy Zsolt (154-164.) dípNYV 1 ARA © A Szerzők © A szerkesztők


The issue addressed in this paper makes a significant contribution to research on the effects that food tampering has at the expense of consumer health. Nowadays quality and food safety that consumers are entitled directly reflects the quality of life. In other words the present subject is of particular importance to the work of the bodies created for the purpose of protecting the health and quality of life of consumers. This study has an important role both in the short and long term through proper understanding of the terms of quality, adulteration and food safety. The essential aim of this article is played understanding and easy identification of counterfeit food. Thus the awareness of counterfeit food products consumers are becoming more aware and responsible on quality of life. Quality will always be one of the most important competitive factors of ensuring health and environmental protection.

Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-Industry


The literature states that counterfeit materials can have major implications in particular concerning competition between suppliers, between contractors as well as general challenges regarding cost, time, quality and safety. Counterfeited materials are defined as unauthorized materials which special characteristics are protected as intellectual property rights, patents and copyrights. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What does counterfeit materials mean in the context of the Norwegian AECIndustry? 2. Does counterfeit materials exist in the Norwegian AEC-Industry? 3. What are the potential consequences of counterfeit materials? 4. Which methods are suitable to detect and mitigate counterfeited materials? This is a qualitative research study. The methodology consists of a review of literature and the research is carried out using explorative interviews with the purpose to gather experiences and examples of specific cases. This approach is chosen to encourage disc...


Nauka i društvo, 2021

The production and use of forged documents are incriminated by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia as a tort that endangers legal instruments. The use of a forged travel document is the most sophisticated way of illegally crossing the state border, because it requires the application of a high level of technology, and thus significant financial investments. Exactly this fact is important when profiling controlled persons at the border crossing. Taking into consideration that these crimes usually go hand in hand with others, which by their nature have an international character as well, and above all the smuggling of people and vehicles, and as the most serious trafficking in human beings, reinforces the success importance of this segment in the overall border police activities. The efficiency of police officers at border crossings is equally conditioned by their technical equipment and training. According to criminal-law and criminalistic aspects of a problem presented here, the aim of this paper is to point out the role and importance of the border police in combating this and other crimes related to the drafting and use of forged documents, and accordingly, the need for special equipment and particular specialist training of police officers at the border crossing in order to successfully respond to complexed challenges in everyday work.