[Reproductive cycle of the mollusk Atrina maura (Pterioidea: Pinnidae) in a coastal lagoon system of the Mexican South Pacific] (original) (raw)

Ciclo reproductivo del molusco Atrina maura (Pterioidea: Pinnidae) en un sistema lagunar costero, al sur del Pacífico tropical mexicano


Reproductive cycle of the mollusk Atrina maura (Pterioidea: Pinnidae) in a coastal lagoon system of the Mexican South Pacific. From February 1997 to February 1998, random samples of the mollusk Atrina maura were collected on a monthly basis from the Corralero-Alotengo lagoon system, Oaxaca, Mexico. The soft parts were separated from the valve, washed in situ, and placed in a Davison solution. The gonadosomatic index (GSi) and the muscle yield index (MYi) were measured, and the reproductive cycle was characterized by histological cuts. A. maura has two important reproductive periods, one from April to July and another from October to November; there is a resting period from August to September. The reproductive cycle has a direct relationship with the GSi and a reverse relationship with the MYi. There was evidence of a close relationship of the spawning and post-spawning periods with the water temperature (R = 0.991, p ≥ 0.002). Females dominate numerically throughout the year, but the difference is significant (χ²: p≥ 0.05) only in November. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (3-4): 839-852. Epub 2007 December, 28.

Abundancia, estructura poblacional y crecimiento de Atrina maura (Bivalvia: Pinnidae) en una laguna costera tropical del Pacífico mexicano

Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2002

The abundance, population structure, and growth of the Pen-shell Atrina maura in the Corralero-Alotengo tropical lagoon system in Oaxaca, Mexico, were studied from February to September of 1997. An abundance analysis showed significant temporal and spatial differences (Kruskal-Wallis, p< 0.001). Two spatial groups of abundance were found in the area, one from the mouth of the lagoon system to the middle of the Penshell bank, and the other between the middle of the Pen-shell bank and the head of the system. Three temporal periods of abundance were found (February-April-May; July-August; March-June-September). The distribution of population size showed that benthic recruitment of A. maura occurred from February to July. Length frequency of A. maura is commonly wide-ranging; nevertheless, in this study Pen-shell organisms with a valve length of 15 cm were frequently found. The growth rate length was 3.7 cm/month during the dry season (February to May), and 3.5 cm/month during the rainy season (June to September). Sex ratio was maintained at 1:1 from February to May, but males were dominant from June to August, and the minimum length for reproduction was registered at 10 cm valve length.

Composición por tallas y ciclo reproductivo de Pseudupeneus grandisquamis (Pisces: Mullidae) en el Pacífico central Mexicano

Size composition and reproductive cycle of Pseudupeneus grandisquamis (Pisces: Mullidae) in the Central Mexican Pacific. From June 1995 to December 1998 we used shrimp trawl nets to capture 492 Pseudupeneus grandisquamis in soft-bottom grounds off the central Mexican Pacific (Jalisco and Colima). The ength-weight ratio indicates allometric growth (p = 0.0035L 3.46 y r 2 =0.97). The total sex ratio was 1:1.15 (females: males). Mean total length was 153.8 mm (range 77-236 mm). A progression in length was found: the highest means were observed at the end of 1996 and during 1997. The mean length of females (162 mm) was longer than in males (150 mm). Four gonadic maturity stages were observed in both sexes; in females the most frequently stage was stage IV (mature gonads, 48.6%), while in males it was stage III (gonads in maturation, 45.0 %). Seven microscopic oocyte development stages were identified. Oocyte development seems to be asynchronous. The mature testicle showed sperm inside the lobular lumen and in the duct. The highest values of the gonadosomatic index, as well as the largest percentages of individuals with mature gonads (at macroscopic and microscopic levels), were observed during winter and summer, suggesting that this species has two reproduction peaks by year. The length at which 50% of the individuals show gonads in maturation (L 50) was 183 mm for the females and 181 mm for the males.

[Growth and mortality of the mollusk Pteria sterna in wild banks of Southern Baja California, Mexico]

Revista de biología tropical, 2009

The Gulf of California nacre shell Pteria sterna is an important marine resource in Mexico, and the main species for "half" and round pearl production in the American continent. Wild spat can only be extracted legally for research or culture activities. This study calculates growth and mortality parameters for wild stocks in the eastern coast of Southern Baja California. Height's data (353 dorso-ventral measurements) were taken from 1997 to 1999 at Santa Rosalia, Mulegé and Loreto Bay coast. The maximum length was estimated at 130.35 mm (124.22-136.48 mm, p>0.95). The length frequency data were set in a "virtual year". Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth parameters were calculated in the ELEFAN I routine, the values are: L(infinity) = 156.02 mm, k = 0.48 year(-1), t0 = -0.216 years, C = 0.43, WP = 0.73. and t(s) = 0.5. The growth performance index was phi' = 4.068. The total mortality was calculated from length-converted catch curve Z = 3.34 year(-1). The ...

Biología reproductiva del pargo Lutjanus inermis (Perciformes: Lutjanidae), en el Pacífico central mexicano

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2012

Reproductive biology of the Golden snapper Lutjanus inermis (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) in the central Mexican Pacific. Reproductive aspects and information on the effect of fishery activities over this species stock are scarce, despite the imperative need of effective protection and resource management programs. To support the possible establishment of closed seasons and catch levels for the area, our study aimed to evaluate the spawning season of the Golden snapper (Lutjanus inermis). For this, fish caught by artisanal fisheries in the Navidad, Tenacatita and Chamela bays (Jalisco, Mexico) were sampled monthly from 1999-2008, and analyzed sex ratios, spawning season and size at first maturity. A total of 311 (53.1%) females and 275 (46.9%) males were caught, and the observed sex ratio was 1:0.88. The total length range was 14.4-37.0cm and total weight range from 48-575g. The length at first maturity was 23.9cm TL for females and 23.6cm TL for males. The gonadosomatic index showed two principal reproductive periods in the year (February-April and September-November), when the largest number of mature gonads were observed. Ovaries were of asynchronic development type and seven oocyte development stages were identified. Testicles showed lobular development and spermatozoa were observed in the center of the cysts and in the collecting ducts. It is important to mention that our results support the current suitable exploitation of this species in the area.

Estructura de la población y crecimiento de Pinctada mazatlanica (Pterioida: Pteriidae), Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2018

Se determinó la estructura de la población y crecimiento de Pinctada mazatlanica (Hanley 1856), en Isla Pan de Azúcar, Golfo de Nicoya, entre setiembre de 1993 y setiembre de 1994. Las variables biométricas más apropiadas para la caracterización de la especie fueron la altura y diámetro. La densidad promedio encontrada en el área de estudio fue de 2.42 ± 0.8 ind./m2. La altura y peso máximo encontrado fueron 141.60 m y 496.30 g respectivamente. El crecimiento para la especie de acuerdo a las ecuaciones de von Bertalanffy se r,e por A= 139.5 [1 - e -O .083(t-O .32)-O .55xO .083/2x(Sin2π(t-0.65)-Sin2x.(O .32 - 0.65)J para atura y P= 445.46 [1 _ e-0.083(t -• 0.32)]3 para peso. La tasas máximas de crecimiento fueron de 7.93 m de atura/mes y de 18.57 gimes. La relación altura peso total indica un crecimiento de tipo isométrico y se rige por la ecuación: P=I 5.31 X 10.5 A3.228

Ciclo reproductivo del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) en las costas de Guerrero, México

Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2001

Se estableció el ciclo reproductivo del pargo lunarejo Lutjanus guttatus, un pez de gran importancia comercial. Los organismos se recolectaron mensualmente desde febrero de 1993 a diciembre de 1994. La proporción de sexos poblacional fue de 1M:0.96H y no se encontró una diferencia significativa (P≤0,05) de la proporción esperada de 1:1. Las gónadas se analizaron histológicamente y se describieron las fases de desarrollo gonadal. L. guttatus presenta un desarrollo asincrónico de las gónadas y es un desovador parcial. La actividad reproductiva estuvo presente todo el año aunque con dos períodos reproductivos principales (marzo-abril y agosto-noviembre) representados por altos porcentajes de gónadas categorizadas como maduras y en desove. Estos períodos coinciden con valores elevados del índice gonadosomático (IGS) y valores bajos del índice hepatosomático (IH). El factor de condición (FC) presentó una tendencia similar a la del IGS con los máximos valores durante la época de reproducción y disminuyendo hacia las épocas de reposo. Se considera que el IGS representa adecuadamente la actividad reproductiva y que puede haber una relación inversa entre la actividad reproductiva y el IH.