The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Islamic Education Curriculum in the Concept of the Koran
Atlantis Press, 2021
The curriculum is the most important part of the educational process which serves as the direction of educational goals. Al-Qur'an as a holy book and a source of reference for life has actually given a signal that the importance of curriculum development, especially for Islamic educational institutions, is in accordance with the needs and demands of the times. By using literature analysis and analysis of the verses of the Koran, this research shows that the Koran wants a balance between the curriculum relating to general science and Islamic science. This research comes to the conclusion that the concept of the Koran does not recognize secularism and the dichotomy of the curriculum, but the ideal curriculum according to the Qur'an is an integrated and holistic curriculum.
The dichotomic view that emerges in people's lives has a negative impact on Islamic education in Indonesia. Islamic education in Indonesia began to experience retardation and disintegration due to this dichotomic view. In fact, in the womb of Indonesian Islamic education there are not yet born scholars who have a deep spiritual and intellectual commitment. Therefore, this study offers the concept of Islamic education Muhammad Abduh as a solution. This study aims to elaborate on Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept and show the implications of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept on Islamic education in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study research. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using content analysis. Researchers found that the concept of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education was to educate the minds and souls of students. Impli...
Hunafa: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Kritis-Analitis, 2023
This article discusses the methodology of the Qur'an and its Interpretation developed by Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. Based on the phenomena that for some Indonesians, understanding the Qur'an in depth language original is difficult. The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia presents a translation and interpretation in Indonesian. The method used in the study is library research with descriptive analysis. The result oof the study showed that the method used in the holy Qur'an and its commentary divides the verses in one sura be several groups of verses, determines the topic in each group of verses as the central theme, determines the subthemes to break down the interpretation of a group of verses, namely translation, vocabulary, munasabah, asbāb al-nuzūl, interpretation, and conclusion as well as outlining the performance of each of the sub-themes that have been prepared comprehensively. Method/source of understanding used Interpretation of the Ministry of Religion, namely method bi al-ma'ṡūr. The method of interpretation uses the taḥlīlī method. The style of interpretation is the hidā'ī style and the ʻIlmi style. Keywords: Al-Qur'an and its Interpretation, Methodology, RI Ministry of Religion Abstrak. Tulisan ini membahas metododlogi kitab al-Qur'an dan Tafsirnya karya Kemenag RI. Dilatarbelakangi oleh pernyataan bahwa bagi sebagian orang Indonesia memahami al-Qur'an dalam bahasa aslinya merupakan sesuatu yang tida kmudah. Maka dalam hal ini Departemen Agama RI menghadirkan sebuah terjemahan dan penafsiran dalam bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini yaitu library research dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini menemukanbahwa metode yang digunakan dalam kitab al-Qur'an dan Tafsirnya yaitu membagi ayat-ayat dalam satu surah menjadi beberapa kelompok ayat, menentukan topik pada setiap kelompok ayat sebagai tema utama, menentukan sub-sub tema untuk mengurai penafsiran suatu kelompok ayat, yakni terjemah, kosa kata, munasabah, asbāb al-nuzūl, tafsir, kesimpulan,
Living Qur’an as New Market Trends of Islamic Education in Indonesia
Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2022
This research reviewed living Al-Qur’an as phenomenon and trend in learning Islamic Education in Indonesia. The causing factor is such as the moral panic of parents about modern-contemporary life. Many parents encourage their children to practice the Al-Qur'an, with the hope that the children will be more careful and fortify themselves from a free life. The panicked moral attitude of these parents is used by Islamic educational institutions as a market to gain capital gains, such as establishing an educational house/center based on living Qur'an learning. Several educational institutions also offer the concept of Islamic Boarding School, Tahfidz Center, and compete to use the Al-Qur'an as their product brand. This literature research used a social phenomenological science approach with the living Quran theory. This research found that 1) the trend of living Qur'an education in Islamic learning in Indonesian Islamic educational institutions was as a social impact of t...
Dynamics and New Paradigm of Islamic Education in Indonesia
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
This paper aims to analyze the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia from a historical perspective. This study uses the library to research reference books, journals, archives, documents, and other writings relevant to the title under study. This research is historical research and the object is the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic educational institutions that grew and developed in Indonesia before and after Indonesia's independence. The new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia is through the realization of three dimensions of the substance of Islamic education, namely the acquisition of students towards science; the realization of students towards science in the format of their attitudes or behavior towards the learning environment, and even towards society; and the synergy between the acquired knowledge and their actualized attitudes or behavior in everyday life. Then, a new paradigm of Islamic education emerged, namely the Hadhari paradigm, wh...
Journal Educative : Journal of Educational Studies, 2020
Al-Qur'an and Sunnah Rasul are sources of Islamic teachings, thus Islamic education basically cannot be separated from the two sources. In both of sources, education is known by terms which meaning is related to Tarbiyah. In Qur'an, the meaning of education is often found in the surah with different meanings. The various meanings encouraged the researchers to analyze or examine them in order to recognize the educational terms in Quran and the implications for educators. The researchers used library research in collecting data and the results were analyzed based on deductive mindsets. The analysis shows that there are 12 terms which refers to education, such as Tarbiyah, Talm, Da'wah, tazkiyah, al-Tadris, al-tafaqquh, al-taaqqul, al-tadabbur, al-tazkirah, altafakkur, al-intidzar, and al-tigerizah. The implication of the meaning of education is that educators should possess and instill good qualities in themselves and their personalities. The ideal qualities that they should have are Tarbiyah, da'wah, talm, tazkiyah, al-Tadris, al-tafaqquh, al-taaqqul, al-tadabbur, al-tazkirah, altafakkur, al-intidzar, and al-mauizah as the terms mentioned in the Qur'an. Abstrak Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Rasul merupakan sumber ajaran Islam, maka pendidikan Islam pada hakekatnya tidak boleh lepas dari kedua sumber itu. Dalam kedua sumber tersebut pendidikan lebih dikenal dengan istilah-istilah yang pengertiannya terkait dengan Tarbiyah. Seperti di Al-quran sendiri makna pendidikan banyak ditemukan pada surat-surat al-Quran yang mempunyai makna-makna yang berbeda. Dengan banyaknya makna-makna pendidikan dalam al-quran, penulis mencoba menganalisis atau mentelaah makna dari istilah-istilah pendidikan yang ada pada al-Quran dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui istilah-istilah pendidikan yang ada pada al-Quran serta menganalisis dampaknya terhadap pendidik. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian pustaka dalam mengumpulkan data-data dan hasilnya dianalisis berdasarkan pola pikir deduktif. Hasil analsis memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat 12 istilah yang mengacu pada Pendidikan, seperti Tarbiyah, talm, dakwah,
Implementation and Development of Qur'an Learning Method in Malaysia and Indonesia: An Analysis
The article aimed to analyze the implementation and development of Qur'an learning methods in two cognate countries namely Malaysia and Indonesia. The methodology used was content analysis, one of the research approaches in qualitative research. Data came from author's reading of various theories, expert opinions and research results of previous researchers associated with education and learning of Qur'an. All data then collected, reduced, presented and closed with conclusions. At the beginning of the authors begin with the introduction, further discuss the urgency of learning and teaching of Qur'an, the method of learning Qur'an in the first period of Qur'an is revealed, the obligation to read Qur'an well and correctly, the description of methods and analysis of the implementation of learning Qur'an in Malaysia and Indonesia, factors that influence the success of learning Qur'an and conclude with conclusions. The results of the discussion of this article can at least be an additional reference material for Qur'an observers teachers Qur'an in particular, parents, community and the next researchers related to the study of Qur'an in Islamic education. Abstrak Artikel bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi dan perkembangan metode-metode pembelajaran al-Quran di dua negara serumpun yaitu Malaysia dan Indonesia. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah analisis isi atau (content analysis), salah satu pendekatan riset dalam penelitian kualitatif. Data bersumber dari hasil bacaan penulis terhadap berbagai teori, pendapat pakar dan hasil penelitian peneliti terdahulu terkait dengan pendidikan dan pembelajaran al-Quran. Seluruh data kemudian dihimpun, direduksi, disajikan serta ditutup dengan kesimpulan. Pada bagian awal penulis mulai dengan pendahuluan, selanjutnya membahas urgensi belajar dan mengajarkan al-Quran, metode pembelajaran al-Quran pada periode pertama al-Quran diturunkan, kewajiban membaca al-Quran dengan baik dan benar, deskripsi metode dan analisis implementasi pembelajaran al-Quran di Malaysia dan Indonesia, faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pembelajaran al-Quran dan ditutup dengan kesimpulan. Hasil dari pembahasan artikel ini setidaknya dapat menjadi bahan rujukan tambahan bagi pemerhati al-Quran kususnya guru al-Quran, orang tua, masyarakat dan para peneliti berikutnya terkait pembelajaran al-Quran dalam pendidikan Islam.
This study aims to provide an analysis of al-Qabisy"s ideas based on his book, "Ar-Risala Mufassaah Liahwali Al-Mutaalimin Wa-Ahkam Al-Muaalimin Wal-Mutaalimin" (Detailed letter to the conditions of students and rules for teachers and students). This study is carried out to examine Al-Qabisy"s main ideas in teaching the Quran, and the implications of his ideas in improving the Qur"anic teaching among children. A content analysis method has been used to obtain all research objectives. There are eight key components of Quranic teaching that have been discovered from this study. They are student, teacher, intention, teacher's responsibility, syllabus, schedule, stages of learning, and assessment. These components are very useful in improving the Qur"anic teaching among children. The concepts presented in this article is hoped to be beneficial in improving the teaching of Qur"an among children.
Khatam Al-Quran in Islamic Education Curriculum in Malaysia
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This study intends to explore the role played by J-QAF and Islam Education teachers in achieving the objective of complete recitation of the Quran (Khatam al-Quran) by primary school pupils. The study is focussed on teachers involved in the teaching of J-QAF first level pupils in 2005, now in their fourth year of primary school. The teachers involved have used the best possible strategy and technique in their lessons in order to ensure that Muslims pupils would be able to accomplish Khatam al-Quran while at primary school. Among fourth year pupils, there are some who have achieved complete recitation. However, this has been accomplished through a combination of the pupils' recitation at home as well as in school. Although some pupils have completed, there are still (many) pupils at the level of Iqra' books 1, 2 and 3. So this study is intended to discover the reality of the teaching of J-QAF since it was introduced in 2005.
relevance of the message of the Qur'an to the goals of national education
Linguistics and Culture Review, 2022
Indonesia has a Muslim majority population and has two sources of education that both improve the quality of its citizens' educational resources. The author believes that the two sources, namely the Koran and the national education law, have strong relevance. To prove this assumption, we have conducted a series of studies of educational literature on many literature data published in various educational journals, both national and international. We found the data source through an electronic search on many journals, books, and websites that actively discuss religious and national education issues. After the collection of literature, we further examined the data evaluation system involved in the coding of conclusions drawn after high interpretation to obtain data that answered questions validly and reliably. Based on the data and discussion, we find a high relevance between the messages in the Koran and the goals of national education in Indonesia. It is hoped that this finding w...