Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik Dalam Menciptakan Interaksi Edukatif Pada Pelatihan (Study Pada Diklat Model-Pembelajaran Kota Bekasi Tahun 2019) (original) (raw)
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This study aims to describe the application of the scientific approach from teacher interactions on online learning in class V of 128 Palembang public elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that, the application of the scientific approach from teacher interac tions on online based learning has been carried out but from the 5M step activities there are still some activities that have not been effective on online based learning such as teacher interactions in observing a score of 100, namely the teacher using image media and textbooks There is a score of 100 in the book and Reasoning, namely the teacher gives a task in each meeting that is categorized as very good while the Questioning activity with a score of 50 is there is no reciprocal activity between the teacher and students, Trying to score 33, the teacher only gives a few questions and communicates a score of 16, that is, the teacher does not provide opportunities for student...
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Abstract. The “INTERAKTIF” training was compiled to increase the empathy of school counselor in assisting their students. The “INTERAKTIF” module consist of emotional intelligence and therapeutic communication theory. The research was conducted by untreated control group design method with dependent pretest and posttest samples, which include experimental group and control group. Participants in this reseach consist of 46 junior high school counselors in Yogyakarta. Statistical analysis result using Mixed ANOVA showed that empathy level on experiment group significantly differ from control group (F=4,805, p = 0,034). The final result show that the “INTERAKTIF” training effective in increasing the junior high school counselor’s empathy in Yogyakarta. Keywords : empathy; emotional intelligence; therapeutic communication
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Based on the observations, interviews with PAUD teachers, especially kindergarten teachers in Tumpang District, obtained the following data. (1) Not all Kindergarten teachers in Tumpang gain a deep insight into the nature of the curriculum of 2013. (2) Almost all kindergarten teachers in Tumpang District have not mastered and are skilled in applying science-based learning approach. In relation to that matter, the PGPAUD S1 course participates through community service program that is a training of development of learning tool based on the scientific approach for teacher of IGTKI member of Tumpang District. The methods used in this training are: (1) lectures and questions about the basic concepts of scientific approach in learning in kindergarten, RKH (RPPH) based on scientific approach (2) workshops and training assignments to make learning tools using scientific and based approach curriculum 2013, (3) simulations to pilot learning tools that have been made by participants, (4) disc...
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Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Teknologi Informasi (JIPTI), 2020
The main problem in this research is that the activities and learning outcomes of students in the introductory course have not reached the predetermined standard. The purpose of this study was to increase the Activities and Learning Outcomes of PGSD STKIP Muhammadiya Muara Bungo. The type of research used is PTK. The research subjects of the first semester students (one) of the 2019 /2020 Academic Year , totaling 24 students. Data collection techniques using tests , observation data , activity assessment rubrics. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The results of the study of learning activities can be increased as evidenced by the cycle I to III category is quite active and cycle IV is active category). The scientific approach can also improve student learning outcomes as evidenced by the increasing learning outcomes from cycle I to IV , starting from 3.46 ; 3.73 ; 3,74 ; and 3.86). Thus the scientific approach can increase the activeness and learning outcomes of students in the Introduction to Education course at the STKIP Muhammadiya Muara Bungo.